6 FEBRUARY 1926, Page 3

The Morning Post of Tuesday stated that the Co- operative

Wholesale Society denies Mr. A. J. Cook's announcement that arrangements had been made • for the Co-operative Societies to supply food to the Trade Unions in the event of a strike. The Co-operative Whole- sale Society, according to the Morning Post, explained very properly that in the event of a strike the Government would presumably control the food supply and that in these circumstances the Society, which was a non-political body, must fall in with the wishes of the Cabinet. This is only what we should have expected, for obviously the first duty of the Society is to its members, of which there are about nine millions. Mr. Cook, we dare say, will go on talking about the Co-operative Societies being " the victualling movement for the fighting forces of Labour," but it seems that the attempt to make the Co-operative Societies the commissariat of his enterprise has definitely failed. * * *