6 JANUARY 1838, Page 1

INDEX 1838.



America-Slat-ery. 79, 146. Destruction of the steamboat Caroline by the

British, 98, 146, 170, 339; Message to Cenereas respecting the, 104. Meetine Oil Slavery in South Carolina, Preeeedines of the Banks. 389. Anti- Abolition not at Philadelphia, 550. Re- peal of General Jeekson's " specie cir- cular." 574. Resnmption of specie payments. 814. Opening of the Com gress, 1206. Riot at Harrisburg. Penn- sylvania, 1223.

Austria-0 venation of the Emperor, 843, 868. Act of ;Jeer towards 'edifice' pri- sonere.861. Treaty of Commerce wall. 107F. 1102.

Belgium-Debt of Netherlands, 314. Belgic-Dutch Question, 669, 10;7, 119$, 1220.

Prazil-insurrection at Bettie, 454. Chili-March of a Chilian army against Petit. 2. Peaces between Chili end 1 er.1,2ter; the Chilian Governmeat re- fuse to ratify it, 455.

Cl,1011i• S-Canada-Itistmect inLower and Upper, 1; checked, 25. l'orre- elm:elem., relative to laitada, 26, 5.), 104. Mackenzie at Beale, 31. Defeat of time iosergents at Grand Bruhs, 74. Seizure of Navy Island. 74, 83; evnenetion of, 146. Lord Durham's Instractiens. 85. openins of the SOS- 51011 of the Legislature or Upper Ca- nada, 98. Proceedings of the nialecon- tente on the Canadian frontier. 170, 194, 241,'266, 290, 314, 6-16, 670; the insur- gents driven from Fighting and Pete lel:nets, 338; assemblage of malecuu- tents on the Vermont frontier. 406. Re- pssrt front a Select Committee of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada Oil tin' State atilt' PrOVille0. 266. Mac- kenzie's Narrative, 297. Martialdaw decleitel in the district of Montreal,

314. Farewell Speech of Governor Head, 338. Trials for treason in the

Uppe r Prue-Mee, 382.954; execution of

Lount and Mathews, 454; reprieve of tutu persons condemned to death, 526. But ' of a Canadian steam-boat, 574, 587. Arrival at Qtzebee of the Earl of Durham, 574. Dissolution of the Executive Couutil, 607 ; time Council constituted, 62. Lord Ma- lt sties Ordinance baaishing Nelson and others, 701. The Special Council, 718.

Lord Durham's tour. 790. Iteeigua• (Ian of Mr. Tattoo, 862. Heads .of a

plan for the Federal government of the British North American Provinces. 953. Acquittal of persons charged with the murder or Chartreuse 961. Resiesmation

of Lord Durham, 981, 1005. Proeseel- logs against Mr. Viger. Oise. State of

Camera, 1038. Lord Durham's Final Proclamation, 1054. "Patriots" and freebooters on the Canadian frontier, goys, 838. Guiana- -Opposition of the Leeielature to the Governor, 339. Ja- i/Lai:II-Quarrel between Sir L. Smith and the !louse of Assembly, 146. Colo-

nial Office rule, 243, Negro Emanci-

pation Bill passed by the Legislature, 742; proceedings of flu! Planters, 934. Diesolution of the Legislative Assent- bly, 1199. Leeward Caribbee Islands -Continet of the Gov ertmor.Sir W. Cute- brook, 146. St. Lucia- Extraordiustry conduct of Colonel linnbury. the Provi• Mona] Governor, 339; recalled. 344. Egypt-Declaration of independenee,597. Emmy -Debates on the Address, 8, 25, 33; divisions on, 50. Pemosiou to the

widow of General D=1..11°111, 122. Cast of maintaitther the African colony. 194. Secret gen ice money, 242. 249. Treaty with Hayti, 290. Ministerial triumph on the additional grant to the War department, 337. Reduction of the interest on Five per Cent. Stock, 361, 430; rejected by the Peers, 597. Death of Talleyrand, 478, 986. Trial of Hebert and others fur a conspiracy to murder the King. 512. Sentence of Lieutenant Laity, 646. Application to the Swiss Vorort to expel Prince Louis Bonaparte, 742. 813,838; voluntary de- parture of the Prince, 909. Beet-root sugar, 789; reduction of duty en Colo- nial sugar, 1031. Dutchess of Orleans delivered of a son, 813. Petition of the National Guard fur extension of the el -live suffrage, 837. 886, 939, 988. Trial of General Brassard, 837. Open- lug of the session of the French Cham- bers, 1(97. Election of the President of the Chamber of Deputies, 1.07,1221. State of Parties, 1221.

Hanover - Opening of the States, 194. Prorogation of the Cleonbers, 361. lte- 110 1. Another outbreak in riser and of Durham as Lally-MW lilting. 1179. Lower Canada, 1131. 1149, 1 la 1. 1137 ; Burning of the Royel lischenge.28, 33.56. official account of the affair at Preeeott, Intense frost, O. CO. 81. 102. Mary- 1173 ; ulteriorproceedings, 119e, 1223. lebotie electi .... , 174. 178, 200. 202, 22'7, Cape offrood Irops•-•Defeat ofthe Natal 229, 270. City Police, 201 ; proposed settlers by the 'Zeolite. 742. Mei:a-Re- junction with the :Metropolitan, 484.

port of the Commissioners or, ill' affairs Explosion of the boiler of the Victoria, tit, 214. Newel ttttt Ilaud - I Ossetisions 246. Cause Of Siuta11 r. Attwood, 270;

jection of King Ernest's New Cousti- tation, 622.

Hayti-Indspendeoce of, recognized by Frailty, 293. „ proceedings of the British Government in. 1206.

Mexico --The ports of, blockaded by the French, 478. 789.

Persia-An English armament takes pos. sessiun of Buelmire, 799. 818. Reis

centres between the British and Per- sians, 910. Proceedings of the Indian governtnent against the Persians, 1030. Russian iuniteass. checked, 1101. Fide. lity of the Shah to the British, 1223.

Portegal-Itisurreetion in Lisbon, 266. New constitution, 261. Change of Mi- nistry, 406. Treaty fur the suppression of the Slave-trade. 502. Disturbauees 12 to 597. Opening of the Core's, Praia-Disaffection of the Catholics, 382, 767.

Rtusia-Defeat of the Russians by the Cireassians, 573. Circassian War, 934, 1054.

Spein-Defeat of the enlist Yebenes by Brigadier Flints% 194. Resignation of General ',linter, 314. Independence declared by llerragarry in the Basque Provitmeee, 382 ; Mnrragarry is over- come. 406,454. Desperate condition of Dun Carlos, 454. Evacuation of Es- tella by Don Carlos, 487. Vote in the ortes 13r the preservation of tithes. 539. Quarrel of Espattero with the

inietry. 767, 775. Capture of Mo- rella, 795; rem reet of Ones, 813. Pis- tietere of the Christine:I, 834, 958. lil- ts-AM riot at Madrid. 862. New Mi- ni•ary, 862. Ma -sacres, 1054, 1078, 11 el. Mndrisl ill a • ' state of siege e' 1078. 0p • ' g of the Session of the Cortes, 1082. lesnrection in Senile, 1126. New Ministries, 1151. 1188.

Switzerland-Affair of Louis Bonaparte, 862.

Syria -Proceedings of Ibrahim Paella, 573.

Turkey - Warlike Preparations of the Porte, 338. Commercial Treaty between England and, 1138.


