6 JANUARY 1855, Page 2




Africa-Fight at Mallaghea, 749. War at Sennegambia, 698. America-The meeting of Envoys in Belgium, 908. British foreign legion, 353, 379, 8 4. North Carolina slavery amelioration, 749. Kansas, Er29. Mr. Lae rence,921. Irish agi- tation against England, 947. Greytown bom- bardment 997. San Domingo, 1106. Cash- ing on British enlistments, 2129,1180. lie- lotions with England, 1066.1234, 1236,1199, 1292, 1354. bound dues, 1323.

Austria-Eastern question-diplomatic pro- ceedings, 3,30, 40, 91, 129, 263, 507, 588, 613, 639, 723, 828, 850; the conference, 235, 259, 284, 107, 331, 352, 353, 404, 406, 427, 561, 588 ; instructions of Aall Pasha, 377. Reduction of army, 669. Mortgage bank, 1027. Con- cordat, 1209. Peace negotiations, 1291, 1521,1132. Army, 1952.

Battle, the-Command of the fleet; 178.. The fleet in, 404, 634, 561, 588, 612, 662; 700,723, 1051. Range massacre, 614, 638, 7110: Ships destroyed at Nystad, 748. WIWI g; 772. Frederiekshamm, 804. 5086ka,209. Sawa berg, Ede, 874, 898. Brandon-, 990. Retina of fleet, 1259, 229L

Belgium-National defences,453. Legislature, 1179; budget, 1211.

China-Repulse of the French, 308. Counsies-Australla-Couvicte, 92. Riot at Ballarat. 92,226, 261, 286, 310. Agitation at Sydney against Legislative Council, 534. Finance., 700. Victoria gold-duty, 701, 772. Finances of Victoria, 921. Increase of New South Wales duties, 1354. Canada-Fo- reign legion, 612. The union, 997. Pall of Sebastopol, 1106. Cape of Good Hope- Contest with Coffees in Taansvaal Republic, 284, Parliament, 508, 749. Frontier, 829. Sir G. Grey's tour, 1180. Ceylon-Attack on Sir 14. Ward, 1079. India-Bums-so embassy, 66, 179. Gholam Ryder Khan, 453. Public works loan, 804, 850. Mission to Ava , 860, 1260. Rental insurrection, 8911, 969, 1026, 1179, 1260, 1299. Disturbances at Lucknow, 1026, 11•11; secret Durbar, 1079. Constitution of Supreme Council, 1260. New Zealand-Government Crisis at Auckland, 39. Earthquake, 061. Canter- bury, 641. Native troubles at New Ply- mouth, 1234. Proceedings of the Provin- cial Council of Canterbm y-the colony and the Asaociation, 1260. Nova Scotia-Fo- reign legion, 428. West Indies-am-air.. Legialature,.6.1133,, „• • " ‘. •

Crimea-aitae of. Sabastopal, 4,437064, 9p,,C,4 149, fa 206 fla,4130, 084 307; 34; 333,339, 377, 486, 50a, 6113,469, 922, 1el, 772, 803, 828, 819, 920. Tints at Eupatoria, 37. Russian attack, 260, Second bombarilmenii •401. 427;462, 454, Attaclron-theCextua To lyre; 532. Successes in the San of Aide, 630,464 588, ail , 868, 772, 850; 879, 1211; ;291. da-f limier 333, 560. The Mamelon, 690, 610, 637. The Tchermaya, 589. Unsuccessful attack on Malakoff and Redan, 637, 640, 668, 698. Death of Lord Raglan, 698, 748. ,Field hospitals, 604, 899. Battle of Tchernaya, 851, 873, 896, 920. Third bombardment- fall of the South side of Sebastopol, 941, 968, 971,991, 1635; subsequent movements, 1104, 1128, 1152, 1178, Balaklava, 875. Koug hill, 1025, 1076. Allies at Odessa and Kin- burn, 1049, 1078. 1105, 1152. Russians on the North of Sebastopol,. 1050, 1075. Ta- man, 1076, 1078. Explosion of magazines, 1210, 1233. Resignation of General Simp son, 1137; succeeded by Sir W. Codrington, 1129. Winter, 1258, 1290, 1322, 1353. Con- tents of Sebastopo1,1258. Skirmish in Raider Talley, 1353.

Cuba-New agitation, 260.

Denmark-Impeachment of Ministers, 534. Opening of Chambers. 850. Sound dues, 830, 921. New constitution, 1027. Gene- ral Canrobert, 1234.

France-loan, 4, 64. Emperor's address to the soldiers, 36. War, 89; note to Berlin, 149; M. de Wedel, 176, 352; memoir in 34niffeur, 376,4631 circular note 561 ; re- ply to Russia, 668. New Minister of Fi- nance, 149. Emperor's visit to the Crimea, 204. M. Berry er, 307. Imperial visit to England, 402, 427. Attempt to assassiaate the Emperor, 491,483, 507. Resignation of Drouyn Se Lhuys, 484. Opening of Ex peal- tion, 907; close, 1181, 1209. Opening of Chambers-new taxes, 698, 747. Loan, 747, 802. Russia and the (artists, 827. Fete Napola on' 849. Visit of Queen Victoria, 851, 870, 876, 899, 893. General Torrens, 921. Riots at Angers, 921, 1075. Attempt on the Emperor's life. 916. Fall of Sebas- topol, 986. Meat, 1024. Empress pregnant, 1049. Italy, 1049. Duke of Brabant, 1075. Decimal coinage, 1077. Poor-relief, 1104. Floating batteriee, 1177. Khig of Sardinia's visit, 3213, 1231, Count Mole, 1292. Ad- miral Brunt, 1233, 1290. Emperor's speech, 1258.

