6 FEBRUARY 1971, Page 25

Sir: I know nothing of the accuracy of Professor Trevor-Roper's

views on the existence of Christ, but I do know something of English grammar and if the Professor's letter (30 January) is indicative of the validity of his article, then Christ most assuredly lived! He complains that three words were excluded from a quotation, but goes on to cite four words; a minor matter, to be sure, but hardly one that inspires faith- ' if he (Professor Trevor-Roper, no quotation marks please, sub-editors) will forgive the allusion—in his academic discipline. More serious, perhaps, is that the Professor des- cribes the quotation as felicitious. Search as I may, I can find no reference to this word in any English dictionary. I suppose he means felicitous.

I wonder, then, that Professor Trevor-Roper takes the trouble (or has the nerve) to castigate the sub-editing of his article. Or has he been subject to more editorial interference to make him look ridiculous?

Professor Trevor-Roper's letter was printed as we received it. We all make mistakes.—Editor,srEcrAToR.

Daniel Armwrighter Moats Tye, Nr Stowmarket, Suffolk