Audience given to Lord Durham, 60, 81. Queens Birth-slay, 458. Coronation, 343, 388. 507. 531 ; order of the preces- sion, 58 ; the proreesion and cert.. mooy, 599, 607 ; new Peerages, 606; coronation baronete, 629. The Queen id Eton Montem, 5:8. Investiture of the Batli, 772. Resignation of the March- ionees of Lansdowne as Chief Lady or the Bedchamber, 775; Countess of Berlington appointed. 790. Repotted dismissal of the Queen's Chaplatu, 842. Viscount Melbourne, the Royal

Favourite, at Windsor, 1078. 1152, 1179, 1199. Resignation of the Counteee 110 1. Another outbreak in riser and of Durham as Lally-MW lilting. 1179. Lower Canada, 1131. 1149, 1 la 1. 1137 ; Burning of the Royel lischenge.28, 33.56. official account of the affair at Preeeott, Intense frost, O. CO. 81. 102. Mary- 1173 ; ulteriorproceedings, 119e, 1223. lebotie electi .... , 174. 178, 200. 202, 22'7, Cape offrood Irops•-•Defeat ofthe Natal 229, 270. City Police, 201 ; proposed settlers by the 'Zeolite. 742. Mei:a-Re- junction with the :Metropolitan, 484.

port of the Commissioners or, ill' affairs Explosion of the boiler of the Victoria, tit, 214. Newel ttttt Ilaud - I Ossetisions 246. Cause Of Siuta11 r. Attwood, 270; its 910. New South Wales--Empluv- neat decision, 294. 554, Trial of melt of 11111 Coolies, 910. speseell ..t• Mr. Williams for forging a will, 342; Sir le. Gipps to his Council, load. South ateptittal, sm. Procession of the

Austradn- ofeetal squabble:: ..'ate of Trades Unions With ill.' Dorchester t11.• CO1011y, 982. West Indies-Elwin. Lebourers,362. Sir J. Couroy's erimi•

cip Ilion of the Neeresse in several nal information against the Times, 362, islands, 5;4. Proceedings; or the 436. trial. 1201. Dr. l'Imalmers's Lee-

cipoest apprentices, e86;917. 934, 982. ' turns, 366, 336, 412. Mr. Ilugg's

Cuba-Insurrertiott 14' the slave , 242. criminal information against the Satirigt.

Demeram-Etnaocipatism of the Ne- 436. 554. Dimmer to Sir Robert Peel at Niel-dime Tailors Ilan. 458. Arrival of the Sirius and Great Western from New York, 485. Opening of the Great Western Railway, 506. Murder of Eliza Grintwousl, 506: inquest, 6:9, 553, 590. Criminal information against Mr. Disraeli, M.P., 528, 554;

sentence, 1102. Explosion on board the Victoria, 535. 5e0„ 604, 628, 4376; verdict, 772; attempt to set aside tile, 1103. Duel between Lord Castlereagh end M. de Melcy, 579. :Sleeting of the Common Council- scarcity of corn, 772. The American Minister and Mr. Coinage 774. Mr. Har- vey appoiuted Registrar of Hack- ney Coaches, 790. Fatal duel be- tween Mr. Eliot and Mr. alirflit, 791; 814,839. 889.911. Rumoured disiniseal of Dr. Hook, 817. " Metropolitan De- monstration," 886. The People's Cher- ter, 889. Dinner to Mr. D. W. liar- taw in Southwark, DIO. Liter Of the Duke of Sussex on resigning the Pre• sideucy of the Royal Socie.y, 915. City registration, Me Expels liture of the Corporation of Londou, 1007. Sir

Halted and Mr. Lockley, 1050, 1083. Pa/COMM:0 in the Arches Court against Mrs. Woifrey. 1e5). 1102; judgment, 1174. Attempt to murder the pretended Duke of Nor- mandy, 1103, 1127, 1153. Lord Dur- ham and the Westminster Reform Asso- ciation, 1181, 1200.

Reduction of the Yeomanry, 246. Trial of Mr. Manes and others for a riot in a church, 320. Disturbances near Canter- bury : death of " SirW.Courteutty," 5e9. 529; trial of the surviving rioters, 747. Coronation celebrations, 628, 652. Ter- rine storm' in the North of DI eland. 652. Marshal Soult's Nerthern tear, 690. Birmingham. 723. Conviction of the 314. Estimates,242, 720, 650, 702, 226.

Marquis of Waterford and others for 3890. Evans, General, a Knight Com.

nut, 124. Great meeting of the working classes of Birmingham, 746. Riot at Dewsbury, 773. Working class meeting at Peterloo. Mauelte.ter, 791. Mr. R. Bowlby and Judge Alderson, 792. British Association at Newcastle. 792, 814. Mr. Pease and Lord Ashley, 814. Dismissal of Mr. R. Oastler, 819; Letter to the People, 840. Reverend Mr. Head's Letter to the Bishop of Exeter, 840; public reply and attack by the Bishop, 935. Meetings of the working classes, 891, 912, 913, 935, 983;1078, 1104, 1127. Birmingham incorporated, 937,1037. Manchester incorporated.984, 1033. Municipal elections, 1029. 1054, 1057. Great gale. 1032. Letter on the Corn-lawn from Sir T. Lethbridge to the Landowner.; and Occupiers of West Somerset, 1128. Disturbance at Toil- morden, the new Poor-law, 1128 ; ap- prehension of rioters, 1226. Landing of Lord Durham at Plymouth : mistresses to him 1153. Letters to the lutetbi- tants of Leeds, from Sir W. Molesworth, 1154. Illegality of lurch-light meet. tugs. 1155. Murder of John Millie at Newcastle. 1177, 1203.1226. Meetings of the Manchester Chamber of Corn• meree on the Cunt-laws. 1202, 1207, 1224. The Marquis of Chendos on the Corn-laws, 1225. Arrest of the Reve- rend J. R. Stephens, 1229.


Trial of the Glasgow cotton-spinners. 30, 57. Requisition t Sir 11. Parnell to resign, 247; meeting, 272. Glasgow petition against Negro apprentieeehip, 412. Meeting at Glasgow for Universal Snfleage, 485. General Assembly- " Auchterarder ease," 51. Mr. Rue• buck at Glasgow, 605. Dr. Boo-ring at Kilmarnock, 841. Correspondence be. tweet' Lord Brougham and Mr. Taft, 867. The Registretion, 915. Comme- moration of " the ri.ing of the Assem- bly of the Church of Scotland, held it Glasgow, 1638," 1227.


Meeting of Dublin Trades Unions, 6, 30, 82, 103. Charter of the Bank of Ireland, 30, 387, 556. Appointment of Mr. Sheil to a Commissionership of Greenwich Hospital, 154. Agricultural and 0.111mm-chit Batik of Ireland, 390. Removal of magistrates by Lord Mul- grave, 547. Death of Baron 3ey 533, 556. New Commission of the Peace, 556. APpeletment of Major Warbiv ton as Inspector-in-Chief of the Con- stabulary, 4505. Report of the Irish Beltway Cummissieners, 630, 654, 679, 7014, 7021 meetings to con:sister, 962,936, 1(57. 1104. O'Conims41's letters to the temple. 724; Mr. S. Crawford's letter to O Connel1,747. !Marquis of Westmeath's letters, 773. The" Precursor Society." 793; remodelling of, 985,1129. O'Con- nell's Letters to the people of helmet, 866, 893,936; Mr. Davern's lettere. 866. 1058. Malinger Tipperary Megistratee, 938. Meeting at Ibillinesloe for repeal of the Tithe Bill, 962. Mr. S. Crawfbrd'e letter " to the real friends of relis' libery," 986. O'Connell's letter to Mr. Lander, 986. Irish registration. 1010. Mr. O'Connell's tour of dinners and agitation, 1080, 1105.


Access of Parente to Children. 721.

Ballot, 147, 155. 178. Bank of Ireland Cherter, 702. lino Act, 626.649. lie• melees Plurality, 105. 41-1, 430,522,579, 698. British Legion iu Spain, 178. 242, 437,590. British Museum, 722. %sleet, 461.

Canada, affairs of, 50, 60; Mr. Roebuck's addreee to the COMMOOS, 74 ; Coercion bill, 77, 83, 99; bill, as amended by the Committee, 84; read second time in the Lor.;e, lull, Committee, Mr. Reelnick•s address, 122; third reading.123 ; lioval assent, 129; protests against. 167; Lord Durham's instructions, 85; de- sertion of soldiers. 126; Lord Dur- ham's mission, 270. c•tablishment. 316 ; appointment ef Mr. Turton, 390, 409; executions, 462; proclamation of martial law in Lower Canada, 533; Lord Durham's dismissal of the Ex-cu. tire Council, 624.appoiutmente, 675. proceedings. 72e ; iudeninity bill, 742, 749, 767. Cape of Good Hope, 651. Carmarthen election, coercion of voters at, 552. Chaplains of the House of Commons, 505, 5.'7. China Courts bill, 702. Church discipline, 697; leases, 2126 ; property. 408. Coal trade, 127, 650. Copyright, international, 268; Mr. Taltour.fs bill, 382. 431, 527. Corn laws, e43, 625; manufacture of foreign corn, 208, 430. Cermet], Didelly of, 727, 771. Coronation, the, 409, 505, 579. County- Courts, 199; rates, 527. Courtenay riot iu Kent. 509, 526, 593. Criminal Law, 553. Cr, wn lauds in Wales, 528.

Danish claims. 481.