Germany-The war, 149, 177, 206 377. The Diet, 284, 748, 803. Hanoverian constitu- tion annulled. 534, 803 ; new Ministry, 771. Wurtemberg demand lor a revision of the Federal Diet, 803, 878; Bavarian demand, 1026. Sir A. Mulct's speech, 998. Distress, 1269.

Greece-New Ministry, 1050, 1079. Russian sympathies, 1172. Opening of Chambers, 1211.

Holland -Legislature, 969.

ltaly-Imprisonment for reading the Bible, 378. Central Congregations of Lombardy, 803, 830. Prince Lucien Mural's letter, 947. Japan-English treaty, 6. Jersey-Expulsion of French refugees, 1075, 1076, 1079,1128. Mexico-Santa Anna an exile, 947.

Naples--Immaculate conception, 37. King of Portugal, 748. Political state, 828, 921, 960; Insult to Mr. Fagan, 898,1026. Persia-British Ambassador offended, 1353. Portugal-Return of King, 875 ; his reign in- augurated, 969. Prussia -Eastern question-Mantenffers de- spatch, 6; vacillation, 36, 65, 91; Second Chamber on war, 807; papers,UI, 668, 771. Coasting trade, 92. Klima tour, 1026, 1051. Elections, 1050, 1075, 1179, 1210. Opening Chambers, 1224.

Rome-Monitory against Sandiala,150. 612. Allocution on Sardinia, Spain, and Switzerland, 831. The Austr:an concordat, 1234.

Russia-The war, 6, 92, 177, 352, 1259. Mani- festo, 6. Militia, 204. Declaration of war against Sardinia, 235. Barbarity to wound- ed, 353. Nesselrode's circular on the Con- fa, enees, 533, 588; reply to Walewskas cir- cular, 639. Death of Nicholas, 237; new Czar, 260, 283, 397, 310, 331 ; Nicholas's will, 485. Disturbances in Ukraine, 455. The White Sea, 723. Nesselrodel note to Gort- schakoff, 771. Hango massacre, 771. Arch- angel" victories," 829. Pressure of the war, 900, 1129, 1178, 1236 The Allies at Petro paulovski, 945. Faller Sebastopol, 969. Em- peror's journey to the South, 996,1024,1076, 1105, 1210, 1258. Russian aud Allied fiesta in Gulf of Tartary, 1026. Loan, 1291, 1293. Money, 1291. Polish amnesty, 1333:

Sardinia--Contingent for the East, 36, 66, 178, 353, 404,428. Suppression of convents, 36, 66, 150, 236, 534. Count Cav our, 65. Death of Queen, 02; of Duke oLGeaoa, 178. Minis- terial crisis, M. Mimeo( the Mang, 1028. Damute with Tuscany, 1105. Legislature, 1179; finances, 1211.

Spain-New constitution, 66, 92, 150. 178. Fi- nance,, 125. Madtadleational Guard, 353. Lord Howden, 37;634. Carliet3consplracy, 534; 561, 589, 701. Mlialsteriar crisle, 703. The dispute with Rome, 748, 828, 898. Riego, 1179. O'Donnell, 1291. Sweden-Fall of Sebastopol, 997. The war question--Qinrobert's mission, 1129, 1153, 1179, 1210 ; treaty with Western powers, 1322.

Switzerland-Church and state, 236.

Tripoli-Rebellioe, 772.

Turkey-Sick and wounded soldiers., 5, 8, 39, 12; 150, 308, 332. Turkish corps in English pay, 205. Army of Anatolia, 260. Austrian excesses in Principalities, 533, 639, 1259. The war in Asia, 724, 748, 772, 803, 829, 874, 898, 1018,1010; repulse of Russians at Kars, 1076, 1105, 1177; Omar Pasha's army, 1153, 1393; battle of Lwow, 1177, 1233; fall of Ears, 1291, 1323, 1363. Dismissal of Red- schld Pasha, 1026. Arrest of Turr, 1211,1259.


The Queen and the soldiers, 7, 202, 258, 658. Chapter of the Order of the Garter, 146. Presentation; or Crimean: medal/1/-200: 588. Visit of EIng,of the Belgians, 09E. King oft Portugal, 826. Queen% emits te 411md, p18, 990,4022) 1416 • relent, Visit of the Etna f$aaffinia ,1a3a,V36, 4154. • Balaklava Paw* tqtaso2, Rabeft C64°. 2- ,Barthiiemy the 'assassin 2, 86. A police- man receiver, 2. Forgeries, 2. Revenue, 9, 357, 704, 104. Murder by an Italian, 34, )29,, 37.6431., Court of Aldermen-Lard A1.ffialeate, 62.. Commission of Sewers, 62, 11391. • Co rnois Council-Reform, 88,. ,1356.1 sattrffififut of Common Sergeant.— Whitechapel baths, 1318. Gen. ear Evans, 124, 174. Times libel on South-Western Directors, 124. Naval prize cases, 124. Ministerial changes, 126, 152, 178, 208, 236, 261, 379. Sir C. Napier and Earl of Cardigan at the Mansionhouse, 148. Convocation, 147, 152, 666, 891. Religions war in Pim- lico, 147, 374, 770; decision of Dr. Lashing- ton, 1256. Paving boards, 148. D. ck com- panies and dues, 174. Crim. con.-Hope v. Aguado, 174. Fall of a house, 174, 203. Military armaments, 179. Fire at Albion Wharf, 181, 203. Sebastopol inquiry, 202. Spielman a Bank of England, 202. " Food riots," 202. Sanitary commission for the East, 205. Lord J. RumeWs-realection, 233, 158. law Amendment Society, 233. Sale of next presentations, 233. Central Asso- ciation-Duke of Cambridge, 258. Banquet to General Vivian, 282. Annual meetings, 282, 306, 330, 350, 450, 483, 631,1114. London University, 282. Day of Humlliation, 303. Stuart testimonial, 310, 401. Mrs. Rains- botham's case, 331, 351, 374. Ia ws of bloek- ade-the °staff, 350. Colonel Sibthorp's regiment, 375. Mr. F. Villiers's difficulties, 3o, 484, 770. Loan, 380. Visit of French Emperor, 381, 399, 426; 450: Maynooth, 401. Tea-duties, 425, 459. Practical joking In. the army, 428, 612. Christ's Hospital, 450. Mr. Barber, 451, 1206. Pariah electioneer- ing in Lambeth, 451. Burning of the Etna, 451, 484, 531. Administrative Reform As- sociation and meetings, 482, 530, 338, 687, 809, 666, 826, 1051. Milton club, 484. City dinner to Ministers, 606. Russian ships, 506. Disasters in manuta --Aries of war-imple- ments, 507. Mr. K annedy, 508. Sunday trading, 508. Daeldson and Gordon frauds, 631, 559, 587, 722, 871, 1175, 1237, 1319,1328, Civil service candidates, 534. Foreign Le- gion, 534. Epsom races, 538. Maine Liquor Law, 558. Royal Geographical Society .558. Archdeacon Sinclair's visitation, 659. Mr.

