6 JANUARY 1849, Page 22


grund Sonatas for the Pianoforte and Flute Concertante. Composed by M. Hauptmann. Edited by J. Clinton. Ifr. Clinton has done a good service to the English amateurs of the flute in making them acquainted with these sonatas by a distinguished foreign master. The great improvements recently made in the construc- tion and the consequent enlargement of the powers of the instrument, have made a corresponding change in the character of the music composed for it. The strength and equality of its tone throughout its whole compass, the perfection of its chromatic scale, and the facilities given to the execu- tion of passages in every key, have enabled composers to follow the inspi- rations of genius with almost as much freedom RS if they were writing for the violin. These sonatas of M. Hauptmann well deserve the epithet of grand. The subjects of the movements are largely developed, and we End in every one of them great breadth of design, flowing and beautiful Melody, and rich and solid counterpoint. Though their execution de- mands a mastery of both instruments, yet they contain no unmeaning difficulties; and, from their pure and classical style, they are calculated to improve the taste, as well as the hand, of the performer.