East India labourers, 679. 699; Hill Cooly trade, 722. Election commit- tees, O'Connell's charge of perjury against time Tory members of the, 178; petitions. Select Committee 011. 385; expenses, 527. Elections, eon- mender of the Bath, 178. Factories, 582, 678. Fire insurance, ditties on, 242. First Fruits and Tenths, 199, 430. Fisheries on the French coast, 483. Freemen, abolition of stamp. duty on the admission of, 126, 129; third reading. 172; rejection by the Lords, 225; bill No. 2., 437, 554, 626. Glasgow cotton-spinners, 129, 150. Glee n4, Lord, motion of want of conti• 'oue in, 173, 211.

Hanover. King of, pension of the, 407. Idolatry in India, 698. Imprisonment for Debt, third reading in the Lords, 553; Committee in the Commons, 654 ; Commons' amendments, 722 ; Newspaper advertisements, 771. India, administration of the law in, 269, In- finite, custody of, 482. Intimidation of Voters. 173. Ireland, appointment of sheriffs in, 598; conduct of Carlow magistrates, 270; National education in, 4436; outrages in, 407. Irish Cols poratione, 105 ; Church and, 293; Com - mittess; 502, 509; report. 559; reeom- mittal, 574; third reading. 598; read second time in the Lords, 649 ; report received, 674; read third time, 701 ; Lords' amendments considered, 719, 727; rejected, 744; Ecclesiastical Com- missioners, 3e5; Police command of the, 269; Post--law, 125, 129, 150. 172, 406, 473. 503, 526. 648. 966; Presbyte- rians' oaths, 152 ; Registries, 249 ; Tithes - Appropriation principle, 455, 462. 551, 5/9, 62e; and Corporations, 481; the million loan. 649, 670, 694; Committee in the Lords, 727; Passed. 771 ; Voters, regietettion or, 243. Joint stock banks. 385; companies, 126. Juvenile offenders, 582, 674.

Magistrates, appointment of English. 626. Malta, 409. Marinee, 199, 226. Married women's bill. 527. Mutiny bill : military 1unis1intente„292. National Education, 433, 551. New• foundland. 722. New South Wales, government of, 341. New Zealand, 298, 509, 574.

Oaths Validity bill, 558 ; rejected, 675. Oude, king of, 722, 7-15.

Parliamentary business. 771. Parochial use .sments, 651. Pension List, 720, 727. Pensions, payment of, 340. Pon- tefract election. 162. Poor•law Amend- ment Act, 172; operation of the. '267. 294, 407, 553. Post-office, 127;_p- pointment of Mr. Primrose. 129. PAZ Prison discipline - children in the Maim:Ink Penitentiary, 19d. Prisons bill, 385; Committee. 654; rejected by the Lords, 745. Privilege, breach of : Mr. 0 Connell, 194; Mr. Poulter aud the Shaftesbury Election Committee, 322, 331 Promotion in the Navy, 696.

Qualification of Members, 127.

Railways, conveyance of mails by, 554, 599. 679,697. Recovery of Tenements. 675. Registration of voters, 153 ; lost. 771. Roman Catholic oaths. 198, 294, 433 ; Prelates, 414. Roxburghshire, election riots at, 482, 486.

Sabbath, obeervance of the, 482, 579, 626. Savintrs banks, 630. Scotch Burghs, 578; Small debts, 453, 479; thrown out, 651. Scotland, Church 07%226.229; She- riff's Courts in, 269. Sheriff's Courts. 623. Slave trade, 101. 200, 203, 433; in the East, 224; Sir E. Codrington's complaint against the Spectat,r, 228; capture of slave-ships. 483. Slavery, 152, 170; Amendment of Emancipa- tion Act, 226, 229; second reading. 242; Committee in the Commons, 322; passed, 341; Negro apprenticeship, abolition of.26,9, 274, 290, e91, 298.339. 480, 487, 502. 274, 319. Soap-tax, 319. Seder and alan, Bishopric of, 174, 559. Spanish Policy. 292; civil war, 577 ; violation or neutrality, 646. Sugar-duties, 558. Sussex, Duke of, allowance of the, 630.

Trotting Companies bill rejected, 771. Trade of the cottutry, 771; with France and Spain, 244. University Statutes, 647. Vestries in churches, 607. Vixen. Seizure of the. 577.

Yeomanry, 433, Close of the session, 772.


Access of Perents to Children, 535; Has- bands, Wives, end Young Childrea, 561.

I Anti- !Spitler Encroachments: attempt to Revis., the Licensing System, 656. Army, Why should the, be Recruited ? 36; Reeorm, 134; Military Expeusli• Otte. 181; Estimates, the, 251. Arrogant Comnions, the, 182. trait tin Political " Rats." 370.

Ballot Skulkers (the) and the Ministry, 182.

Bank of Ireland, the, 465 ; Why stioald the Charter be Renewed? 585; Ite• fensive Union of Monopolists : the Bank of England and, 611; Intrigue for Renewing the Charter of, 633; State of the Question. 706.

Belgium, Are the Twenty-four Artic'es now binding on, 919. Iteugal, an Outrage sod a Trial in, 1117. Bills, How the Government, are Drawn. 466. Brongham (Lord) and the Ministry, 615. Byron Statue, Affair of the, 773. Cauada-Probable Results of the Cana. Murder Mania, the, 586. dian Rebellion, 10; Ethics of Rebel- Navy. the, 1160. lion , 11 ; A Canadian Campaign, 13; Newfoundland. What of 86. What but Separation ? 36; Are the New Political Faith, the, 993. Canaries a Gam or a Loss? 37; The New Year's Wonder, a. 12. . . Measure and the Mau, 62 . Significant New Zealand Bill, Mr. Baring's, 536;

Svmptums, 62; how Canada has been Opposition to, 584; Colonial Jobbers in Governed "fir many years," 107; The a Flutter, 561.

Lightly-taxed Canadians. 107; New Nobility, 632, 683. War-Code for British Subjects, 108 ; Old Buy, an, 63. House of Commons Minorities on the Opera. a Royal, 972. Government Treatment of Canada, Opposition. the Disinterested, 159; Di- 133; Progress of Public Opinion re- lemma of the. 391.

Sperling War and Colonies, 135; Lord Parliamentary Tactics. 62; Qui:dial:Mimi, Durham's Avant-Courier, 251; What Lord N. Russell on, 325.

Le4t1 EfTe.ets of the Durham Onli- Commons. 24 : State of, 1183. mulct's, 777; London Rer;cw on, 798; Pension-List Report of the Committee. Monthly Chpmi,.le on, 3:5; Lord Dm- 704 ; Civil.List Pensions,. 728.

Church, the. and her " Bosom," 1110; Politics of--Economical Suffering and Church Property. Managetneut of, 1086; Ron. 705 ; State of the Universal Suf.

Churches, New, 7e5. People. 942; The Popular Character. Culfee, Redact Mu of the Doty on, 1187. 906; Prospects of the People, 907; Coinage, the New, 707, Where Will these Changes Terminate? Colonies, 31ilitary Decollation of the. 534, 992; Ilalf "Afeasures mid Whole Pail- Coinhivatious, lion to Supprk.ss Illegal, urea, 1016; Self-Dependence of the Common Council (the) in Arms, 206. Dikaandent . 1133. Coosistent Politicians, 1081;. Peter Punished to Please Peel, 279.

Consolation nattier Steam, 732. Poltties and Literature. 1088.

Copyright Question, the. 3,9, 593.4:7,9 ; Polities for Christmas. 1231.

tern:them:111 Sale of Eugligh Worhs eolty c A' Gull wing, 1183.

Corn-Lows, the-Lind and Limo's, 134 ; ()iv Lett-rs. 1186.

„Madmen?" 512; and Farmer:: a Ordered. 751.

Premier's notion of what makes a Private Bill Legislation, 252.

773 ; turn Pr. sports, 797; Pro,resi of Itt , ary in the Metropolis, 944. the Hart tat: Price of Wheat, 822; Queen, the Letter to the, 1209.

Corn anti. 847: Operation of the, on Queen's Men. the, 324.

the Comforts of the People, 871 ; .1 Radical (the) Ins Allen 416.

A Corn law Sentimetitalist, 1111; Colt- the' Public, 1017.

notions on the Corn Question, 1209 ; Progress of the Job, 945. How to Attack, in Parlianieut, 1232. Refuge for the Houseless, the, 37, 87.