D. Sombre, 559. Emigration-agente, 559. Lord Campbell on City corporation, 587. National Society, 987. Crystal Palace flower-show, 587. Jew bill, 689. Prince Albert at the Trinity House, 609. New cattle-market, 609. Report of cathedral commissioners, 612. Army practical joking, 612. Strahan and Co., 613,636,641, 667, 697, 722, 801, 942, 966, 1016,1070, 1108, 1126, 1256, 1261, 1287. Royal Literary Fund, 638. Sun- day bill riots. 667, 697,722, 747 ; Inquiry into conduct of police, 746, 769, 801, 1206. Lord Canning Governor-General of India, 670, 801. Officers' widows, 670. Postal regula- tions, 870. Action on bank note. 697. Free- dom of worship, 722. Resignation of Lord John Russell. 729; succeeded by Sir W. Molesworth, 751 ; Sir B. Hall's appointment, 772. State of the Thames 746, 769, 770. Communication with Ireland, 746. South- wark election 769, 774; Maryltbone, 769, 801. State Reform Association, 769. Rajah of Kurruckpore's case, 801. National Gal- lery, 801. Adulteration, 804. Poland, 826. Raglan memorial, 826. Wild Court, 826. Ministerial appointments, 829. Bank dial,- dends,830. Saturday half-holiday, .818. SAW war. 848. Accident at Cremorne, 848. Fa- tal fire, 848. Case of Miss .Tolley, 871. Forged letters of credit, 871. Hackney church- rates, 918, 1286, 1318. Fall of Sebaatopol, 942, 997, 1022,1048, Temperance conference, 942. City officer of health, 966. Camden Town cemetary; 966. Belle Isle nuisances, 9941, 1048. Mr. Hamilton and• the Duke of Somerset, 927, 1026. " Dear bread" meet- Ings In Hyde Plua, 1070, 1102, -11.26, 1150, 1175, 1206. Working Men's College, 1071. Jew butchers, 1071. goothrrark election, 1102, 1126, 1150. 1206, 1240. Mitcham rail- way accident, 1100, 1151. Death of Sir W. Moles worth, 1106. Offer of office to Lord Stanley, 1229. Lord Mayor's day, 1150, 1153. Proposed City library, 1150. Charges against Dr. Vaughan, 1150, 1173. Lard J. Russell's lectin-e, 1174. Sir R. Gar- diner, 1173. Mass far dead soldiers, 1175. Ballot memorial, 1175. Jersey refugees, 1175. Russia trade through Prussia, 1175. Boller-explosion, .1176, 1206. Polish corps, 1306, 1231. Dr. Booth's lecture, 1206. Archbishop of Canterbury and Mr. Denison, 1206, Ministerial appointments, 1211, 1234. Nightlegale fan; 2512,1230. Hume memo- rial, 1231,1386. Operabeutte, 1231. Eastern Counties Railway report, 1335, 1261, 1282. King of Sardinia's visit to the city, 1253. Metropolitan Board of Works, 1255, 1288, 1818, 1326, 1350. :Wiserannan the concordat, 11153, 1286, 1318. Bank•charper, 1296. Smith- field, 1266. Accident at Bricklayer's Aline Auction, 1262,1287., St. Andiew's church. yard, 1286. Lambuth.refOrmatory institu- tion, 1287. Cattle-40w, 1187, 1319. Crossed °Becks, 1287'.. WearLondan railway, 1287. Memorial of the Guards, -1292, 1323. - Bil. leting, 1293. St. Pancras reformatory insti- tution, 1318. Murder in the id inories, 1350. Illections, 2, 174, 2$, 258, 243, 306, 331, 351, 531,539,587, 698, 723. 747, 844, 893, 943, 1071, 1103, 1127, 1151, 1207, 1231, 1288,1319. Sir . A. Alison at Seaham, 3. Bishop of St. Da- vid's surplus. 3.. Arrival of wounded sol- diers, 3, 35. School of musketry, 3. Arch- deacon Denison, 3,33. Mrs. Morris's dupe,

