6 JANUARY 1855, Page 12

The correspondent of the Times at Scutari, intrusted with the

distribu- tion of the Sick and Wounded Fund, reports anotheeillustratkin of mili- tary carelessness, down to so late a day as the 25th December— "I had yesterday a strange amilicatiott made [eine, as trustee of the fund. It was to provide flannel shirts and drawers for on entire regiment /tow in the- Golden Horn, and on its way to the seat tf,war. reminded my-applicant that the fund was raised for the benefit of the sick and *Tended :-butheanswer ea, that prevention was better than cure, that -the regiment had just returned: from eervice in the Tropics, and that the men were going to the Crimea from Gibraltar without any protection whatever against the climate in the shape of under-clothing. Ile said that on- their arrival they would be sent into the trenches as they stood, and lie left are to conjecture the result. I did not 'Tee niatielf justified in 'resiating Such' an applieitidn ;, nor de I think that the- subscribers to the fund will object to it, even though a good supply of the things which the regiment Stands most in need Of"mey be forthcoming at llalaklava. I will, however, endeavour to make some arrangement by which, in that event taking place, . the special, interest of the sick and seeded in the usufruct of •the fend may not suffer."

Campbell, Fifth Dragoon Guards, and 108 non-comMism1*11 c)fficers and privatesi died at Scutari between the 18th and 24th Decentber, both


Lieutenant and Adjutant Warren, of the Fifty-fifth eriiçCaptiun


Nitinber in Hospitals on the 24th December.

Non-commissioned officers and men 3825 SICK officers 78 Total 3703

The Times denies that its " special correspondent" in the Crimea has been sent away. He obtained _leave from "head-quarters "—not from Lord Raglan's head-quarters—to refit at Constantinople ; he left Balak- Java on the 4th, and returned on the 24th December.