Cornwall and Lancaster, Duteldes, 751. Repealer+ and Radicals, 1133. Coronation Cant, 415; Maimed Rites, Russell (Lord John) in Liverp001,944.

Nuisance, 871. thodoxy awl I lideperslettee. 848.

Crosby 11:111, 800. " Shallow Politicians," 4'38. Crown, Itifluence of the : Ministerial Sh.q.keeper, the Old and the New. 1134.

922; The Whig Government and. 067. tory, 846.

United States, 511; Government En. of, 1043.

Episcopal Immunities, 416. of Iraprto el, 1064. " Fagot" Votes : Extension of the Sur- Stinday Bill, the New, 278. froze, 945. Soppff`a, Stopping the. 85.

Fashion amt) Fondue, 1232. Tint,• inea coil Time Present, 874.

Farwaile Subject, a, 1963; The, Fur- Tal Trade, Legialatioa on the. 779.

Fever in London, 681. TUWIIS. 489.

Frost. the, anti the Fires. 63. .1:1,' :inetit Seat, 1017.

GletwItt (Lord), Sir W. Molesworth's Treasnry Eat etalitttre in Ireland. 872.

Struggle (the) of the Week, 231; Mt'''. Possave, 131.

Governor (the) and the Rebel, 135. m ith, 417.

('ommittee, Mr. Spring Bice and the, of, 655.

Harvey ( Mr.) in Office, 919. 1183.

Hanours, Jobbin; iti ((er.-gal Earns), 465. 181 ; Unmerited, 232. Weather (t11c) and the Fireside, 87. Intolerance ( Foolish) on the Bench, 732. W. W, add be Kind. 893.

Irish Clikirch. Question, Minister', on the When She ohl a Minister Resin? 8'8.

" Esmblishment." 465; Policy, the, oil Member, 610.

Liberal Patty, Resuscitation ..1' the, 1110. 024; art thcir White bait, 751.

of Caution in Effecting, 55 ; Variation 920.

in the Rates of, 898. Yeomanry (the) " Reduced," 252. Literature, the Profession 01,824.

Loraloo University at Sugeested Settlement of the Scholastic

325. a, Fighting Shy, 917. Lords (the) Triumphant, 369.

Luther, the Monument to, 563.

Macaulay ( Mr.) 111111 the Indian Code of CRITICAL NOTICES OF

Laws, 65. NEW BOOKS.

Magisterial Models. 393. Alice, or the Mysteries, 1'55.

'Ministry (the) Good for a Month, 205. Alison ( Mr.) on Sir John Moore, 44.

Svmptums, 62; how Canada has been Opposition to, 584; Colonial Jobbers in

Government Treatment of Canada, Opposition. the Disinterested, 159; Di-

Sperling War and Colonies, 135; Lord Parliamentary Tactics. 62; Qui:dial:Mimi, is Lord Durham's Real Character ? Parnell (Sir II.). Past mid Present, 349. 347; Lord Durham in Caada, 731 ; Parties, Strength of, it. the House of Le4t1 EfTe.ets of the Durham Onli- Commons. 24 : State of, 1183. mulct's, 777; London Rer;cw on, 798; Pension-List Report of the Committee.

ham and the Ministers, 1015. People (the), Charaeter, Condition. and Ancient Martyrs and Modern Saints, Political Discontent, 56a ; Condition 1135; The Morality of, 1162. and Prospects of the Working Popula- Eufrauchhtentent of, 1112. from! Question, 846 ; The " Good "

158. People, 1040; Popular Suffering and The 11011Se of Longman and. 466; (In- Poor-Law (the) nut Perfect, 301; Diffo

Abroad, 302. fast-tike. the Public and the, 1161; Sun-

Submission to, 206 ; " Ito;lies iu Pren*.i-r, the Offended, 253; Palace, 392.

Grain," :48; Operation of tat Foreign Prisons. the " Better Ordering" of, 369; Trade, 410; Working of, in Uncertain Lord .1. Russell and Prison Reform, Seasons, 489; Who are the turn-haw 392; The English, not to be Batter Country thrive. 633; The Crops and, Putii,lonent and Preventiou of Crime and Landlord's Gratitado, le42 ; Repeal, Railway Rights and Charges. 71`6 ; Rail-

What becomes of the Farmer ? It OS; NV;IV (the) and the Road: Protection to

sequences of Repealing, to Lautiowners Railways in Ireland, 822; Irish Railway and the People, 1161; Birmingham Scheme, the, 873; Irish Jobbing, 897; 415 ; Coronation, the, 609 ; A New Scotlana, Endowments to the Church of, Game fur Children, 608; Lorls, 609; 205; Chains of the Church of, to Or- Crown, Itifluence of the : Ministerial Sh.q.keeper, the Old and the New. 1134.

Patronage, 611. Slavery-The Auti-Slavery Movement, Currency. 51cutagement of the, by the 252; 'flat 11111 Coolies and the Order in

Bank of England, 12. Conned, 276 ; Sources of English Zeal

Dissenters (the) in Motion, 1233. for the Blacks, 301; The New Slave

Iluelliag, Prev eution of, 945. 'trade in the East, 657; Exportation of Durham's (Lord) Return, 1159; Cate- Hill Coolies : Peril of the West India

Education of the People, Opposition of Solei::1.1e.11;,s2tiactions. 586 ; Harmonies What We are Auawerable for, 1184. the Church to, 824; of the Multitude, (A.40nialting) of the Nineteenth 0,1'-

Emigration to English Colonies and the South Australia, Progress of the Colony couragement of, 535. Swain Navigation, a Glauce at the Results bidden, 1183. Tory Influence, Growth of, itt Small

Fifth (the) of November, 1065. Trataca, ,rtation or Penitentiaries ? 439;

Financial :old Commercial Prospects, 343. Reselt. of the Parliamentary Inquiry

Finances, Whig Administration of, -Ir.:. .11, 793. 823; Subst it utt• for,' 849; Ite• Fuxin:inter, the Patriotic, 111S3, balm:lion t I. Crimina!s. 872 ; Imprisau-

French Fashion, it New. 135. 1....a ankl, 896; " Daniels" on the Motion for the Removal of, 181; P.tro. True Reading (the) of a much abused

darn Whig Siyh• of Controversy. 233. United Stairs. Foolish mal Uniust

Governesses, the Condition of, 752. I 'hargei at; dust the Gavernmeut of the. Gavertimeat Paehets : A Little Job, 232, 37.1: Commercial Relations of England

Gresham ('call,,, , `277: Lectures, 562; UM% er-ity and School Reform, Prospects

1169. Vicar ( the) and the Widow: Popery in

Guards, Departure of the. 11. the Church, 1041 ; Defeat of the Vicar,

Ithits to Coastituenei..s. 301. W.111e.1 -A "Popular Demonstration," 181 ; Unmerited, 232. Weather (t11c) and the Fireside, 87.

464; The Principle or au Ecciesiaatical Whig-Liberal Prospects, by a Whig-Like- 943; Systematic Decem iota on, 96?. Whig Reformers, Past and Preaent, 159. Kentish " Families," the. 534. Whigs t the) mid their Irish Supporters,

LW Assurance, pruere, ta., 512; ky,., d Tate,: k Mr. Ashton) and the Irish Policy, 1.),sp e, the, la 0' ---.


Schism, 135. Nlinisterial Journalism, 344 ; Further " 1., net Master Luther" and Mr. Smith, Signs of the Times, 819; The Ministe.

183. ri:l Pre:s and The Spectatm -, 917 ; Mys-

Loot (the), the Doa a id the Radical, iideations of Ministerial Press, 965;

" Moderate" Men, Union of, 'o'6. Anatomy, Mr. Wilson's Practical and Sur. Annuals, Literature of the, 975, 1023, Milnes's Poems, 1092.

1117. Monk ((general). Mr. J. 8. Wortley's Arabia, Wellstedas Travels in, 39. Translation of Guisot's Rosy on. 762. Arabian Night's, Lane's Translation of Monthly Chronicle, the, 210. the, 443. Mudie's Man, 701.

Aristorlemus, 1093. Musical Drama, Hogarth's, 588.

Arnold's (Dr.) History of Rome, 514, Natural Philosophy. Mr. Tomlinson's

Athenian Captive., Mr. Tailfourd's, 422. Manual of. 1045. Attila, the Honourable and ReverendWil. Neuralgia, Mr. Rowland's Treatise on, liam Herbert's, 114. 1215.

Australian Expeditions, Major Mitchell's, New Zealand, Mr. Polack's, 733.