I. Railway accidents, ; 35, 64, 331, 872, 9430073, 1189; Reading, $3, 967. Earl of

Elgmat Liverpool, 35. Recorder on in- temperance, 35. Mr. Cobden at Leeds, 62. Mr. Lindsay at Tynemouth, 63. The war, 64, 175, 234, 306, 667, 747, 849. Soiree to Manchester Members 68. General Evans at Follistone, 89. Murder at Rochester, 124, 145, 306. Sir R. Peel's letter, 148. Man- chester Chamber of Commerce-Mr. Bright, 175. Lord Stanley at Lynn, 203. afraLowe at Kidderminster, 203. `Food riota," 203. Mr. Layard at Aylesburi, 231. Birming- ham mecting-anny reform, 234. Death of Major Young, 242., Baltic fleet, 238, 308, 351. Peace meeting, at tnehester, 259. Conviction of Dr-. GRes, if: Pall of a bridge at Bristol, 306. Clerical profligacy, 331. Libel-Art-Journal, 331. Reforma- tory schools, 351, 919, 1023,1072. 1182, 1207, 1288. Hopwood willease, 351, 373. Boyle e. 'Wiseman, 351, 401. Crim. con.-" gim• let case," 931. Discharges from militia, 354. Loss of the Tiger, 402. /dr. La yard at Liverpool. 421, 428. Oxford university- Dissontees, 137 ; legislation, 507; education, 1337; edam/6 891. Administrative reform, 451, 6073 551, 539, 667. The Cambridirt -University bill, 484. Vas of the John. 484, 507. Dinner to Lord Goderich, 383. Ascot races, 589. Camp at Aldershott, 610, 722. Oxford commemoratian, 637. Church rates, 667, 723. Funeral of Lord Raglan, 770,774. Royal Agricultural Society, 770. Corrupt practices at elections, 771. Railway acci- dent compensation, 771 Poisoning of Mrs. Woole-' 771, £02, 827, 819, 877, 893, 1289. Launch of /Kurth..tali , Col. Sir G. Brown at Leamingtou 602. Mr. afechia gather- ing, 1302. Goodwood races, 805.. Queen's itapection of Foreign Legion, 926; Duke of Cambridge, 872. Resignation of Mr. Hainis as President of Poor-law Board, 1326. Bir- mingham gaol cruelties, 826. Boyle e. Wise- man, 849. Roebuck testimonial, 872, 1000. Lord Stanley on mechanics institutions, 872. Arehmologleal Association, 872. Birming- ham statue to Peel, 89/. Murder at Cad- ham. 89i, 919,3551. Cambridge university and town rights, 918. Return of the Brace- bridges, 918. Sir J. Graham and the Sdloth railway, 918. Education of miners' chil- dren, 919. Sheffield Cutler's feast, 924. Fall of Sebastopol, 943. Sir J-Tyrell, 9/3. Law- ford bankruptcy, 918. Bath poisoning case. 913, 1263. The St, Leger, M. Lord_Pal- merston on thewar,918. -Mdetings of agri- cultural eocieties, 990, 1022, 1017, 1071, 1073, 1079, 1103, 1127. The Bishop of Exe- ter and Miniaters, 991. Mr. T. Smith at Kettering, 999. The Chancellor of the Ex- chequer in Raduor, 1022. Testimonialto Mr. Crawford, 1023, Friendly societies of Manchester, 1023. Assault by Lord Ernest Vane Tempest, 1023, 1032, 1078, 1319. Lord Palmerston at Romney, 1027. Sir E. Lytton at Buntingford, 1027. Duke of Cam. bridge at Liverpool,. 1046. Canterbury dio- cesan schools, 1048. IL Demetz, 1018, 1032. Mr. Hill on tickets-of-leave, 1018. Rev. Mr. Osborne at Wilton, 1071. Queen's school, 1072. Lectures by Lord Stanley and Mr. Gladstone, 1072. Meeting at Honiton-rellglous societies, 1072. County police, 1073, 1207. Practices In Parkhurst prison, 1073. General Windham, 1079. Earl of Ellesmere on the war, 1103. Bank act, 1103. Alice Grey, 1104,1128, 1151, 1237. Commercial travellers' school at Pinner, 1127. Mechanics institutes, 1127. British and Foreign School Society, 1127, Bradford Peel statue, 1151. Reformatory Union, 1151. Manchester strike, 1151, 1176, 1208, 1257, 1289. Suicide of Dr. Francks, 1151. Cobden on recruitment, 1154. Mr. Gladstone's lecture at Chester, 1176. Jersey refugees, 1176. Birmingham Agitate, 1207. Sir It. Peel on the war, 1207, 1231, 1260, 1188.. M.P.s on the war, 1231, 1236, 1288, 1319. Cattle-shows, 1289. Rev. B. Iowett's orthodoxy, 1388. Mr. Bright at Marsden. 1320. Banquet to Lieutenant Gardner, 1320. Poi- soning at Rugeley, 1320, 1351. Coroner of Warrington and Quakers, 1321. Mr. How- ard on negotlatiOns, 1351. Duke of North- umberland and his tenants, 1351.


