6 FEBRUARY 1836, Page 2




America-Opening of Congress : Claims upon France, 2; agreement to the pay- ment of, 25. Fire at New York, 35. Insurrection in Florida, 190. Death of James Madison, 722. Hatred against the Slavery Abolitionists. 866. Belgium-Opening of the Session, 1076. China-Fire at Canton, 292.

Colonies -Canada-Appointment of Mr. Roebuck as Parliamentary Agent, 3. Disagreement of the Canadians. 260. Address to the King, 308, 332. Disso- lution of the Legislature, 524. Refusal of the House of Assembly to grant the Supplies, 1052. Opening of the Parlia- ment, 1171. Jamaica-Opening of the Session, 26. Disagreement between Lord Sligo and the Parliament, 261. Newfsundland-Riots at St. John's on the election of Members to the House of Assembly, 1196.

France -- Opening of the Chambers, 3. Trial of Mr. Beaumont, 50. 98. Exe- cution of Lacenaire and Avril 57. Close of the Examination of Fieschi, 166. Execution of Fieschi, Morey, and Pepin, 198. Reconstruction of the Ministry, 190. Refusal of the King to send an army into Spain, 308. Sentence of the Neuilly Conspirators, 356. Birthday of the King,428 ; attempted assassination of, 620. Trial and execution of Alibeau, 668. Discovery of a conspiracy to assas- sinate the King, 716. Death of Armand Carrel, 716. Dissolution of the Minis- try, 819; Appointment of a new, 859. Attempted revolt at Strasburg, 1052. Death of Charles the Tenth, 1100. De feat of Marshal Clause'. in A &ice,. 1095. Trial of the Vendome Mutineers: sen- tence on the, 1106. Estrangement of the Duke de Broglie from the Doctri- naires, 1196. Rising of the Seine, 1203. Cowardice of General de Rigby, 1219. Claims of the Countess Lipona to the confiscated property of the Bourbons, 1220. Attempted assassination of the King, 1243; detection of the assassin, 1243.

Bollaud-Corn-law passed, 3. Portugal-Marriage of the Queen with Prince Ferdinand Augustus, 50. Open- ing of the Session, 50. Refusal of the Deputies to appoint Ferdinand Corn- mander-in-Chiet 214. Resolution and Declaration of the Constitution of 1S20 ' at Lisbon,890. Conspiracy to overthrow the Constitution, 1064, 1100. Refusal of the Court of Rome to supply money to Don Miguel, 1196.

Russia-Expulsion of Refugees from Cra- cow, 238. Conspiracy against the Em- peror, 500 ; accident to the, 932.

Spain-Raising the Siege of San Sebas- tian, a March of General Evans to Burgos, 3. Desertion of Carlist troops to the Queen, 26. Cruelty of Espartero. 26. Massacre of Carlists at Barcelona, 50; at Santuario del Hort, 166. Dread- ful state of the Legion at Vittoria, 238. Execution of the mother of Cabrera, 261. Opening of the Cortes, 308. Dis- turbances at Saragossa, 332. Marriage a the Queen, 404. Prorogation of the Cortes and resignation of M inisters, 404; appointment of, 428. Attack on the Lines of San Sebastian; 452, 979. Pro- posals of Cordova to Villa Real, 651. Proclamation of the Constitution of 1812 -in Malaga, 764 ; in Madrid, 811. Defeat of Lopez by Gomez. 883. Opening of the Cortes, 1053; Conduct of Rodil. 1075. Confirmation of Christina as Queen Regent, 1148. Defeat of Gomez, 1172; pursuit of, 1196; capture of the booty sent from Algesiras by Gomez, 1196.

Turkey-Treatment of Mr. Churchill, 524 Dismissal of the Reis Effendi for his conduct towards, 668. Conspiracy to assassinate the Sultan, 836.


The Court at Brighton, 26; the King holds a Council to receive the Great Seal from the Chancery Commissioners, 50; arrival of the Duke of Cumber- hied, 98. The King gees in state to open Parliament, 124; address from the Peels. 124; from the Commonr, 126. Celebration of the Queen's bird, day, 196. Accident to the Princess S -

phis, 219. Presentation of the Ambas- sador of the King of Oude, 266. Arri- val of Prince Ferdinand of Portugal.

266; departure of, 316. The King holds an Investiture of the Order of the Bath, 290. Indisposition of the Queen, 362. Birthday of the Princess Victoria, 500 ; departure of the Dutchess of Gloucester for Hanover, 531. Re- moval of the cataracts from the eyes of the Duke of Sussex, 577. King's Birth-

day, 815. The King goes in state to prorogue Parliament, 798. Arrival of the King of Belgium, 889 ; departure of, 912. The King holds an Investiture of the Order of St. George, 992. In- disposition of the Duke of Cambridge, 1124. The King holds a Privy Coun- cil, 1148, 1220, Arrival of Prince Po- lignac, 1156. The Court go into mourn- ing for Charles the Tenth, 1220. The King sits to Sir David Wilkie for his Portrait, 1244. Drays ing-rooms. 196, 290, 386, 433, 577. Levees, 196, 248, 266, 315, 362, 386, 409, 433, 459, 483, 500, 553, 57/. 628, 648, 673, 747, 771, 908. Custom-house robbery: apprehension of the burglars, 4 ; conviction of, 220. Report of the Committee on loss of

life in the Serpentine, 27. O'Connell's Letter to the " Men of Westminster," 28. Illness of Lord Brougham, 32, 125. Appointment of Sir Robert Wil- son to the Colouelcy of the 15th Dra- goons, 34. Resignation of Mr. Retch, 51. Arbitrary conduct of Mr. Laing towards three glee-singers, 51; libera- tion of the men, 75. Laying the foun- dation of the Licensed Victualler's School, 75. Sir F. Burdett's Letters to O'Connell, 76. Indisposition of Lord J. Russell, 79. Election of Mr. Mon- tefiore as a Governor of Christ's Hos- pital, 124. Formation of a Reform Club, 126. Accident on the Greenwich Railway, 243. Case of Mr. Rayner, 266; of Ellen Courtenay, 266. Pardon to the Dorchester labourers, 267. Re- port of the Commission on Military Flogging, 287. Money found at Great Stanmore, 290. Lord Mayor's Enter. tainment to Ministers, 316, 332. Ap- pointment of Lord Brudenell, 317.

Death of Mr. Galvin, 337. Tory Din- ner at Covent Garden Theatre, 362.

Opening of the new Islington Market, 387. General Evens'S Letter to the electors of Westminster, 388. Acci- dents on the Birmingham Railway.

434. Suicide of the Hon. 13. Craven, 485. Report on the state of the Church. 503. Prince of Capua and Miss Smyth, 584. Death of the Duke of Gordon, 504. Dinner at Merchant Tailors Hall, 577. Death of Barry O'Meara, 578.

Norton and Melbourue trial, 601. Ao cident to the Duke of Wellington, 649.

Mr. Harvey's Letter to the electors of Southwark, 651. M'Ghee at Exeter Hall, 673, 721. 749. Funeral of Mr.