850. Nichol's Phienomena of the Solar Sys-

Austria. Russia, and Turkey, Mr. Elliott's tem, 950.

Travels hi, 876. Nourmahal, 373.

Axed 1(92. Oliver Cromwell. Mr. Forster's Life of, '

Back's (Captain) Geographical Voyage) 1096.

to the Arctic Shores, 660. Palmer's (the) Last Lesson, 494. Biscay, Mr. Bacon's Six Years in, 441. Parartiny, Nlessni. Robertson's Letters

Bit o'Writin, Mn. Banint's. 236. on, 780.

Illessington's (Lady) Confessions of an Passions, Book of the. 1166.

Elderly Lady. 115. Persia, Mr. Fraser's Travels in, 1019. Boots. Fieueli and English, 7190. Persian Princes (the) in lanolou, 137.

Bono, ieal 1,..XiCI.M. 282. Peter P4 mlev lintl Sydney Smith. 516.

Buz', Nicholas Nicklebv. 364; in Bentley, Intrenulozy, Dr. Slatle's Imaginary Con-

854 ; Oliver Tee ist 1114. versations on, 115,

Brougham s (Lord) Speeches and Intro. Piuney's (Mr.) Alternative- Premature ductions, 755; Polineal Characters in Death or Lone, Life. 9:1.

the E61.1,11rollo Ro rierr, 354, 951. Plague. Observations on the Oriental, by Bulwer's Leith and Calderon, 470. J. Bowring, 1215.

Itorlitle s Poems, 541. Political Discourses, Ramsay's, 1090. Canda, Logan's Jourtrey through. 65. Political Economy, Carey's Principles of. Chateaubriataths; Congress of Verona, 612. 3t16.

Chatham, Correspondence of the Earl of, Potter's (Mr.) Progress of the Nation, 802. 49'2.

China, Mr. Meallitirst's, 566. Pringle's Poems and Life, 42.

China Opened 924. Pt i -on Seell,`■ 422.

Circumstantial Evidence, 283. Primmer of State (a), Memoir or, 565. Clareadun, 7,tfr. Lister's Life of, 467. Prison Reform, Moreau-Christophe ou, Clockmaker. the, 637. CSC.

Co.:nations of a Vagabond, 878. Probability, Professor de Morgan's Essay CUleri.i;:e. (ii1ln1111.S Lite of, ;;96. on, 1022:

Conally 's Overland Journey to India, 1140. Pym ( Arthur Gordon), the Nautical Ad-

Consciousness . Murphy's Es(a) towards a ventures of, 1023.

Co.:son:Oise Disorders, Dr. Furniv all Memoirs of the, 90.

on, 1215. Random Reeolleetioas of the Lords and

Cooper's E'seursions in Italy, 161. C, W11110714. Second series, 493, Cup; right Question, Papers and Pa:1Th- Records of the Et:Olivier, Mr. Devon's

lets on the, 329. Selections from the. 235. Coronations (PLInche's) of the Queens, Robber, the, 372. 351. Ruby's (Mr.) Continental Race. 330.

Count Ca:liostro, or the Charlatan, 281. Rocky Mountains (the), Journal of a Tour Chanter-Irritation, 1)r. Granville on, beyond. 925.

1238. Rowlattliam's Dictionary, 18. Cutch, Mrs. Postans'. 1116. Royston, (Lord), Remains of, 687. Damasens and Palmyra, Addison's, 186. Baths, or the Reel King, 305. Day (a) in May, 1093. Rural Life in Eughtud, William Ilowitt'a. Dewey s Discourses on Commerce, Su- 17.

Diary Illustrative of the. Times of George World, 374.

Dick's ( Dr.) out and Regimen, 1070. 614. Ear, a Treatise on the, 1238. Scandinavia. Ancient and Modern. 305. Eastern India, Montgomery Martin's, 998. Scott (Sir Walter), Lo ckhart's Liti, of,

Edith, 442. 326; Refutation of the charges agaiust Edneition in Be4gium, 783. Mr. James Ballantyne in, 8116. Edwin and Morear, 1093. Scottish Melotlits:, Ancient, 1213. Egyptians, Wilkinson's Manners and Scottish Peasantry, Bellinue's Tales and Customs of the Ancietit, 279. Sketches of the, 139. Eve Effingham, Cooper's, 1165. Sedgwick's Public and Private Economy. Fertlitiand aud Isabella, Prescott's Ills- 1118.

FitOterbert, :;97. vial Edition of, 1044.

F111011, Memoirs of, 234. Sharp (Archbishop), Mr. Stepheus' Life Fraser,..: (Mr.) Persian Journey. 997. and Times of, 1237.

Frithiol, Latham's Tr:nisi:Ilion of Tug- SI .6 of the Mecliternmean, 1189. twee. 638. Six Years in the Bush, 614.

Geraldine, 1092. Spine, Curvatures of, 1214. Germany, Dr. Bisset Hawkins s, 515. South Australia, SOr Mouths in, 1236; the Grant's sketches iti Loudon, 1093. Land of Pr, anise. 1236.

Greek Prose Composition, Arnold's In- Standard Library Etlitious-lkals fur the

troduction to, 591. People, 901: Grimaldi, Memoirs of. 184. State Papers relating to English History, Guizot's History of the English Revolt'. 684.

dormer (Sir T.), Memoirs of, 564. Arabia Petrma and the Holy Laud,

Hazlitt's Characters of Shakspere's 758; itt Turkey and Russia, 1235.

Plays, 65. Storms, Colonel Rail's Law of. 973. 1141cool. Cousin on Education in, 186. St. Petersburg, Mr, Rail:eel's Visit to, 805. Holt, Memoirs 4, 64. Surgery, Dr. Iturits's Principles of, 1237.

Hours of Solitude, 1093. 592.

Howe. Sir J. Barrow's Life of, 41. Thoughts of the Times, 258. lion itt's Colonization and Christianity, Thugs, History and Practices of the, 89. 661. Tooke's Hi Tory of I rice's, 947. !lug:Remit, the, 1187. Tranquil Hours, 1093. Italia, the Sur, t•y of Eastern, 257. Tribute, Brown on the Payment of, 138.

Kei abt1ey's ld ' ohology of Greece and 398.

Killmin (Alexander), Life of, 418. volution, 208.

Laud Sharks and Sea Gulls. 8:8. Creole. 161.

nay's Lives of Cecil and Dlby, 375. front the, 999. Latin AllthologY, Dmilop's Translation Wilberforce, Life of, by his Sons, 538. from the, 161, Zoology of South Africa, 686. Lights and Sim:lots of Irish Life. 398.

Londonderry's ( lad) Northern Tour, 852. SHORT NOTICES.

(low to Oliserve), 735. or, 830. 850. Nichol's Phienomena of the Solar Sys- Axed 1(92. Oliver Cromwell. Mr. Forster's Life of, '

the E61.1,11rollo Ro rierr, 354, 951. Plague. Observations on the Oriental, by

Selene,. , a . 974. Queens Of England. Ilaunah Lawrence's

on, 1215. Random Reeolleetioas of the Lords and

Cup; right Question, Papers and Pa:1Th- Records of the Et:Olivier, Mr. Devon's Count Ca:liostro, or the Charlatan, 281. Rocky Mountains (the), Journal of a Tour

Day (a) in May, 1093. Rural Life in Eughtud, William Ilowitt'a.

ciety, ;Ind Polities, 1139. Iluschenberger's Voyage Round the

the Fourth, 43. Saunders (John and Mary), Poems by.

Ear, a Treatise on the, 1238. Scandinavia. Ancient and Modern. 305. Eastern India, Montgomery Martin's, 998. Scott (Sir Walter), Lo ckhart's Liti, of,

Edith, 442. 326; Refutation of the charges agaiust Edwin and Morear, 1093. Scottish Melotlits:, Ancient, 1213. Egyptians, Wilkinson's Manners and Scottish Peasantry, Bellinue's Tales and Eve Effingham, Cooper's, 1165. Sedgwick's Public and Private Economy.

tory of, 14. Shakspere, New Editions of, 590; Picto-

F111011, Memoirs of, 234. Sharp (Archbishop), Mr. Stepheus' Life

Germany, Dr. Bisset Hawkins s, 515. South Australia, SOr Mouths in, 1236; the

Greek Prose Composition, Arnold's In- Standard Library Etlitious-lkals fur the

Grimaldi, Memoirs of. 184. State Papers relating to English History, boil, 899, Stephens' Incidents of Travel in Egypt. dormer (Sir T.), Memoirs of, 564. Arabia Petrma and the Holy Laud, 1141cool. Cousin on Education in, 186. St. Petersburg, Mr, Rail:eel's Visit to, 805. Holt, Memoirs 4, 64. Surgery, Dr. Iturits's Principles of, 1237. Ilor, eward Bound, 41'8. Theology of the Old Testament, Bauer's, lion itt's Colonization and Christianity, Thugs, History and Practices of the, 89.