Elections, 4,259, 376, 991, 1049, 1128, 1257, 1290. Reported resignation of Mr. Mon. sell, 176. Handcock s,. Delaeour -Laird Cliraritarde, 176, 202, 306, 982, 554, 428. Lord Carlisle, 234. Motantgarrett ease, 307. Viscount Fermoy, 352. The Fiesta and emigration, 376. Donnybrook fair, 507. Tenant-right, 687. Open scholarship. In Dublin University, 508. Four-law report, 6'1. Belfast salt, 723. Mr. Duffy's retire - meat, 802, 872, 893, 944. Royal Agricultu- ral Improvement Society, 827. Mr. O'Brien , 849 Communication with London, 873. Lord Stanley at Tipperary, 991. Mr. Hors- man at Belfast, 999. Polley of the Pama- ganda towards Irish priests, 1024. Pelimier, 1021. Agricultural Boded. a, 1049. Priests • and income- tax. 1019. Mr. Lucas, 103r- 1104. Ministers-money, 1074. Tenant.- League agitation, 1075. Rall way difficulty, 1076. Murder of Miss Hinds, 1075, 1104. Lord Carlisle at Belfaat, 1131, 1151. • 'Mar- ' ders,1151, 1258. Bible-burning, 1177, 1232, 1257, 1290. Lord Naas at Coleraine, 1908. Political economy, 1208. A clergyman can -marry himself, 1208. Dr. Callen's pastoral, 1237. Belfast college, 1321. lam-aeration 1351. Fire at Duke of Leinster's, 1351..


Death of Lord Robertson, 35. Edinburgh In- dustriaiSchool Society, 38. The Czar and the Bible, 36. Earl of Eight at Dunfermline, .148. Dr. Lows.. 148, Elections, 934, 259, • 283, 375,907. Mg. Railway accidents, 234, 902; near Berwick, 873, 920. 'Duke of .Argyll Lard Rector of Glasgow University, _312.Iffiath ofT4r. Wallace, 3412. Mr. Lay- ard Lord "Heater of Aberdeen University, 335, General Assembly, 560, 688. Forbes Mackenzie act, 802. Mr. Laing and the war, 827, 873. Duke of Richmond's te- • nantry, 919. Salmon-fishery, 919. Little -Glen Tilt ease, 919. Sir George Brown at Elgin' 914. BriUsh Association, 914; 949, 967. Mr. Ratter at Montrose, 999. Mr. Dunlop at Greenock, 099. Burglaries, 1014. Earl of Derby at Irvine, 1049. Sir J:Der- gusson at Kilmarnock, 1049. Glasgow . celebrations of Crimean victories, 1073,1200.-. Addresses to constituents, 1074. Captain Drummond, 1074. Mr. Ewart Sc Durnfriea. • 1104. Industrial school at Dundee, 1103, Sir J. 11-Neill's lecture, 1151. Mr. Bouveria at Kilmarnock, 1177. Sir S. Anderson and his constituents, 1233. Glasgow Atheneum, 1290. Mr. Cranfurd at Ayr, 1321. Lord Ad- vocate at Leith, 1352. Edinburgh address to the King of Sardinia, 1352.


Administrative reform, 608, 614, 633, 719. Army administration, 255 ; barracks and recruiting, 663 ; commissions, 279, 635; es- timates, 199, 231 ; pay, 695 ; promotion, 231, 328; services, 100. Assizes and sessions, 611. Austria, position of, 662. Attstrallan constitutions, 480, 504, 606, 664.

Ballot, 629. Beer bill, 785, 823. Bills of ex- change, 323. Board of Health, 87. Bright- on recorder, 257. Budget, 405,432; Supple- mentary, 799. Business, 202.

" Call " °Cite House 719, Cambridge Uni- versity bill, 398, 423; 586. Canning's(Lord) Indian appointment, 671, Cape, 158. -Car- lisle canonrles, aid, 800. Chancery, 826, 831. Charitable trusts, 899, 821. Christie, Cap- tain, 530. Church patronage, 480; property, 232, 746; rates, 328, 505, 720. Civil service estimates, 398. Colonies and Patriotic Fund, 232. Commissariat difficulties, 78S; esti- mates, 279, eervice, 800. CrinUnal justice, 826; procedure, 310, 330.

Decimal coinage. 608. Diplomatic establish- ments, 630. Dock atm. - Education, national, 286, 829, 447, 608, 664, 696 ; votes, 767. Elgin treaty, 123. Evans, General, thanks to, 126. Excommunication, 398.

Factory labour, 280. Fermoy peerage, 608. Financial policy, 279, 103. Fisheries, 480.

Foreign Legion, 800. . Gladstone and Mouteagle, 746.

Hampstead Heath, 823. Health bills, 201, 720. Hungary and Poland, 302.

Income tax, 417; franchise, 665. India- budget, 824 ; education, 256. Indian army, 479.. Intestacy, 398. Ireland-fisheries, 298; law reform, 418, 750 ; Maynooth grant, 417, 586, 685, 720, 7,6, 700; tenants' com- pensation, 201, 455, 635, 665, 696, 728, 768. Irish Members and Lord Palmerston, 719. Italy, 83a.

Judges' circuits, 232. Judgment executions, 257.

Kennedy's (Mc) case, 132.

Ladles in the House of Peers, 503. Land- tax divisions 448. laya.rd's (Mr.) charges, 429, 509. Lew reforms, 800. Limited lia- bility, 774, 800, 824, 846. Lindsay's (Mr.) statements, 641. Loan, 496. London cor-

poration 636. Lords', appellate juris- diction Of, 846. Lucan, Lord, 238, 2.53, 270, 303, 329.

Marriage law, 260, 424, 480, 636. Measure- ment of shipping, 6.6. Metropolis local management. 286, 3118, 505, 768. Military administration, 278, 509 ; departments. 988; education, 254 ; order of merit, 123. Militia, 279, 810, 328. Ministerial changes, 86, 94 ; Lord Aberdeen's resignation, 120; Lord J. Russell's explanation, 142; the interreg- num, 143; formation of the Ministry, 143; Ministerial crisis, 200, 207, 1130. Model house's for poor, 201.

