6 DECEMBER 1975, Page 4


Sir: Robert Lindley's racist argument (Letters' November 22) is courageous but confusing, because he fails to distinguish between genetic and environ" mental factors in the development of racial chat, teristics. If American Indians really are "rtaturallY indolent or "basically" stupid, is it because of the' biological nature or because of the nature of the land, society and history? Is it "surely true" tin': "Jews are as a race decidedly musical," siing4,Y, because so many musicians are Jewish? After a"; most male Jews are circumcised, but this is a cultural rather than a racial phenomenon, and some a the most unmusical people I know are Jews. Is it true" that the Jews "have as a race peculiar,Y unattractive qualities," simply because so inarlY people hate them? After all, Jews tend to find other races unattractive, with good reason, and some of the most peculiarly attractive people I have known Jews, Mr Lindley must do some more careful thinking if he wants to make his argument convincing. Arthur Freernan 84B Whitechapel High Street, London El