Rothschild, 771. Abstract of the Mar- riage Act, 814. Balloon Accident, 815. Dinner on board the Coromandel, 836 ; ascent of the great balloon, 860. Re- port on Joint Stock Banks, 887. Cor- respondence between Mr. Buckingham and Lord John Russell. 889. Case of Agnes Graham. 908, 933. Election of Lord Mayor, 1076. Collision between two steamers, 1005. General Evaue's Letter to the electors of Westminster, 1076. Conduct of Mr. Lechmerc Charl- ton, 1077, 1082, 1101, 1125. Report of the Committee of the London Reform Club, 1101. Formation of the St.

James's Ornithological Society, 1110. Reform meeting at Kennington, 1143. 1179. Effects of the gales, 1154. Death of Mr. M'Adam, 1155. Dinner to Messrs. Hetheriugton and Cleave. 1172. Mr. Fraser and Mr. Grantley Berkeley. 1173. Meeting on the subject of the Gresham Lectures, 1196. Presentation of the Charter to the London Univer- sity, 1196. Meeting at Marylebone on the subject of County Rates, 1197. Loss of notes belonging to the Northern and Central Bank, 1197. Codicil of tlw will of Mr. John Wood, the banker. 1197. Case of the Marquis of Water- ford. 1117. Conduct of lord De Pos. 1202. Belier to the Polish refugees, 1220. Working of the Prisoners Coun- sel Bill in Middlesex. 1221, The snow storm, 1244. Proposed dinner to Messrs. Hume and Byng at Drury Lane Theatre, 1244; to Messrs. buncombe and NI akley at Finsbury, 1244. Mur- der of a female in the Edgeware Road, 1244.

O'Sullivan at Croydon, 4. Address of the Birmingham Union to the King, 28. Establishment of a Reform Association in Hertfordshire, 29. Durham Conser- vative Association dinner, 52. Peter Borthwick and Colonel Napier, 56,102; his action for libel against the Balls Guardian, 363. Dinners to O'Connell at Liverpool, 98; Birmingham. 125; Not- tingham, 332; Hull, 333; York, 363; Ipswich, 505; Bungay. 531. Death of the Bishop of Durham, 197; of Mr. Wood, the banker, 411. Meeting of Dissenters at Bungay, 797. Mr. Butt's letter to the Hull Reform As- sociation, 816. Arrival of Captain Ross, at Hull, 818. Apprehension of a gang of coiners at Liverpool, 838. Case of Mrs. Boys, 863. Manchester Festival, 886. Sir William Molesworth's address to the Electors of East Cornwall, 909; his letter to the Devonport Independent, 1174. Explosion of letters in the Liver- pool Post-office, 935, 956. Death of Madame Malibran, 935; funeral of, 960; disinterment of 1223. Conduct of Bishop Phillpotts at St. Ives, 981. Din. ner of the Council of the Birmingham Reform Association, 1102 ; of the York- shire Agricultural Association, 1102. Appointment of Mr. Austin as Recorder of Hastings. 1127. Reform dinner at South Melton, 1149. Correspondence between Sir W. Molesworth and Sir H. Vivian, 1177, 1197, 1222. Dinner of the Reformers of the South Hams district of Devonshire, 1198. Dinner to Colonel Thompson and Mr.Crawfnrd at Preston, 1221. ; to Mr. Peach at Northampton, 1222. Appointment of Mr. Sergeantson to the living of Kirkby-Steven, 1244. Accident at Lewes iu consequenceof the falling of an avalanche, 1244; at Brigh- ton, 1244; proposed dinner to O'Con-

nell in the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1244; to Sir William Molesworth, Mr.

Leader, and Mr. Roebuck, at Bath,

1244; of the South Derby Tories, 1244. Discontimience of the Manchester Herald, 1245. Decision of Mr. Amos

on the power of the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge to license public-houses, 1241 Wonderful escape at the Tredgar Iron Works, 1245.

Races-Ascot, 532; Doncaster, 910; Eg- ham, 817; Epsom, 484.

Division Lists, 126.

Revenue, 36, 338, 652.

Election of Town-Councillors under the Municipal Act, 6, 7.8, 9,31, 32. Public Meetings-London Dock Stock. 3, 649. For the relief of the whale-fisher- men in Davis's Straits, 27. East India

Company, 124, 815. Shipowner's So- ciety,19S. Shareholders of the Thames

Tunnel, 220. Benevolent Society of St.

Patrick, 267. Bank. 266. 884. Mao- cheater and Liverpool Railway Com-

pany, 720. Central Agricultural Society, 1197. East India Stock Company, 1220.


Exposure of Sir George Sinclair's conduct, 5. Lord W. Bentinek's address to the electors of Glasgow. 149; his election, 176. Meeting of the Synod of Glas- gow. 387. Dinner to Professor Wilson at Paisley, 797. Mr. Peter Campbell's letter to Lord Haddington on the com- parative merits of the Sheriff Small Debts Bill, 865. Lord Brougham's refusal of the Edinburgh invitation, 983. Dinner to Sir John Campbell at Caspar. 1007; to Lord Glenelg at Inver- ness, 1057. Sir Henry Parnell's recep- tion at Dundee. 1107. Present of the Perthshire Liberals to the Marquis of Breadalbane, 1130. Glasgow invitation to Sir Robert Peel, 1130; his refusal of the Edinburgh. 1201. Lord Dalmeny's visit to his constituents at Dunfermline, 1201. Meeting for the formation of an Astronomical Institution in Glasgow, 1225. Mr. Robert Ferguson's address to his constituents, 1202. Refusal of the Town-Council of Glasgow to give the freedom of the city to Sir Robert Peel, 1246. Death of •Sir Michael Shaw, 1128. Meeting at Edinburgh on Church: extension. 1225. Public dinner to Mr. Craig at Dundee; 1246.


Mr. Rutin in and the Irish Turf Club. 5; his retirement from the, 78. Charges of bribery against West and Hamilton, 5, 30 ; suspension of the inquiry into. 34. O'Connell unseated, 461. Lord

Gormanston's letter to the Dublin Post, 30. Conflict and loss of life at I anis- carra, 54. General meeting or the Re- form Registry Association, 77. Dinner to Mr. O'Connell at Tralee, 78. Address to Lord Mulgrave from Tipperary, 197. Address to the Orange Societies. 221. Death of Mr. Ruthven, M.P. for Dub- lin, 317. Third Report of the Poor-law Commissioners, 334. Blowing-up of the statue of William the Third. 364. Election of O'Connell for Kilkenny, 485. Meeting in the Coburg Gardens, 502. O'Connell's letter to the people of Ireland, 649 ; second letter, 675. Mr. Crawford to theelectors of Dundalk, 675. Illness of Mrs. O'Connell. 749. O'Con- nell in Dublin, 772. Meetings of the National Association, 775. 838, 886, 982; Mr. Crawford's address to the. 1056; admission of Reilly, 1105: Mr. Crawford's tithe resolutions, 112S. 1131. 1176, 1224. O'Connell's letters to the Dublin Pilot and the Times, 911. Tithe affray at Dunkerrio, 1033. Death of Mrs. O'Connell, 1058; funeral of, 1080. Charges against Colonel Bruen, 1081. Case of Reilly, 1082. Payment of the Agricultural Bank stopped. 1107. Remuneration to Jurymen : case of the Archbishop of Armagh, 1152. Mistake in the issuing of writs of registration, 1153. Death of Reilly, 1153. Inter- view of the deputation of the Trades, Union of Dublin with Lord Morpeth, 1201. Dinner to O'Connell at Drog lieda, 1224. Case of Murray versus Bruen. 1224.