Napier, Sir C., 146,155. National humiliation, 211. Naval estimates, 180. Navy patron- age, 825. Needle women , 607. Newfound- land, 304. Newspaper stamp, 201, 281, 304, 328. 424, 448, 530. New Zealand Company,

399. No Confidence vote, 718. North-weal passage, 636. Nuisances removal, 710. Oath of abjuration. 730. Order, point of, 696. Ordnance estimates, 254, 263; survey, 281. Oxford statutes, 847.

Paget's (Lord G.) Pension, 100. Paimernon Government-the new Government and its measures, 199. Parish constables, 503; or- ganization, 865. Partnership amendment, 671, 720, 767, 800. Petty offences, 123, 232. Phinn's (Mr.) appointment, 630. Poland, restoration of, 327. Police, conduct of, 696, 702, 721, 756. Property qualification, 238. Prussia, policy of, 302. Public business, 664; libraries, 266; prosecutors, 202, 301; schools, 256.

Raglan, Lord, 691. Railways, accidents on,

721. Real estate, 280; probate on, 280. Religious testa, 424 ; worship, 607. 914,702, 720. Ronan Catholic processions. SS& Rothschild (Baron) and the loan, 665, 746. Royal society, Boo. Russell's (1.000 John) alisence, 262, 290; conduct at Vienna, 702. Russia, trade with, 200. • • it„hurst, 304. Sardinian convention, 310, 4, 449. Schiam, 768. Scotland-educa- ti. for, 309, 429, 610, 607, 641, 720, 746; m .rriages, 480; poor law, 448; ordnance st. tWey, 768. Screw-propeller. 605. Secre- taries of state 238. Short time, 768. Speak- 480. 586, 608. Stage-carnage di. es, 665, 696. Standing orders, 746. Sta- t...a law commission 636. Stoppages from w. es, 257. timidity exhibitions, 3e4 ; trad- ing 448, 607, 664, gin. Supply, 479, 799; aupplemental mtimates, 146, 790. Testamentary Jurisdiction, 334, 424. Tickete- d- cave, 263, 696. Transport service, ID, SW. Turkish coal-mines, 757; loan, 720, , 766, 774, 606 .023.

Vnion of benefices, 329, 788, 900.

Vacating of seats, 281, 329. -Vivian, Major. Gt neral, 232. , 86, 934, 613; Vienna negotiations 87;- Cr mean medals, 67; Sebastopol committee, 93 118, 180, 208, 231, 228, 267, 263, 281, 286, 1, 319,329, 379,399, 406,424, 449, 490, 505.. 3 1,667; report, 631; Lord Lyndhurst's mo- ti n, 146; Crimean army-Balaklava-Sen- tari hospital, 145, 304; unroested coffee- transport of inealids, 201 ' • management, 230; Lord Raglan and the Duke of New- castle, 279; Vienna conferences, 423, 446, 466, 479,504, 582 • telegraph to the Crimea, 424, 449; blockade, 429; conduct of, 448, 472,485; cavalry, 449; Lord Elleaborough's motion 5011; Binders trade through Pros is, On; Mr. Gibson's peace motion, 526; Earl Grey's motion, 327, 137 : Mr. Disraeli s motion, 527, 536, 582, Sae; Turkish eolith'. gc.it, 506; Range massacre, 635, 665, 720, 767; Lord Raglan, 671 ;.Sir E. Lytton. mo- tion, 742, Mr. Roebuck's resolution, 744: Austria and the Crimean expedition, 767; Crimean commission, 800; Mr. Laing's mo- tion, 800; prospects of the war, 922 ; hoe. pit:as, 525; war finance, 831; conduct-of the war, 847. War department, 122.

The Prorogation, 847.

Vienna Conference papers, 481, 612; Feetent papers, Part XV., 721; Lord John Russell's Instructions, 768.

Parliamentary business at Meter, 335; after. Easter, 392; at Whitsuntide, 564. Parliamentary statistics, am.

Division!, 127, 537, 563,752.

Royal forests, 90; Maynooth commission, 382; Metropolitan communications, 589, 1080; Downing Street offices, 749; Beer act, 749; Ilango massacre 1H9 ; Metropolla local ma- nagement, 877; Limited liability, 878.


Aberdeen Ministry-State of the Cabinet, 97 The Picture of the Interior, 128.

Administrative Reform-The New Oppo- sition, 457; The Movement for, 488, " Ad. ministrative Reform," 512The Admi- rally, 639; Administrative Reform in Par- liament, 642 ; Association's First Bill, 1055.

Adulteration, Checks upon, 811.

Africa-Progress of the African Invasion, 181; The New Aft [can Expedition, 289.

Agriculture, the Report of, MO; Agricultural Statistics, 1106.

Albert (Prince) on the Constitution, 616. America, the Difference with, 1134. Arming for Peace, 70. Army-" Merit" as a Title to Promotion, 385; Practical Joking in, 617; " De Re Vestiarid," 681 ; The Army Promotions, 1030; Schools for Officers, 1031; The Field-Mar- shals, 1035 ; Excrescent Coloneicies, 1351. Artillery Examination, the, 928.

Austria-The Austrian Difficulty in Italy, 13; The New Concordat, 1210-; Wiseman on the Concordat, 1265,

Baltic Question tee, 037.

Bankruptcy Inquiry, 706.

Banks, Conversion of Private, 824; Progress of Joint-Stock Banking, 904.

Bible-Burning Case, Law of the, 1295. Blarney emus Income-tax, 1057.

