6 FEBRUARY 1892, Page 26

The Rambles of a Dominic. By ,Franeis A. Knight. (Wells

Gardner, Darton, and Co.)—Mr. _Knight. has collected here from the columns of the. Daily News,- twe,nty-odd.very pleasing papers. He takes ns to many places; nd_discourses of many things, all of them things that we are glad to hear about, at least from a writer who knows so well how to observe and how to describe. Birds are among his favourite subjects ; he tells us About kingfishers. herons, sparrows,eroodcocks, Ac. This last bird, some will be sur- prised to hear, not =frequently breeds in England. Sussex, which, with its large -stretches of wood, intersected .-with little streams, is well suited to his habits, is -often thus favoured. Orkney, North Wales, Somersetshire, and .the Thames Are among the places. to which we are taken, and when we are furthest afield, we find ourselves in Bavaria. We ,notice that Mr. Knight com- mits himself to the statement that the wasp is lessnggressive than the bee. This seems to us sheer heresy. The bee.minds his own business, while the -wasp is always intruding. Some varieties of the bee, the Ligurians, for instance, may be said never to sting except when actually pinched.