Disasters at Sea-Wreck of the Horne. 31; Tigris, 722; destruction of the Royal Tar by fire, 1155. Fires-1n London-Spitalfield's Church, 175; Fenning's hart: 837; London University, 957; Bank. 1054. In the Country - Gly nIlifon, 175; Forston, Hall, 197; Prior Park. 532; cotton fac- tory of Messrs. Faulkner and Owen, Manchester, 1200; Loughton Hall, 1201.


Opening of the Session ; the King's Speech, 118. Address, the, 118; divi- sion on the, 123. Agricultural distress, 142. 173, 408.

Ballot, the, 596. Beaumont (Dr.) case of. 771. Bills, engrossing of, 148. Birmingham petition, 174. Births and Marriages, registration of, 143, 577; read a third time in the Com- mons. 627; second reading in the Lords, 670; passed, 719; agreed to in the Commons. 767. Board of Customs, 530. Borough Magistracy : charges against the Government, 192. Breach of privilege : Carlow election. 144; Lord Teynham. 218. Brighton Railway Bill, 746. British Museum. 148. Bri- bery at elections. 195. Buckingham's (Mr.) claims, 174, 196, 552. Budget, the, 409,431.

Canada, 174,286; grievances of the Cana- dians, 481; petition of the, 795. Cape Coast Castle, 531. Capital Punish- ments, 409. Carlist rebellion, 147. Carlow, cruelties in, 195. Catholic Church, discipline in the. 551. Catho- licism, increase of, 315. Chairmen of Committees, votes of, 287. Chancery Reform. 407. Charitable Trustees Bill, 628. Church, pluralities in the, 454; reform of the. 243.647 ; report on the, 668, 716. Church Lands, survey of, 459. Civil Offices Declaration Bill, 794. Clergy nonresidence of the,459. Clyde Navigation Bill, 552. Colonies, disposal of land in the, 552. Commander of, the Forces : Lord Brudenell, 314, 361, 429. Committees, tampering with, 669, 718 ; squabbling in : Colonel Trench and Mr. Rigby Wason. 576. Common Fields Enclosure Bill. 770. Copyright Act : University Privileges, 409. Con- victs from Hampshire, pardon to, 795. Corporations, New. 386. Corporate Property, alienation of, 648. County elections, polls at the, 672; read a

third time. 718. Cracow, occupation of, 264.315. Criminal Law, 552. Cus- tom-duties, 745.

Danish Claims. 673. Dissenting Griev- ances, 218. Divisions in the House of Commons, 173, 218. Divorces, 174. Dorchester Labourers, 218, 265. Dublin

Steam Navigation Bill, 244 ; Steam Packet Company, 439, 459. Durham. Bishopric of, 219, 361. Ecclesiastical Courts, reform of the, 144. Edinburgh Annuity Tax, 409, Edin- burgh Poor-rates Bill, report of the

committee on, 409. Election Commit- tees.193, 529. Elections-Carlow, 166; bribery at, 195. 243, 287, 361, 382 ;

expenses at. 147. Emigration, 672. Enclosure Bill, Over (Cambridge,) 482. Estimates-Army and Ordnance, 243. 360; miscellaneous,529,747, 768; Navy, 217.

Factory bill. 455. Foreign Relations- Russia, Poland, and Turkey, 385. Greek Loau, 719, 771; passed, 794.

Hardy (Mr) ) charge of bribery against, 601. House of Peers, conduct of the majority in the, 790 ; of Commons, business of the, 123 ; fees to officers of the, 148. Imprisonment for Debt, 244, 265, 670. India. affairs of, 669; salt monopoly in, 219. Irelaud,education in, 147, 263 ; County Boards in,219. Irish Police. 171, 356, 428; Exchequer tithe processes.171 ; Poor, 174,336, 430 ; Corporation reform, 174, 214, 238, 261. 285. 308 ; third read- ing in the Lords,312, 380,405, 453.476 ; sent down to the Commons, 477 ; dis- cussion on the Lords' amendments, 541, 572; conference with the Lords, 574; consideration of the Commons' amend. ments, 620; division ou the. 624; refu- sal of the Lords to agree to the amend- ments, 624; postponement of the bill, 626; Church, 404; second reading, 524; Committee on the. 644; read a third time and passed, 716; debate in the Commons on the amendments, 741 ; landlords, conduct of the, 480: Corpo- ration property, 794; Constabulary Bill, 258. Jewish Disabilities; 530, 746, 795. Joint Stock Banks, 456. ilibtiec, Oration of, 574. King William the Third's statue, blowing up of, 362. Ladies' Gallery, 431, 459. Landed Pro- perty, division of, 360. Leith Trinity Harbour Bill, 287. Libel, law of, 148. Light-houses, 147, 218; regulation of, 601. Liverpool Docks Bill, 600. London, Port of, 174; corporation of, 386; plague in, 552. Lords, reform of the, 482, 528. Malta, 551. Malt-duties Bill (Irish), 771. Marine Insurances, 287. Marriage Bill, important mistake in the, 648. Mar- riages, Roman Catholic, 195, 458. Mauritius, 173, 219,286. Medical Wit- nesses at Inquests. payment of, 219. Metropolitan Improvements, 577: Sus- pension Bridge Bill, 601. Military Flogging, 194, 357. Mineral Tithes, 174. Municipal Corporations act, 147, 286; appointment of Magistrates under the, 312; read a third time in the Lords and passed, 576; debate on the amend- ments of the Lords, 647, 764, 794. NI ul- grave's (Lord) Irish Government, 480. New Houses of Parliament, 148, 173. 265, 362. Newspapers, size of, 432. News- paper Stamps, 175, 386.408 ; Committee in the Lords on the, 769.

Orangemen in the army, 147. Orange Societies, 190,241. Orders of the House, breach of the, 577.

Paper, duty on, 196.600, 648. Parliament, Bishops in, 409; salaried Members of, 627. Parliamentary papers,148. Paro- chial Assessment Bill, 695. Pension. list, 315, 331. Pensions-duties Bill, 771, Polish Refugees, relief of the, 123. Poole Municipal Election, lit 195. 218, 459. Poor-laws in Ire land, 147, 458 ; operation of the,745. Prisoners at Ham, 530. Prisoners' Counsel bill. 173, 217; read a second time, 601; a third time, 671; Lords' amendments referred to a committee. 718, 794. Private Bills, 219, 746. Promotions, naval and military, 530. Public Schools Bill, Aberdeen, 195. Public Walks, 432.

Railroads, 194, 218, 575, 628, 669. Regis- tration Bill: Marriage Bill, 143 ; of Aliens, 144. Record Commission,. 175. Royal Dublin Society, appointment of a Committee to inquire into the affairs of the, 287. Russian policy and power, 174.