Bread-riots and the Winter, 1081. " Bright" Ideas of History, 98. Brougham (Lord) on Criminal Procedure, 337. Budget, the, 431 ; Supplemental, 809. Cambridge l'Oversity Reform Bill, 410 ; Official Arguments for a Sham Reform,412 ; Opinion at Cambridge on the Government Measure for Reforming that University, 613 ; on Shore, 729.

Cape Border, the, 265.

Cauldron, the, 614. Caution for the Times, 312. Charity and Satire, 339.

Chuckerbutty, 184.

Church (the) and Ha Supporters, 1239. Civil Service University, 155; Literary Or- ganization of the, 183; Admission Tests for the, 729; Examination Run Mad, 904. Cobden's (Mr.) Facts and Fallacies, 1158. Cold Shade, the, 209. Colonial Appointments, Recent, 952. Colonial Office, the Vacancy in the, 336. " Coming Round," 89. Commercial Guarantees, 1264. Commercial Hostilities, 209. Coup de Table in Paris, 72.

Criminal Treatment of Criminals, 1056; The Adhesion of the Times, 1656; Penal Semi- tude Reform, 1083; Voluntary Reform of Criminals, 1112; The Lost Children, 1122; 'Why, How, and When. A Christmas Carol, 1361.

Currency Clamour, the, 1238. Darlington Poisoning Case,.835. De Lisle and Co.-The Bankruptcy of the Week, 1033. Departmental Cabinet Oldness, 566. Despatch.WrIting, 10 5. Drunkenness, the Philosophy of, 103K Easter 1855, 357. Eastern Counties, Judgment on the, 1360. Education, Complete School, 44.

Elective Franchise (the) "a Trust," 541. Eloquence (the) of Inanity, 1362.

Emigration, Chauge in the System of, 1032. Emperor's (the) Expedition, 211 ; the Vint, 408.

English (the) Poisoned by Themselves, 754. Excommunicated Cemetery, tbe, 1185. Isilure of Our Industrial System, 1264. Forren's Farewell, 755. Fortification, 1002. France-The Queen of England at the Court of, 556; The Kim, 879; Versailles, 902; Credits in, 1063; The Relic Law in, 1081; limitations of the Salle Law, 1113 Dann, Hector, 491; A Real Claim to Reward, 1359.

Gentleman's Cadet Corp., 676. Geographical libeiety-The M dent Order of Chivalry, 667. Gladstone, Mr., 511.

Government, How to Make the, Strong, 776. Cr-16i, and Retirements from the Stage, 681. Guards, the, 1326.

Hall's (Sir Benjamin) Metropolis Bill, 313. .Handeock.Chuaricarde Case, 184.

Health Hill and Local Legislation, 96, Highlands, Nonsense about the, 1e04.

High Life Below Stairs, 706, Hotel Exterution, 1331.

House of Commons, 467.

Home, the late Joseph, 211 ; Memorial, 1239, Hyde Park Disturbances, 1136.

Income-tax, the New, 976 Istdia, British Annexation in, 1161. Indian Appointments, the Examination for, 881.

Indian- Contingent, an, 1296.

Indian Torture, 929. • .Inns of Court, the, 1297.

-Internal ional Reunion of Cberity, 130.

Ireland-An Effectual CaereloteAct, 1218. Italy-" Eppur al Moose," 739; laollved of, 951 ; Change in the State 01,1503. "Jacob's Horse," 860.

-Jersey Question, 16e5.

Jew-Butcher's Case, 10611.

Limited Partnership Bills, 693 ; Caveat Creditor! 810.

Lind on Singing, 1260, Literary Fund Reform, the Failure of the, 645.

Loans-National finbeeription of Government Loans in England, 43; The Loan, 409.

London Library, 618.

Lucan's (Lord) Promotion, 1296; Double Colo.

amides: Lord Loran's Case, 1329, Maine Liquorlaw In England, 566, Malta Secretaryship, 976.

Map of Europe, the, 128.

Metropolitan Church-Building Association, 1331.

Military Colonization in South Africa, 367.

Militia- training in Scotland, Ail, Mob Legislation, 705.

Molesworth, Sir William, 1111.

Money and,Labour, 951.

Napier-The Two Mutters, 196; Sir Charles • and Sir James, 928.

Naples, 927.

Newcastle (the Duke of) as a Witness, 483. New Plan for Government Factories, 468, Newspaper-Stamp Bill, 288, New Zealand, Repo/or, 186, Nightingale Testimonial. 903.

Noses San Quiairti : Officers' dresa-Cholera, 14; Raw soldiers-Railway schools-Pro- bity of Russia-" Head "-Palmerston, 15; Flogging, 44; Occortations-United States mediation - Russia-London Docks, 45; Corn-trade-Officers' dress-Criminals - Suez eanal-M lie leIghtingale--Leech's pie. lures-War Minister, 73; Officers-Prussia -Timor libel-Make of Genoa's illness- Lord J. Russell, 133; Crimean army-Lord J. Russell, 242 ; Russian funds, 043; French Memoir-Holy orders-Loans in Crimea- " Decimation," 266 ;Mettle e-forgeri es-Staff, 267 ; Bright and- newspapers-Soule-Lord Clanricarde-Sugar-Sardhelai-Looms, 314; Militia - Official statements- Redoubling wonn-Mr. Drummond and the Timm-- Ghosts, 336; Sunday cutting of corn- " Chance-medley," 1603; Odessa-Organ- boys - Wife-beating, 1008; Recruiting - Cushing's opinions-Selfwupporting con- net ryetera--Omnibus company, 1197; AUG- trallan wine-Crystal Palaec-Concordat- Baptismal regeneration, 1210; Atm, medi. cal examiners-War school for surgery, 1306; Wiseman and Ruseell--" Savage unctuous- nem "-Small parcels-Justice Crompton and the Boble--Marine losses, 1267; Sunday exhibitions-Russian serfs- Eglinton on education-British Institution, 1299; Crime In Yorkshire-Mr. Winder-Russia= paper- money-Bank • act-Vienna netions, 1290; Board of -Works-Metropolitae post-Tre- velyan Wood- correspmdence-Prince Al- bert-Crosseflehecks-Min-fall-Ecloire fe- ver-Victor Emmanuel at Paria-Credit Ms- biller, 1132; Amman permautry-Pedigrees, 1333.