Italia, the Sur, t•y of Eastern, 257. Tribute, Brown on the Payment of, 138. Ireland, BMus' Miseries and Beauties Trollope's (Mrs.) Vienna and the Aus- of, 40. DMus, 209; Romance of Vienna, 829.

Daly, tt Puent , 494. Tossaud's (7dadame)Rentinisceaces, 493. Jan teson's (Mn-,) Whiter Studies and Tyler's Iltmry of Monmouth. 612.

Summer Rambles in Can:Iola, 1166. Unity of Dimunte, Dr. Dickson's. 1188.

JOUS011 (BM), the New Edition of, 1163. Waagen on Arts twit Artists in Eugland,

Italy, 1068. Ward's (Mr.) Historical Essay on the Re-

Knighton (Sir W.) Memoirs of. 350. Warner Arundel', the Adventures of a 1.3 ,, 1 ,, er's Calinet C■i-htigeiliii-Coorte. West Indies. Captain Hodgson's Truths LUSis the Foorteentlt, James's Life and Ada, 1047. Mile, 519. /Eronantica, 355. Times of, 15, 826. Aitkiu's Elements of Physiology, 831.

Love, 16. Almanac's, 1094; the British, 1142; Lvell's Elements of Geology, 827. Murphy's. 1142; Sporting, 1142. Ame-

Mabinogion, the. 1067. - rican Monthly Magazine. 920. Anato-

.Maceroni's (Colonel) Memoirs. 589. mical ('late,,, Quaiu's, 1095. Anecdotes Madagasear, Ellis s History of, 1090, of the Feathered Creation, 1094. Aui-

Manlitoi Piso's Letters froni Palmyra, 708. man Kingdom, Jones's General Outline

Masi (the) About Town, 614. of the, 879. Animals in Menageries.

Mantell s (Dr.) Wonders of' Geology, 19. Annual's, 1143, Antwerp. Siege of,

o53. 376. 259. Arabian Nights' Entertainments.

Martinean's (Miss) Retrospect of Western Lane's l'ranslation of, 519. Aristo-

Travel, 113 ; Instructions fur Travellers menus, 830, Aurelian, the Last Days

Materia Medico, Mn. Pereira's Elements H. 1 w -1 History ....ae's ..atur.... ...tory of the Sperm of. 1239. Whale, 1093. (See-keeper's Manual.

Mathews (Charlea), Memoirs of. 1211. 445. Bentham 's Works, 18, 444. Bent- Medical Reform, Dr. Granville's Oration lee's Standard Library, 1048. Bible,

on, 1128,1191. the Illustrated Family: 91; the Child's

Melton tie Muss bray, 1046. Own, 253. Biblical Literature, Motives

Mainau's Gibbon's Rome, 420. to the Study of, 1047. Bilious Pullout (a) and a Physician, Dialogue between, MO. Billing's (Dr.) First Principles of Medicine, 710. Biographical Treasure, Maunder's. 356. Birds of Europe, Bonaparte's, 355. Botany, the Young Lady a Book of, 519. Brendailah, 365. Bridal of Nawerth. 259. British An- nual, 1191. Britton's Dictionary of the Architecture and Archeology of the Middle Ages, 1094. Burns, the Land, of, 260.

Cerebellum, Functions of the, 259. Chap- ters on Coainations, 519. Child's Li- brary. Robinson Crusue, 1048. Comic Almanac, 1191. Comstock's Natural Philosophy, 1095. Confessions of Adal- bert, 710. Connected Essays and Tracts, 19. Conolly's Journey to the North of India, 1095. Conspiracy of the Spani- ards against Veuice in 1b18, 928. Con- versations on Land and Water, 830. Na- ture and Art, 19. Conveyancing, Mr. Bone's, 445. Cook's (Eliza) Poems. 1143. Counting house Manual, 91. Courtier's Daughter, 258. Court. the Book or the, 663. Crests, Book of Fa- mily, 831. Crusts in Soak for Chickens to pick, 760. Curiosities of Literature Illustrated, 91, ff.30.

Dahlia, Practical Treatise on the. 307. Deeerpta ex I'. Ovidii Nasonis Meta- morphosema with English Notes by G. Ferguson, 1047. Dental Practice, 831. Dewar's Evidences of Divine Revela- tion, 759. Dionysius Longinus on the Sublime, 1095, Disclosure (a) &c. by J. Ryan, 881. Dissertation on the Sta- tutes of the Cities et' Italy, 306. Doc- tor, the. 760. Doctrine of the Deluge, 709. Dreams, Book of, 1191.

Early Christians, Practices of the, consi- dered, 307. Ecclesiastical history by Jones, 709. 807. Egypt under the Ptole- mies, History of, 1190. Encyclopedia Britannica, 'Reprints from, 444. Eng- lish Composition, Reid's Rudiments of. 1143. English-Welch Teacher, 881. Entomologist's Text-book, 1143. Eques- trian Manual, the Young Lady's, 663. Etiquette, Books of. 1047. 'Eugene. Arun, Memoirs of, 830. Executor's Guide, 259. Experimental Philos°. pher, the, 663. Family Library - Gustavus Adolphus, 355. Farquharson's Dalliel's Last Vision,759. Feelings, Education of the, 592. Field (the), the Garden, and the Woodland, 880. Flora, the London, 1191; Rei- gate, 519; Shropshire, 711. larankliu's Journal of Income and Expense. 1191. Freemen and Slaves, 259. Froissart's Chronicles, 355. Gem of the Peak, 592. Gems from Bra tish Poets, 259. Geography, First book of, for Children, 260. Geology, Bake. well's Introduction to, 444; Burr's. 1095. German, 011endorff's New Me- thod of Learning. 1095. Glassnevin Botanic Garden, Companion to. 711. Greece, History and Geography of, 829. Guards. Hussars, and Infantry, 518. Guides to Trade and Service, 710, 830, 1143. Sketchen and Essays, 1142. Heat, Reid's Catechism of, 1142. Hints for the Table, 1047 ; on Study. 663. Historical Tales of the Southern Coun- ties, 710, Houireoputhy, Curie's Prac- tice of, 831. Horace, Howell's Odes of, 519. Bone Poetics, 18. Hunterian Oration, V59. Imagery of Foreign Travel. 711. Impri- sonment fur Debt, the Act for abolish-

ing, 927. Incarnate One, 355. Inter- marriage. 662. Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects, 519. Ireland, Guide through, 880. Italian Translation, Guide to, 711.

Jarroek's Jaunts and Jollities, 307. Ju- venile Sketch-book, 19. Keith's Demonstration of the Troth of the Christian Religion, 759. Kenyon's Poems, 355. Knickerbocker, the, 928.

Ladies' Sunday-school Assistant, 759. Landscape larries, 663. Lardner's Cy- cluredia-Histury of Russia, 259 ; Emi- nent Statesmen, 445; History of Eng- land, 663; Literary and Scientific Men of France, 760; of Great Britain, 880. Latin Exercises, 259. Law Dictionary, Torolins's, 259. Lays of Leisure Hors. 259. Legal Guide: 1093. Legends of Leicester, 830. Litter Mercatoris, 356. Lietch's Poetic Fragment,,1193. Life's Lesson.1094. Lost Evi lence, the, 1047. Lounger's Commonplace Book, 91. Lyric Poets of Germany, Translations from the. 519. Maclean. Historical and Genealogical Account of the Clan, 258. Macullocli s' Dictionary of Arts, en Ma pus's Poetical Works. 495. Manual (a) of Mental and Moral Philosophy, 928. Masterpieces of English Pr. se Litera-

ture, 91, 448, 519. Mathematician's Pocket Guide, 445. Medicaster (the), and the Mortgagee, 928. Methode Practique. O59. Middle Ages, Chrome Tables of the History of the, 259. Montezuma, 495. Moral and In- tellectual School-book, 307. Mortimer Delmar, 306. Mnsical History, Ho- earth's. 307. My Mother's Stories. 1094. Natural History, Annals of. 260. Natu- ralists Library, the, 519, 880, New Excitement for 1639, 927. New York Review, 928. Night (a) near Windsor, 519. Nimrod's Northern Tour, 444. Notices on the Northern Capitals of Europe, 518. Oracle (the) of Rural Life, 927. Paraguay, Quadrupeds of, 445. Parent's Guide to Education, 307. Pearls of Great Price. 1094. Pedro of Castile. 18. Penny Cydopredia, 519. Peter


A401411-St. Marv's Eve, 9; All for Love, or the Lost Pleat& 61; Gnome Fly, 112; A Maiden's Fame, 160 Rifle Mamma-res, 179; Lenten MIMIC, 207; Guide of the Tyrol. 300; The Mayor and the Monkey. 300; The Groves of Blarney. 371 ; Pat and his Potatoes, 415; Arrival of the Bayaderes, 916; Appear:nice of. 911 ; A11.10011, 1013 ; Linage de Lignerolles, 1066; Nicholas Niekleby, 1113; The Wreck at Sea, or the Fern Light, 1159; Return of Jim Crow, 1183; The Silver Dove. 1230. Astley's-Mr. Vau Aruburgh and his wild beasts, 8-14.