Sabbath, observance of the, 385, 481, Sailors, enlistment of, 361. Scottish Court of Session, 601. Scottish Univer- sities Bill. 627. Scotland, Church of, 488; discipline of the, 718. Scotch Small Debts Bill, 747. Session, close of the, 812. Sidmoutb's (Lord) Pen- . sion, 45. Slavery Abolition act, work- ing of the, 284. Soap and Newspapers, taxes on. 591. South Metropolitan Cemetery Bill,672. Spain, af- fairs of: • British intervention, 194, 264, 361, 648, 746. 795. Spirit Liceoces, 244, 628. Stafford, Borough of,147. Stamp-duties,

consolidation of the, 261, 362, 671 • read a third time and passed, 719. Stanneries Courts Bill, 794. Statute- Labour iu Scotland, appointment of a Committee to inquiry into, 196. Stem- ford.disfranchisement of, 361. Sta- tutes, printing of the, 553. Sugar-duties. 600.

Taxes, commutation of, 286. Tea-duties. 600. Timber-duties, 244. Tithes- English, 193; debate on, 285, 360, 432,

454; read a third time in the Commons, 628; a first time in the Lords, 628; se-

cond time, 647; passed, 747; Irish, 459. 626. Todmorden Enclosure Bill, rejection of the. 287. Trade with Per- Ingsl, 265. Troutbeck Case, 673, 747. Voters, registration of, 147, 386, 409. 482, 577, 601, 746; read a third time and taken to the Lords, 770.

Woolwich, inquests at, 409. The Prorogation. 813, TOPICS OF THE DAY.

A Few Words on Several Subjects. 872. " A Bold and Decided Policy, ' 1039. Agitation at the Opera-house, 586. Agriculturists-Prospects of the. 60; Re- port of the Committee on, 319: Second Report : Joint Stock Banks, 414; Sir Charles Knightley's " Boon" to the Washerwomen. 609; Mr, Shaw Le- fevre's Advice to. 822.

Another New Colony: Conduct of Coln nel Arthur, 752.

" Appeals to the Sessions." 464. Army -System of Punishment in the, 295; Reform of the. 342; Irresponsible Government of the, 390.

Aristocratical Whigs, Policy of the, 1182. Ballot, the, 609.

Bank, Prospects of the, 1058. Baron &Aland and the Press, 368. Bribery at Oxford : Appointment of Dr. Hampden, 225, 294. British Association, Sixth Meeting of the, 823, 848.

Brougham - Refusal of the Edinburgh Invitation, 939; and Lord Melbourne, 964.

Chancery - Necessity for an Effective Court of Appeal, 11 ; Appointment of Judges, 59; Case of Small versus Att.- wood, 367; Mock Reforms in, 413.

Church-Alienation of Property, 38; Spring Rice and the Irish Church Ques- tion, 106; "Too Much Church," 129; Reduction of Tithes on Landowners, 152; Plan for Building New.438 ; Prin- ciples of Irish Church Reform, 535; Tory Opposition to the Irish Tithe Bill, 654: " Begging Letters," 679; Cathedral Music in Danger, 681 ; Perpetuation of Pluralities, 727 ; Exposure of, 752; Plan of English Church Reform, 800; Neces- sity for a Dissolution of Church and State, 914; Glance at the Church in the Three Kingdoms, 965 ; Retaliation on the Protestants in Ireland, 990; " The Poor Man's Church," 1039; In- adequacy of the Appropriation Clause, 1059 ; Subscriptions for Building New. 1136 ; Jobbing in the, 1160 ; Hatred to Irish Protestantism,1182 ; State of the, 1208; Speech of Mr. O'Malley to the Irish Association, 1230; " Folly " of Resisting Legal Injustice, 1254.

Colonies - Complaints against Lord Glenelg, 83; Misgovernment of the,152 ; Specimen of Conservative Reform, 177; Colonial Office Trickery, 557, 894; In- quiry into the Disposal of Waste Lands, 820; Report of the Committee, 917. Comparative View of the Sessions of 1835 and 1836, 751.

Comparison Between the Whigs and Radi- cals, 914.

Conduct of the Cornwall Vfleigs towards Sir William Molesworth, 1013. Conservative Opposition : a Picture by the Times, 37.

Corn-laws and Clergymen,178 ; Encroach.

ments on the Cotton and Corn-trade, 270 ; Prosperity and Distress, 1111. Corporate Charities, 278. Corporation Reform - Compensation to Dismissed Officers, 37.

County Rates, Inquiry into, 992. Crown Prince of Hanover, 84. Customhouse Abuses, 536.

Death of Madame Malibran, 943.

Divisions in the House of Commons, Im- provement in the Mode of Taking, 200; Withdrawal of Strangers on, 225; Cons. plaints of Members, 295.

Dundee Water Bill. 895.

Edinburgh Logic Chair and Mr. Combe, 559; Relation between Phrenology and Christianity, 610; Election of Sir Wil- liam Hamilton, 703.

Edinburgh Academy : Prejudice against Classical Education, 846.

Elections- Preparations for the Next, 59 ; Lord William Bentinck for Glasgow, 199; Saying Too Much, 270; Dublin Committee, 270. 509; Intimidation of Electors, 439; Law and Practice, 535; Election Statistics, 1112, 1135; Conduct of Sir William Molesworth, 1132; Com- parative Strength of Parties, 1231. Elphinstone (Lord), Appointment of.319. English Tithe Bill, Abstract of the, 871. Fieschi, Execution of, 201.

" Forewarned is Forearmed." 557. Grievances of the Dissenters. 728. House-Burning System, 879. Hull, Town-Council of, :and their Tory Clerk, 60.

Imprisonment for Debt, Abolition of, 271.

Inuia-Petit ion to Parliament, 702; Sin- gapore Petition against Taxation, 752. Ireland-Poor-law for, 105; Municipal Government of, 251; Report on the Poor-law, 340, 366; on Waste Lands, 437; Lendhurst's Bill Oar, 487; Agita- tion he 776.

Law of Primogeniture, 367. Liverpool Docks, 5S4. Lordly Legislation, 845. Magistrates-Partiality of, 128; appoint• ment of 342.

Malta, Misgovernment of, 438. Mary Magdalene, 631. Mendelssohn's" Panl," 992.

Million Loan : " Big Beggarmen." 680. Ministry-Radical Support of the, 83; Prediction of the Standard, 199; Look

Forward ! 436; Impossible Compro- mise, 487 ; "The O'Connell Ridden," 438; State of the Game. 506 ; Position and Prospects of Ministers, 582 ; M inis- terial Plan and Our Own, 608; Cabi- net and Open Questions.1058 ; State of Parties, 1086; Lambeth Meeting: Con- fidence in Ministers, 1159; Talk of the Clubs, 1181. 1206; Intention of the Reform Bill, 1206; Remmers in the House of Commons, 1230.

Mistakes of Legislators, 914. Mulgrave (Lord) Administration of, 12. Musical Retrospect, 754. Newspapers-Reasons for Abolishing the Tax 00, 83 ; Warning to Ministers, 414 ; Frauds Detected, 609; Legislating for, 776.

O'Connell -- A Conservative, 173; for Westminster. 250; Poulett Scrope yams O'Connell. 508 ; "Mighty Great Liars," 631; his View of English Hostility to Ireland,799 ; Mistake of, 870 : " Policy " of, 1134; Death and Character of, 1159.

One King, One Allegiance, and One Law, 251.

Parliament-When will Ministers Dis- solve the Peel Parliament ? 11; in Peril, 82 ; Bishops in. 413; Private Bill System : Lord Stanley's Vote, 488; Substitute for Committees on Private Bills, 509; Politics for the New Year, 1250.

Peel-Policy of, 11 ; " Orange Peel." 200 The Gnat and the Camel, by Sir Ro- bert, 251: Accommodating Conscience of, 391; Caution of. 583.

Peers-Conduct of the, 36; Approaching Struggle of the, 294; and the Commons, 389, 582; Bill for Reforming the Juris- diction of the, 391; Irresponsibility of the, 463; Prelates versus Pluralities, 463; Jobbing of the. 678: Purity of the, 701; Abolition of.989. 1060.

Peerage Reform-Mr. Grove Price's Mo- tion. 507; Plan for Refunoitig, 650; Why do not the People Agitate for? 845; Various Opinions on, 870; A Practical Question, 893; Spectator's View or 1012; Tory Plan of, 1060; Preparations for a General Election, 108a.

Phillpott's (Dr.) Abuse of the Law and the Legislature, 990.

" Picture " of a Parson. 106.

Policy of " Resistance," 726. Political Odds and Ends, 820.

Post-office Reform, 536.

Railways, 320; Origin of, 392.

Registration-Misconduct of Overseers, 128; Amendment of the, 226; Bill for More Effectual. 680: Warning to Re- formers, 776; Standard's Returns, 1207.

Report ou the Commerce and Manufac- ture of Switzerland. 822; Moral and Physical Condition of. 846; Prosperity and Democracy in, 967. Rock (Capt.) and Lord Lyndhurst, 583. " Rural Police," 1111.

Scotch University Reform, 654. Serpentine, Drownings in the, 12. Sir John Campbell at Edinburgh, 1013. Spectator and its Readers, 726.

Spectator and Examiner, Controversy be- tween the, (Rime It adicales) 1013, Ion; and the Mere Whigs, 1159 ; Examiner s " dirty work again." 1009 ; tricky mis- representation of Spectator's " Consist. ency," 1082.

State of Public Opinion iu France, 753; and Prospects of Parties, 940. Steam Husbandry: Reclamation of Bogs, 655.

Stop to " Hops," 1061. Taxes on Knowledge, Petition from the " Smiths " of Londou.295.

To Lord Melbourne, 678. Tories-Prospects of the, 38; Miscalcula- tions of the, 105, 343; Lord Stanley's Desertion to the, 152; " Gentlemen" versus "The People," 177; Lies of the. 178; Tory Festival at Covent Garden, 367; and Trimmers to he Turned -Out at the Next Election, 557; Decline of Toryism, 558; Tory Strength in the Commons, 583; Character of tlie. 608 ; Belligerent Policy of the, 631; Tory Tactics, 654; Plans of the, 678; Tory Operatives, 846: Political Dinners, 893 ; Tory Prospects in Middlesex. 1087; Pretended Conversion of the Masses to Toryism, 1087; Signs of the Times, 1113, 1136; Wakefield Dinner : the Valiant Tories, 1181; Proceedings at the Horse Guards, 1253.

Trip to Boulogne, 784. Turnpike Trusts, Report on, 964. Varieties of Whig-Radicalism, 989. Waste Lands, Enclosure of. 777. Westminster, Representation of, 1087. What will the Commons do with the Lyndhurst Bill? 506.

" What is to be Done ?" 941.

Whig-Radical Union, 701. Who is to Blame for the Bishops' Bill ? 727.


Account of the Zoolns, 706; of the War in Portugal. 227, 730 ; of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, 1184.

Adventures of Bilberry Thurland, 876; in the Moon, and Other Worlds, 1117; Captain Patemon"s, 1138. Almanacks.66, 1165.

Althorp Picture-Gallery-Lady Alice, the Flower of Ossorye.878. American in England, 85.

Analysis of Measly in Woman, 685. Angler's (an) Rielblee. 826.

Arctic Laud Ex ition, 513.

Aratage (Mrs. , or Female Domination Astoria, 1015.

Athens anti Attica. 659.

Backwoods of Canada, 133.

Bar-Sinister (the). 155. Ben Brace, 183.

Berkeley Castle, 706.

Biographical Reminiscences of George Pilkiugton, 921.

Birth.Day and Other Poems,707.

Book of Human Character, 1210.

Book of Table Talk, 829.

Borders of the Tamer and the Tavy, 205. British Empire, Statistical Account of the, 1255.

Bulwer's France, 62.

Cabinet of Modern Art, 1235.

Caius Marius, the Plebeian Consul, 803.

Campaign with Zunialacarregui, 252.

Captivity in France, Langton's, 299. Cavaliers of Virginia. 877. Challenger, Wreck of the, 65. Chinese( the)-an Account of China, 418.

(legalese " Eye " on Cinnamon and

Pearls, 87.

Civilization, 684.

Classical Antiquities, 853. Cleveland (Mrs.) and the St. Claire, 109. Coins of the Romans relating to Britain 299.

Comic Annual, 1235.

Confessions of au Elderly Gentleman, 995. Continent in 1835. Eloppuss's,1032. Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain,708.

Country c'urate's Autobiography' 1001.

Court and Camp of Don Carlos, 658. Cruiee of the Midge, 134. Deformities of the Chest, Coulson on the, 879; ou the Hip-joint, 1043. Desultory Man. 971. Devoted (the), 228. Diary of a Desennuyee. 683.

Digestion and Dietetics, 440. Dublin Review, 444.

Duke of Moumouth, 1211.

Early History of Egypt, 803. Economical Progress of the Nation, 968. Economy of Health, 1063.

Edith of Ghnirnis, 109.

Eight Sermons, Henslowe's, 803. England in 1835, 322. Ensor on Natural Theology, 1092. Essays on a Few Subjects of General In- terest, 206; on Printing, 588. Excursions in Switzerland, 586.

Exercises for Ladies, 43.

Fallacy of the Art of Physic, 1163. Geology and Mineralogy considered with

-reference to Natural Theology, 945.

Germany in 1831, 681. Glauces at Life, 900.

Gossip's Week, 634.

Governes3 (the), 293. Great Metropolis, 1143.

Hand-book fur Travellers, 802.

Henrietta Temple, 1186. Hints on Etiquette. 300. Highlands and Isles of Scotland, 707. History of Greece, 64. 684; Europe. 491; Brazil, 585; Irish Banking. 733; Ed- ward the Black Pruice,801 ; Party, 1015.

Historical Treatises, 1018, 1041.

Home, 613.

Impressions of America, 107; ,England. 1090.

Inklings of Adventure, 443. Irish Local Disturbances and the Irish Church, 253.

Japhet in Search of a Father, la Jerniugham. 657. Jonathau Jefferson Whitlaw, 634.

Journey from Lima to Para,416; through Arab a Petreati, 538.

Journal of the Movements of the British Legion, 683. Lectures on the Evidences and Doctrines of Christianity, 947. Letters of a Conservative on the English Church, 397; a Representative to his Constituents, 1088.

Life of Howe, 370; the First Earl of Shaftesbury, 466; Lord Clive, 778; Black Hawk, 828; Life of Goldsmith.

1232; and Times of William the Third, 163; Literary Remains of Hazlitt,633: and Correspondence of Lady Mary Wortley Montague. 1161. Lionel Wakefield, 1164.

Literature of the Annuals, 993,1064.

Lives of Eminent British Statesmen, 444; Literary and Scientific Men of Great Britain, 1091.

Lord Bolden, 587.

Maberly (Mrs.), 1211. i Madrid in 1835. 729.

Magician (the). 537.

Mascarheuas (the), 468.

Memoirs of Sir te dliarn Blizard, 86; Sir

William Temple, 154; Sir Humphry Davy, 203; Lucien Bonaparte, 1062. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans, 827. Merchant's Daughter. 1137.

Midshipman Easy, 853. MissionaryJounad,ArchdeaconWies, 205. My Note-book. 16. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, 1115.

National Education, 442, Nature Considered as a Revelation; 1140. Nuttall and Gifford's Juvenal, 6o9. Oakleigh Shooting Code, 758. Old World and the New, 945.

On the Deaths of some Eminent Modem Philosophers, 300. Ornithological Biography,19,42. Overland Journey to India, tin. Paley's Natural Theology, illustrated by Brougham and Bell. 563.

Paris and the Parisians in 1835, 40.

Pamphlets and Papers on the British Trade with China, 314. Pell Records during the Reign of James Ow First, 611.

Poetry, 732. Political Econorny,132, 1801 of Railroads, 181; History of England, 1189. Portugal, Gallicim and the Basque Pro- vinces. lilt.

Posthumous Memoirs, Wrazall's, 561.

Practical Mercantile Correspondence, 299 ; View of Homoeopathy, 996. Priors of Prague, 444.

Professional Practice of Architects. 899.

Premiss and Present Position of Russia,


Quarterly Review., 755. Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots. 1185 Random Recollections of the House of

1.01111, 4L.

Rationale of Religious Inquiry, 538. Rattlin the Reefer, 703.

Refutatien of Combo's Philosophical Er- rors, 825.

Religion of the Universe. 348.

Reliquesof Father Prout. 300.

Residence at ConstantIntyle, 512: in Norway. 849 : France. 900. Romance of istory -In lia, 41; Nal me, 660.

Rudiment of Chemistry , 91/3. Sacred Poetry of the Seventeenth Cen-

tury, 2%9. Saunter in Belgium. 467. Schloss Hainfeld, 611.

Seven Ages of England, 854.

Seymour of Medley, 275. 297.

Sir Frizzle L'umpkiu and Nights at Mess,


Sketches by Box, 182; Second Series. 1234; of Germany and the Germans, 395. Southey's Cowper. 181, 373.

Spain Revisited, 273. Spain, Revolutions of, 12:34. Statesman (the). 490. Suggestions to Yonne Attornies, 155. Summer in Spain, 493.

Tales of the Woods and Fields, 564.

Three Eras of Woman's Life, 466. Tin Trumpet, 1811. Tour Round Ireland, 372; through the Manufacturing Matti. ts, 492; in Nor-

mandy, 659; to the Loire and La

Vendee, 970.

Traits anti Trial. of Early Life. 733. Translation of Aristophanes, 1209. Translation of Theocritus, Bion, and Mosehus, 349.

Travels in Greeoe and Turkey. 851. Twelve Months in the British Legion,969. Vindication of the E n gl ish Con st it u ti on. 14.

Violin, Duhourg on the, 757.

Visit to Sierra Leone. 346.

Vocal Melodies of Scotland, 878. Volpi's Poems, 877.

Wellesley Despatches, 893, Wood Leighton. 514.


Addreas to t he People of Great Britain Ex. planatory of our Commercial Relations with China. 88. Advice to Purchasers of Horses, 540. A Garland of Love. 44. Analysis of the Bible. 1019. Anti- pathy ; or the Confessions of a Cat- heter, 255. Annual Biography and Obituary. 19. Aphorisms of Junius,

373. An Apology for Lord Byron, 539. Assembled Commons, 230. Ae, tronomy for Sclasls. 325. A utobio- gratuity of Martin Luther. 539. Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, 275. Book of Flowers.275. Botanist's Manual, 804. Britannia after the Romans, 900. British Quixote, or the Surprising Ad ventures of Don Poplin. Knight of the Warring Dragon,230: Colonial Library, 325; Song Blois, 540. Carpenter's Dissertatious, 972. Catholi con (the). 374. Chambers's Educa- tional Course: Introduction to the Sciences. 636. Charges against Custom and Public Opinion, 541. Chances and ' Changes. 419. Cherville's First Step to French, 110. Chess Made Easy. 636. Choir (the) and the Oratory, 1187. (Christian Lseou, 1019, Christian Atonement, 255. Chronology of the Old Testament and its connexion with Profane History. ra. Church and Dissent Considered in their practical influence, 1066, Child. the, at Home, 89. City of London Corporation An- nual, 110. City and Port of Bristol, 374. Colloquial Guide, 637. Compen- dium of Natural Philosophy, 374. Con- fession of Faith of the Church of Eng- land, 89. Contrast. or the History of a Day. 1067. Critical Remarks on Life and Mind, 931.

Dalearnan (the). 1067. Day In the Woods, 418. Dissertations, Lunt Carpenter's. 972. Domestic Financial Guide, 19. Distribution of Wealth, 1187. Descrip- tion and Explanation of a Universal Character, 88. Discourse on the Pro- gress of Science and Literature.

Edward. the Colander's Sou, 637. Ele-

aliments of Arithmetic, 1188. Elticida- tioas of Interesting Passages in the Samara Volume, 19. Euglish House- kecler. 972. Essay on the Nature, the Raid, and the Means of Imitation of the Firm Arts, 1114. Esther of Eu- gaddi, 539. Evils which may Arise to

I the Coustiustion of Groat Britain from the Ittametme of a too Powerful Nobi- , lily, 1066. Ertmiog Ifours,1118. Even- ings A broad, 156. Excursions I Ilustra- j the of the Geology and Natural His- tory of Lb. Environs of Edinburgh, 637 Extracts from the l'rose Works of John M dtun. 325.

Family t:itele. Anecdotes of the. 373. Fellow Cumnomer, 418. Female Im-

provement 606 Female Stodeut, ur

Lectures is Young Loners 1188. Flora

Met ropulita na, 275. Flowers 111111 Fruit frgm 0141 English Gardens. 925 First Book of Arithmetic, fur the Use of Selliols, 225. Friendly Advice to Servants, t. ho Profess to Belong to the

Church of Christ, 804 Forsaken (the), 1118. French Self Instructor, 1111. Garden of Language, 230. Geoffrey Rude!, or the I'ilgrim or Love. 419 Glossurs of Terms used in Architec- ture, 636. Grammar of the Hebrew Language of the Old Testament. 230. Grammatical Spelling Book. 972 Guide to the lienvvolent and Religious Socie- ties of London, 255 ; to St. Petersburg and altacow. 540; to the Lakes of Eligauel. 636; to the Readl ig of the Greek Tragedians, 927. Happy Isle, the. 18. Hellenic Kingdom and the Greek Nation. 1187. Hints to the Chi/sots of London. 540. Ilistory of Rome, 43; of New York, 156; Charles the Fifth. 275; and Antiquities of the Round Church at Little alitplestead.

Essex, 275; the Reformatiou, 373; Bri- tish Quadrupeds, 804, 925; Etigland. 971; and Present Slate of the British

Empire, 325; and Description of Mo- dern Wines, 255; of the War in the Peninsula, 1187. (historical Conversa- tions. 19 ; soul Descriptive Acconnt ur China. 325 ; Account of the Circum- navigation of the Globe, 1018, Homoeo- pathy Examined, 1067.

Ideagraphy, 804 Internal Evidences of Chlistiouity Deduced from Phrenology. 804.

Juvenile Every Day Book. 1067. Lady's Cabinet Lawyer, 1188. Laird of Logan, 1118. Lays of Poland, 972. Lecture on the Character and Duties of a Physician. 156. Legacy to Peri, 1067. Lessons for the Heart, 924. I.et- ter to Sir Benjamin Brodie on Spinal Deformities, 924. Library of Fiction. 373; Anecdote, 540. Life of Prince Talleyratul, 19; and Times of Rienzi. 43; and Voyages of Captain Cook.156; of Milton, 419; and Works of Cowper. 156; of Lorenzo de' Medici. 637. Lon- don and Westminster Review, 324. London Journal, 231. London Review, 88. Loves of the Font- Roses. 113.

Manual of Judaism. 1019. Map of the Country Thirty Miles round London. 901. Marriage the Source and Perna.- tion ol Social Happiuess.1019. Master- pieces of English Prose Literature, 109. Meadow Queen. 925. Meetings for Amusing Knowledge. 636. Memoirs of Mrs. Stallybrass. 19; Prince of the Peace, 131; Prince of Canino, 1018. Mother, the. at Home. 89. Mysteries of Providence and the Triumph of Grace. 539.

Naked Truth. 1188. Narrative of a Resi- dence of Two Months at Kilkee, 1066.

Naturalist, (the). 805. Nature Consi- dered as a Revelation, 1118. New English Grammar, 1188. Noureddio. 539. Numismatic Journal, 635. Nur- sery, Book, 541.

Observations upon Corporal Punishments iu the British Army. together with a Plan to Provide Seamen for the Navy

Without Impressment 156 156; on the Curiosities of Nature. 636. Old World

and the New, 900. Old Toby's Address to his Friends, 541. Ornithological Bio- graphy. 19. Ornithologists Text Book, 510. Overthrow of the Roman Empire, and the Foundation of the Principal European States. 170. Parents Guide for the Mental and Physi- cal Education of their Children, 1067.

Parliamentary Companion. 89; Vote.

Book, 110; Guide,230; Test-Book, 374. Peter Parley's Tales of the Sea. 230.

Pedestrian Tour Through 1347 Miles of England Wales, 1187. Peerage of the British Empire, 1187. Pailosophy of Education. 1188. Phrenology. Philoso- phy of. Simplithal. 637; a Key to. 637; Thoughts on, 637; Physical and lu- tellectual Constitutions of Mau Consi- dered, 253. Pilgrims of the Thames, 1187. Pilgrim (the) and Other Poems,

539 Pickwick Mb, 373, 805. Piero.

rial Bible, 230. 1018. Piscatorial Re- miniscences, 110. Popular Manual of the Art of Preserving Health, 44; Ma- thematics. 804; Surgery. 804: Geogra- phy. 636. Poetic Wreath, 637. Practical Observations ou Homoeopathy, 44 ; Mechanics Pocket Guide, 901. Prin- ciples of Descriptive and Physiological Botany, 156; of Perspective. 636; of Physiology applied to the Preservation of Health and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Education, 637. Prize List of the Edinburgh Academy. 901. Professions, (the). 373. Progres- sive Exercises in Historical Reading, Progress of Philosophy Among the An- cients, 804.

Recollections of an Artillery Officer, 635. Reflections on the Trial of the Prince de Polignac and his Colleagues,88. Re- port ou the Commerce or the Ports of New Russia, Moldavia, and Wallachia, 633. Roman Catholic Church in Scot- land, 109. Rookwood Illustrated, 540. Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons. 1066. Satire on Satirists, 1187. Scripture Cabinet, 89. School-Boy, 110, Scottish

Monthly Magazine, 539. Seleetion of Games at Chess, 9/5. Select Plays from Shakapeare.. 1019. Senti,nent of Flowers. 89. Sit ler Gun. 8d - i t p' itied Marriage Act. 972. Sir Of :M. awl Oilier Poems, 1019. SOngs and Lyrical Poems. 1067. South A ustraki, Colo- nization or 419. Stamno.rit.g ill111 Other Impeohnents of Speech. 540. Swans Engine. 19. Story Withuntau End, 83 Stories SW Holyday El en nos 637. 'flatlet of Juvenile Mentor). 1086. fa'es of the English, 43; of the Sen. 230; of the Glen. 89; About Great Britain and Ireland, 805; in Verse. 1067; of Fashion and Reality. 63l3 ; and Sketches by the Ettrick Shepherd. 1 I tui3 Topo- graphical. Statistical. anti Dontsm ic Ilistory of France. 1187. Travellina Opinions and Sketches in Russia and Poland. 419. Training system Adopted in the Model Schools or the Glasgow Educational Society. 924. Treatise on the Progress and Shedding or the !Ito man Teeth. 805; on the. Marriage and Registration ACIa.972: on the Natural Ilistory and Classiticatiou of Birds, 1018.

Uncle Philip's Conversations shout the Whale Fishery and Polar Seas, 1118.

Vale of Latarerne. 419. Visudeleur, or Animal Magnetism, 972. Violet, or the Dausense, 924. Visionary (the), 540. Vincent de Paul (St.) and the Sisters of Charity,540. Walker's Reading and Writing, or Im. proved Spelling- Book, 83. Words%orth's Poetical Work., 1188.

Youthful Impostor. 255. Young Divine (the), 637. Young Lady's Story-Teller, 637.


Adelphi - Luke Somerton. 81; Rienzi, 130; Doom of Marano. 963; Sir Roger de Coverly, 1010 ; A Flight to America. 1044; Queer Subject. 1158 ; Pentium or the Passage of the lieresina. 1183. Charles Kern1,1e's Leave-taking, 1229. Christmas Theatricals. 13, 1249.

Covent Garden-The Separation, 202; Zit- zezizozu. 3:39; Rose of the Alhambra. 462; Ion. 505 ; Sexton of Cologne. 581; Hindou Robber, 939; 'flutlaba the De- stroyer, 1136.

Drury Lane- Provost of Bruges. 151; C Very Chase. 223; Maid of Artois, 556; Siege of Rochelle. 936; Appearance of Mr. Forrest. 1010; Siege of Corinth, 1034; the Wrecker's Daughter, 1156; the Devil on Two Sticks. 1159.

