6 FEBRUARY 1886, Page 1


THE Government is formed, but no one seems to have the least idea what it is going to do first. Mr. Gladstone keeps his secret, and while one set of men declare that a plan of Expropriation is to precede Home-rule, another set believe that both schemes will first of all be affirmed by the House of Commons in Resolutions. It seems to be even doubtful whether some of the Cabinet Ministers are sure that Home-rule is to be proposed, and Mr. Chamberlain in particular, in his address to his constituents, is very strong on the authority of the Crown and the integrity of the Empire. The Birmingham, Post even publishes a double-leaded leader, worded as if Mr. Chamberlain had written it himself, denying that Ireland is to have a Parlia- ment at all. We rather fancy that nobody as yet is quite resolved, unless it be Mr. Gladstone ; but the Parnellites mean to support such Ministers as require re-election, and Archbishop Walsh asks Ireland to be cordial to Mr Morley, although he has recently condemned clericalism.