Celeste (Mademoiselle), farewell address of, 802.

Covent Garden- King Lear. 88; The 'Wonder. Ill; The Lade of Lyons, 160, 179; Mackintosh and Co., 179; The Illack Domino, 179; Coriolanus, 253; The Two Foscari, 346; Windsor Castle, 346; Sallied the Seiler, 371, 395; Ro- meo me° and Juliet, 415; The Out amt. 463; The Veiled Portrait, 463; 'Womates Wit, 490; Closing of the Season, 631; Retrospect. 659; Opening, 918; Corio• lams, 918; Cymbeline. 918; Brown, Jones. and Robinson, 918: Hamlet ,94I ; The Tempeat, 995; Foresters, 1012; Jealousy, 1013; Othello, 1038; Barbara, 1066; The Royal Oak, 1082; Chaos is come again, 1114; William Tell, 1159; Fair Rosamond, 1230. Drury Lane-Charles Kean as Hamlet, 38; as Richard the Third, 136; as Sir Giles Overreach, 230; as Othello, 463; The Menotti:ins, 371; Madame Alber- tants Benefit, 801; Opening of, 940: The Spirit of Air,1114; Jack Frost,1230. English Opera-house-Opening of, 6:31; Gemini, 632; Hub of the Pen, 659; Shakspere, 680; The M.1'. for the Rot- ten Borough, 703; The Emigrant's Daughter, 754; Barnes's Benefit, 844; Self-Accusation, 876; Promenade Con- certs, 1208. Haymarket-Closing of, 61; Opening of, 371; The Hunchback, 395; Weak Points, 415; Suzanne, 463; The Mo. Plymiey's Letters, 444. Petit Vocabu- latre Francals-Anglals, 891, Phreno- logy., aim Examination of', 1047 ; an Epitome of, 1095. Physical Geoeraphy, 1142. Pictorial Bible, 711. Piers de Gaveston, 258. Piety, Pleasures of, 259. Pilgrim's Progress, 592. Popu- lar Dictionary of Facts and Knowledge, 1048. Plain Advice on the making of Wills, 19. Practical Chemistry, 663; Discourses, Reverend James Made:M.8. 519; Observations on the Preservation of Health, by Sir A. Carlisle, 519. Prisoners (the) of Abd-el-Kader, 91. Proverbial Philosophy, 91, 928.

Railroads, Practical Treatise on, 663. Rambles in the Pyrenees. 592. Re- claimed Family, the, 1191. Religions (the) of Profane Antiquity. 1190. Re- ligious History of Man. 258. Remini- scences from the Early Life of it Luthe- ran Clergyma n, 260. Reptiles, History of British. 260. Reeponsibility of Man, 760. Revival of Literature, on the. 592. Richardeon'e Sketelies in Prose and Verse ,759. Rodger's Poems mai Songs, 711. Rogers's Italy, 307, 592; Poems, 928. Rom:moist (the) and Novelist's Library, 1191. Roman Lovere,the,1191. Sabhation, 259. Sallusti (C. Crispi) Helium Catilinarium et Jugurthinum, 1047. Sanctuary, Abe, 445. Sar- tor Resartns, 760, Seholes's Poems, 495. Scott. Lockhart's Life of, 306. Scripture. Poetical Illustration of Pas- sages of, 259. Select English Poetry, 445. Self-Dependence, 519. Stuarat Ul Atrak, or Genealogical Tree or the

Turks and Tatars, 355. Sharks ere. Letters on the Natural History of the Insects mentioned by, 662; Wisdom and Genius of, 711; Knight's Pictorial, 1142; Shakspere's Autobioaraphleal Poems. 662. Sheep, Treatise on, 931. Shoraliand Dictionary, 1094; Plain Instructions for the attainment of, 1094; a New System of, 1094. Since. pore. Journal of an Expedition from, to Japan. 759. Southey's Works. 18, 259, 444. 664. Stable Economy, 307. Standard Library Editions, 1047 ; Novels, 18, 4-14, 1048. Standish's Poems, 1143. State Trials : Specimen of a New Edition, 830. Statistical Society, Journal of-the, 444. Steam Engine, Hugo Reid's. 759. Stolen Child, 260. Switzerland, Co 71ilan's Guide to. 445; Hand-Book for Travel- lers ill, 880.

Tales of the Great and Brave, 710. Teacher's Tales, 260. Texas, History of the Revolution in, 928, Thomas's Burlesque Drama, 260. Three Months' Leave, 592. Topsail Sheet Moan, 355. TransportatiOn, Report on, 1047. Uncle Oliver's Travels, 831. Universal History, Mr. Prince's Parallel of, 1047. Urea, • Practical Compendium of the Materia Modica, 831. Village Magazine, the, 1191. Walter Dever ell. 445. Ward's Miscel- lany, 117. Waterloo's Essays on Na- twat History, 355, Wife-Hunter, the,

710. Wilberforce, Mrs, 306. Wilber- force, Strictures on the Life of, by

Thomas Clarkson, 829. Wordsworth's Sonnets. 663. Wreath (a) of Wild Flowers from New Euglault. 114.3. Zoological Garden, the: a Ilauti-Book for Visitors, 886.

LISTS OF PCDLICATIONS RECEIVED, 1216, 1239. they, 510; The White Horse of the Peppers, 510; The Irish Lion. 559; Every Mau in his Humour, 703; New Notions, 703; The,Aaheidau Captive, 754; A Lesson for Ladies, 84-1; Tom Noddy's Secret, 876; The Maid of Ma- rieudurpt, 968; Mr. Greenfinch. 1114; My Little Adopted, 1183; Return of Power, 1208; O'Flannigan and the Fairies, 1230.

Legitimate Drama, State of the, 1082. Lent. 179, 207. Mathews (Mr. and Mrs. Charles), Treat. meat of. in America, 1183.

Olympic-Puss in Boots, 9; The Black Domino, 61; Shocking Events, 61; You Can't Marry Your Grandmother. 207; What have I done? 300; The Drama's Levee, 371; Naval Engagement& 415; Patter r, Clatter, 490; Closing of, 510; Opening of, 940 ; Sons and Systems, 940 ; Mischievous Eyes, 941 ; The Printer's Devil, 969; Ask No lanes- tams, 1012; The Idol's Birthday, 1066; The Court of Old Fritz. 1114; The Brewer of Preston, or the Queen's Hume, 1159; Burlington Arcade, 1208; Re- appearance of Charles Matlwws, 1230. Reeve (John), Death of, 88.

Sadler's Wells-Oliver Twist, 1182.

St. James's -The Culprit, 10; The Mu- sician of Venice, 61; The Black Do- mino, 112; 'Tis She 136; The Spital. fields Weaver, 160; The Fatal Secret, 207; Jenny Jones, 207; The Ambassa- dress, 230 ; Oliver Twist, 300 ; hero and Leander, 395; Closing or, 510.


America, the Fine Arts in. 664. Annuals, Illustrations of the, 928. Art-Union, 423, 784. Beauty's Costume, 308. British Artists, Soviet- of, 283, 331; Ap- peal to the A Free Exhibition Pro. posed. 902. British Institutieu, 140,164 ; Old Pictures at the. 615. Canton. Panorama of. 3-15. Cartoons, pamposed Removal of, 519; nt Hampton Court, 640. Casts from the Antique. 520. Chasing, specimen of', 284, 400. Coliseum, Model of the, 376.