French Plays, 365, 412,490,537; termina- tion of the. 754.

Olympic-One Hour. or the Carnival Ball, 61 ; the Barrack-Room, 1084; the Emi- grants, 1137. Othello at the two Great Theatres, 1040. Queen's-The Delnaion, 130.

St. James's-Monsieur Jacques. 61 ; the Mendicants. 130 ; Delicate Attentions, 1137 ; Village Coquettes. /la

St- James's "Oberon." 1249.

Strand Theatre-Paiuter of Ghent, 412; Othello. 490.

Theatrical Interruptions, 8L Visit to the " Little Haymarket," 724.


Anderson's (Mrs.) Concert, 465. Approaching Musical Festival, 391. Ballet (the ). 252, 370, 395, 440. Benedict's Concert. 610.

Blagrove's Quartet Party, 415. Umbra's Concert, 556 Commemoration of Purcell. 724.

Crotch's " Captivity of Judah," 489. De lierioCa Concert, 556.

Drury Lane Oratorios, S02. Early English Opera, 490. English Opera-house - Lucille, or the Story of a }least, 339; Witch's Son, 462; Mateo Falcone. 556; Farmer's Story, 581: closing of the, 1113; Italian Opera Buffs, 1204; Un' Avrentura di Searamuccia, 1250.

Exeter Hall Festival, 368.394.

Italian Opera. 251.370,394, 610, 632. Liverpool Festival, 966. Madame Malibran, 439.

Madrigal Society, 1011. Moschele's Concert. 465.

Musical Festivals, 777, 869.

Musical Gossip. 121.7. New Musical Publications, 207, 277, 590, 614, 686. 830, 1020, 1141.

New Opera. 510. Norwich Festival, 915.

Ole-Bull (Mr.) 511. Perry's Oratorio, 126, 179. Philharmonic Concerts. l07, 202, 252, 296, 369, 415, 464. 511. 560.

Society Armouica, 569.

Spahr's " Uneudlicher Gott." 415. Vocal Concerts, 129,1'79.223.27'2,394, 439.

Worcester Festival, 943.


Arts and Manufactures, Parliamentary Report on, 1067.

British Institution-New Pictures at the, 1 11, 206; by British Artists. 134 ; by the Great Masters, 589; Abuses of the, 806.

British Museum Works of Art lathe 1188. Bust of Shelley, 566. Cola net ofGenta. 1092; of ModernA 0.1118.

Cart000s by Leonardo doe V ma, 135.

Chalou's soollections of the Italian Opera. 1835 302. Colosseum, Arabs at the. 486.

Designs for t he New I lonsesof Parliament,

10, 151, 250, 300 ; Barry's, 393, 790.

Diorama. 276.

Drawings by Coreggio and Parmegiano,

44 ; or Raffselle. 549. 560.

Ego ptian A utiquities. 709. 1033,

E alarmed Works of British Painters, 829. Erection of the Statue of George the Third. 751.

G iraffes 't he), 520 Gossip of the W orld of Art, 469. 948. Hall's ( Mrs ) Book of Gems, 1045. Hanting's sketches at Hume and Abroad, 420.

Harding'a Portfolio, 1213. Hay don's Lect tires. 326. 446 .

II It 's Political (71t1 ic,tores. 686.

Hints fora Reform of the Royal Academy, 1212.

Hints For forming Provincial Galleries of Art. 1019. 1236.

ilolyday Ansuaementa 320. Illustrations of the Annuals, 873, 997, 1020.

Lawrence Gallsry. 349. 4.'3; Drawings of Michael Angelo, 660; Collection of Drawings, 805. National Instruction in the Art of Design, 67.

New Rotund Game. 10.

New Prints. 231. 326, 350, 541, 925, 1020.

1045. 1093, 1118.

New Water-Colour Society, Exeter Hall 349.

Original Drawings by the Three Caned. 231.

Panorama of Lima, 293.

Pictorial Periodicals. 111, 350; Album, or Cabinet of Paintings. 1118. l'l-,u for Govertonent Encouragement of Art. 925.

Portraits of Malibran. 1045.

Pretty Books. 1069. Printing iu Colours, 44. PrivateViews of Burfotti's New Panorama 589.

Railroad Scenery. 733. Royal Ace:lc-toy. 206.349; Exhibition at Somerset House, 469, 516; Reform of the, 1165; 1189.

Sculpture. 1166. Society of British Artists, 276. 301 ; of Painters in WaterColours, 419.

Summer Evening Amusements. 632.

Turner's England and Wales, 374. Views in Syria. the Holy Land, &c. 374. Visit to Beulah Spa. 781.

Zulop,s rogtaphy, 5)0.


Affairs of Malta. by Anglo-1'delitensis, 318. British Trade with China, by James Ma- theson, 107.

Buckingham (Mr.) and Mr. Bailey of Sheffield, by an Elector, 844.

Cathedral Music. by Justitia, '700.

Conduct of Mr. Horsman, M.P.,511; his Excuse to his Constituents for having Barked Mr. Grote's Motion, by a Cock- er moot hian. 534.

Cotton and Corn, by P., 296.

Custom house Reforms, by Mercator. 389. Edinburgh Invitation to Lord Brougham, 987.

Electoral Registration Amendment, by William Durraut Cooper. i69.

English Government in Malta, by An- thony Shirby. 14.

Episcopal Nepotism. 'S2.5.

Epistle from Captain Rock to Lord 533.

Foreign Policy of England. No. I.. by P., 1110; No. 11., 1132; No.111., 1180. Ilaydon's (Mr.) Earnings, by B. R. Hay-

thou, 869.

Historical Painting, by B. R. TIaydon, 892. House-Botruing System, by J. Braithwaite, an I thserver. Nemo. 892.

Improvement iu the Electoral Registration and Franchise, by C. E. Hauford. 226. "Justice to Ireland"-sal to England by Daniel O'Connell, 843.

Law of Arrest, by Humphrey Want. 296. Longevity of Euglishmen, by a Physician, 8/.

Meudelssolin's "Paul" by J. Alfred No cello. 824.

Municipal Elections-Hastings, 58. National Association and Mr. George Evans. by George Evans, 1011. Naval Appointments, by a Constant Reader. 343.

Newcastle Election, by an Elector. 725. New Tithe Bill, by the 60th per cent, of an Essex Clergyman, 268. Nuttage's ( Mr.) Seat. by G. Noel, 318. O'Connell to the People of England, No. I., 482; No. 11., 628. Partial Experiment of Ballot-Voting, by Civia,1229. Political Othello (the), by A. B. C., 1158. Political Muster of Country Newspapers by J. C., 344. Poor laws for Ireland-Mr. Poulett Scrope and Mr. O'Connell, by G. Ipoulett Scrope, 534.

Postage of English New spapers iin France, by 1„ P., 824.

Religious Opiniot s of Sir James Mackin- tosh, by John Kenai, 1a29. Relieve, Instruct, do not Shoot them, by Margracia London, 81.

Representation of sheffield. by Plebs., 892 Ricardo School (Vie), by W., 1132.

Royal Academy. by B. It. Haydoo, 1084.