Oliver, Mr.-Story of a Bankrupt, 14. Opposition, the New, 1029, 1054.

Our Prospects, 728.

Pakington's (Sir John) Education Plan, 313. Palmerstuti, Premier, 194; Palmerston'. Choice, 012; The New Ministers, 934; The Cabinet and the Commons, 1l54; The Ca. binet Stopgaps, 1215.

Parliament, the Session of, 69; The Rescue of the Innocent., 873; The Parliamentary Ses- sion of 1831,106.

Park, the Path Across the, 953; How to Pun- ish Sir Benjamin, 1006. "Pay Here," 1137. " Peelites," Why ? 8581 Porn of England, the, 540.

Pope (the) as a Protestant Agitator, 880; in Ireland, 1037 Postal Reform across the Atlantic, 1361. Postmaster-General, the, 705.

Post-office Report, the Pilot Annual, 423, Princess Royal, • liusbeed for the, 974.

Prize Money, a Caution to Naval Officers; Promotion Upside Down, 388.

Public Printing, 1136.

Raglan, Lord, 704. Railways-Progress of Railway Prosperity,

835; The Hallway CHOI, 929, Ltigant,


Reasons in Parliament, 616.

Record Office, a Question for the, 976; Record Commission's Last, 1083.

Red Republican Letter to the Queen, 1082, Reformatory Sehools-The Reform that Makes no Noise, 385- Reform Bill, the Forthcoming, 242.

Repeal of Intolerant Enactments, 857. Roebuck's (Mr.) Resolution, 151 ; Motion for Censure on Lord Aberdeen's Cabinet, 673.

Russell, Lord John, LI ; Art of Sinking, 713; Retirement, 733; Lord John's Lecture, 1104a Ruseia-The Cbange of Czars, 254; Pre- dictions of the Death of Nicholas, 266; The Strength of, 592, The Paramount Destiny, 1266.

Russian Note, a, not Nesselrodeet, 1217.

Said Pasha, 975, St. Paul's Knightsbridge, 411.

Sale of Places, 238.

Sardinia And .Austria, 44,

Scientific Ignoraoce, 1160, Secret Agents, 71. Self-Satire of the Day, 337.

Shirley and Mayne Question, 336, Smith, Dr. Southwood 839.

Smithfield, the Fate of, 72.

Southwark, the Sale of, 1159. Speaker, Indisposition of the, 491; The Office of, 617.

Spirit of Law, 902. Stanley (Lord) Sent for, 1134; The Rejected Offer, 1159.

State Wages, 210. Straban, Paul, Bates, and Others, 074; The Blenseanee of Prison Society, 1086; Treat-

ment of the Convict Bankers, 1135; 1-he

Tale of the Ilome tkat Snow Built, 1237, Summer, 594.

Sunday Corn-Cutting Case, 1037. Buneay Trading-Hyde Park on the Sabbath Question, 676; The Genesis of a Blue-book, 1217, Talking Power, the, 1238.

Thames after August 31, 778, They Manage these Things Better in Franee, 71.

Three Fires, the, 1217.

Turkey, British Administration in, 304. Turklah Loan Debates, 776.

" Villette"-a Supplementary Chapter-0884. War, the-Where the ItLime lies, II; Finance of, 12; Publicity of Military Proceedings, 12; The Prospect of Peace, 42; Organiza- tion and Concentration, 42 ; 'Where is the Man? 97; Official Condemnation of our Mili- tary System, 154; The War and Finance of 1865, 182; The Inquiry, 239; The Disease and the Care, 240; The Great Want, 2611; Commercial Side of the ea ar Question, 297; Cowhands" -View of Our Administratinni 314; The Armistice at VIM'S, 358; Convict Auxiliary Corp, in the Crimea, 386; Oar Military Recantation, Ill ; The Second Year of War,431 ; Are We to Have an Army ? 458; State of the Anglo-French Alliance, a.; The Austaian Complication, 490; How to Reckon "Progress," 491; The Question, 119; The Peace Party in Parliament, 166; Facts not Evidence, 593; The Sebastopol Report, 043; The Massacre at Mango, 645; The Crimean Expedition Vindicated, 677; The Doom of Cronstadt, 678; Sum of the Communications with Austria, 764; The Parting Question, 794; British Chivalry in the East, 777; Finance Chart of the, Int ; The Recess and the War, 833; The Unex- plored Recruiting Fields, 897; The People and the Peace Combination, 875; The Fixa- tion, 950; The Armies in the Crimea, 9751 The Next °eject of the War, 973; Russia must Pay, 974; The Thanksgiving. 1001; Russia in the Black Sea: 1829-1855, 1002 ; The True Guarantee, 1030; What we are still Fightlim for, 1110; Transcaucanans, 1186; Our Share in the War, 1106; The Compensations, 1263; Peace and the French Alliance, 1292; What the. War will have Done for Commerce. 1390; The Congress, 1357; The Russian War in Asia, 1338. Waterloo Question, the, 431.

What Is a Oeuttetnan? asa.

Whig Party, the," 129.

Working-Association., Failure of, 14.

Works of !" