6 FEBRUARY 1932, Page 19


SIB,—The mention in your "Country Life" columns of these exceedingly efficient weed exterminators (sodium chlorate may be used as well as the chlorate of potash) makes it necessary-to draw attention to the possible danger in their use. Clothing or wood which has been saturated with chlorate solution and allowed to dry becomes as inflammable as the head of a match, and a blow or friction may set it on fire. There were many serious accidents in the use of the chlorate sprays overseas before this was appreciated ; in consequence, their.use is now either not recommended officially, or advised only with very strict precautions.

Persons using chlorate sprays should wear a rubber coat and boots, and any garments which have caught the spray should be thoroughly rinsed in running water before they have time to dry. Your notes on " Country Life" are so valuable and so appreciated that no apology is needed for referring to this source of danger.—I am, Sir, &c., H. L. RICHARDSON

(Chemistry Department, Rothamsted

Harpenden, Herts. Experimental Station).