Coloured Decorations in Houses, 855. Constable's Pictures. Sale of, 590. COSMONIMR, the, 495.

Design, the New Schools of, 881. Diorama, 332. Disposal of Modern Pictures. 616. Drawing School, a New, by Don Villa- bolos, 1071. Engraving, Progrest of, 1000. Finden's Royal Gallery of British Art, 19, 471. German (the) School of Painting ; Mr. I lensta's Pictures, 831, 857. 903. Healing's Early Drawing Book, 19. Huw.uc l o Art of Picture-Making, 543. Illurnimmated (Knight's) Prints and Maps, 1132. Lawrence Collection of Drawings, 189, 308. Leader (Mr.), Portrait of, 188. Medals, the Guildhall rand Coronation : Wyon and Pistracci, 952.

" Moral Paintines" at Exeter Hall. 332. Nasies (.1.) Arehitectural Sketches, 568. National Gallery, opening of the, 356 ; the " Watteaus " in the, 376; Lord Farnborough's Bequest to the, 495; Duke of Northumberland's Gift to the Nation, 1071.

Neleou (the) and Wellington Monuments, 736- Newcastle Institution of Fine Arts, Free opening of the, 1071. New Prints, 19. 189, 212, 260, 376, 543, 616, 712, 807, 856, 1168. New Water Colour Society, 188, 400. Oriental Portfolio, 712. Painters in Water Colours, Society of, 188, 390, 423. MUSIC.

Altana& Thomas. 303. Belle's Italian School of Singiue, 711. Ballet. the. 300. 559, 659; Taglioni's Re- turn, 534; Le Diable Boiteux, 754. Brass Instrument:, Improvernesit 1013. Classical Concerts. Ill.

Costa's Art of Singing. 711. Devil's Opera, the, 719. Diaaeste, 463. Exeter Hall Oratorios, 1089, 1208. Gipsy's Warning, the, 371. Gresham Music Lectures. the, 110.

Italian Opera-house- Opening of the. 302; Lucia di Lammermoor. 323 ; °tell°. 394 ; Parisitia, 510; 11 Mmtrimu-


Segeeto, 559; Figaro, 597; Disturh• anee at thea632; Balfe's Falstsitr, 684 ; Closing of the, 891.

Itinerant Music-monger.;, 1234. Madrigal Society, the, 989. Magic Flute (the) at Drury Lane. 254. Metropolitan Library of Music, 753. Moselieles' (Mr.) Soiree, 207. Musical Education in the United States, 1119. Musical Proceedings of the Season, 491. New Musical Publications, 139, 188, 424, 901, 1072. 1168. Organ Performance at St. Sepulchre's, 680. Philharmonic Concerts, 233,275,325,395. 441, 490.537, 587, 1061. Purcell Club, 130; Yearly Commemora- tion, 1113. Quartet Concerts, 179. Sacred Music: 391.

Vocal Converts, 63, III, 159, 207, 254, 393. Wilson (Mr.) the Singer, 85'); Lectures on Scottish Song by, 583.

Paul Delareehe and the French School of History Painting, 212. Peeps at the Print-Shops. 1071, 1095. Perspective Simplified, 808. Portraits, Engraved, 424. Pront on Light mud Shadow, 809.

Queen (the), Portrait of, by Parris, 19 ; by Ilayter, 163; Miniature by Rest, 193; Caution's Sketch of, 284; 'Medal- lion Eugraving of, Letter from V. Nolte, 5619;' Steele's Bust of, 683; Aglio's Portrait of, 807.

Raffaelle Tapestries, 616. Richardsou's Sketches on the Continent, 712. Royal Academy, 66, 199 ; Exhibition, 423, 445, 471; Portraits in, 542; Elec- tion of Associates. 1070. Samelferd's (the Rev. J.) Collection of Pictures, 520. Sketeliee. Forthcoming. 400. Stantiehts Views on the Moselle, 66; Sketches, 307. Teachine to Draw, 616. Theatre Machinery, Steplieneon's, 750. Thorwahlionee Statute of Byron, 784. Waterloo, Model of the Itatth• of, 952. Western Steam Ship, Decorative Piettdes for, 213. Wilson's (Harry) Sketches, 284. Wyatt-Welliugton Statue, the. 568; Job, G16, 639, 664; A Vision of, 760.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Academies of Art, by John Landseer, 130. Army, Reconstruction and liuprovement of the, by X., 131; Reform, 180; Mili- tary Administrative Abuses, 680; Re- forms, P230. Arnott's ( Dr.) Stoves, by S. T.. 372. Ballot, General Napier's Objections to the, by .1. C. S., 04; Ultra-Radical Objec- tions to time. 130; Electors and the, by N. I. C., 106,

Banking in !rebind, by Ilibertms, 513. Baronets, the New, by A Weidman ,703. Bentham, by T., Letter I., 946; II., 971; 991. Byron Statue: Dr. I relleut and Thum:ad- s:en, by %elutes, 045.

Camemtle -Pacie ation a, by en -Valle- Canadian, 34 ; I:overtime:a IIcingsin, ivy T., 821; Whig-Radical Defence of the Government Treatmeut of, 876; A Preealent tar Lord Durham, 1 a. M., 825; Lord Darham's Administration, by .1. A. Roolemek, Letter 1.. 1039; II., 1069; Ill., 1084; Lord Durham's Appoint- mods. 1109; Lord Durham's Last Ap- pointment to Office, by X., 1109.

Canada Questiou, Mr. Ward on the, 84. Canadian Revolt. the, by J. S., 34. Canadians, the French, by E. G. Wake- field, 1109.

Colonial Measures, by II. C., 230. Copyright QIISti01n.tfte,byan Edinburgh

Publisher, 347; by Pro Bono Public°, 513. Corn-laws, by a Tradesman, 991; Circular Letter to the aft•mbers of Anti-Corn- law Asseciat lone, by a Fellow • Lallutirer. 898. " Don Giovanni" at her Majesty's The- atre, 438. Dramaticals for the Witlgar, 106. Dundee Constituency, the, and Sir II. Parnell, by A. Symon, 300. Falinlitirgh, State of Ileaent P. lilies in, 513; Reform in Scotland, by Dr. Wade, 534.

Detention of the People, by James W1we1er, 970.990; by J. R. Wood., 1063. Epigrams, by II. C., 2:41, 300, Fagot VOWS, Incr?ase of the Constituency bv, by C. Starkes, 970.

Fashionable Whir; Toast, 6e0. Free Torch Beate. the. 1182. Great Weitern Railway, by cm Subscriber, 990. Gresham College, Revival of, by E. Tay- lor, 58'3. Helpmate Society, tile. by C. E. S.. 895. Iriaft Itailroads,fly Railroads, J., 510; Re- port (the) of the Irish Railway Com- mission. liv Artelo-Hilmernus, 715. 796, 820; Tricks of the, 895. Irish Remonstrance, by :mn Irish Alien, 112. Italian School (time) of Dramatic Music anterior to Purcell, by G. Ilogartit, 654. Loudon General Post -Suppression of the

He early delivery,- by C. M., 1182. leerumi's (Uuhoael) Inventions, 795. Martial Law, by Drum-Head, 391 ; by Anti-Whig 41e.

Na timial English Music, by W. Chappell, 923. Nelson Monument, the, by P. lank. 754. O'Connell I Mr.) anti the Irish !touch, by F. D. Finlay, 631. " Pacific Pulley, flie "-C'eunt Stroga- noff's Toast, In X. X., 1083. Queen's Chaplain, to the. 5511. Slavery Act Amendment Bill, by J. A. Yates, 323.

Slave Trade, English Enconneement of the, by Sandie, 106.

Statistics of Crime, by it. Hawes, 680. Steam Navigation, by W. F., 9-16, 1013; by la F,. 969. Talicyrand - Elegies on a Deceased Statesman, by Hie :facet, 487.

Theatres, " Taking-in " the Public at, by a Farmer'', Daughter. 990.

United States, Provocativ es to a War with, by Anti-Treason, 131. Welch Literature, by a Member of the Welch MSS. Society, 1109, Wham-Radical Manteuvres, by a Radical, 204. " Who is the Traitor ?" by a Friend to Plain Dealing, 923. Woburn .thbey, Price of a Peep at, 895. Yates on Ireland, Letter I., 920; II., 970; 111., 989; IV., 1013.