6 FEBRUARY 1915, Page 13

action of the Social Democrats in the Reichstag in having

forsworn their solemn pledges to their constituents by approving the war credits at the bidding of the Imperial Chancellor. Our propaganda in Germany is necessarily difficult because the Press is arbitrarily closed against us and our members tried by Court-Martial if found in possession of writings or prints denouncing this iniquitous and unnecessary war, which is rendering our nation so ill and disastrous a service. We hold that it is no concern of Germany to meddle with the quarrel between Austria and Serbia, and that the Russian so-called menace had no actual existence. We believe that the true benefit of the wage-earners and toilers of every German State is that the Prussian hegemony, which is our curse, shall be crushed and swept away for ever. We declare that the Allies are in fact honourably feleiling their oblige- tiona to Belgium, so brutally outraged, and that the armies of deliverance will rescue the German nation from the intolerable tyranny of a lying, unscrupulous, and discredited military and naval clique at Potsdam.—I am, Sir, &c,


Rotterdam, February 1st. Secretory Gorman liortoonly Longue.

[Dr. Liebkneeht voted against the war credits, and a small number of Socialists abstained. As the majority of the party acted as Dr. Zettel describes, this fact does not dere. gate from his argument, but it should be put on record in this context.—En. Spectatoe.1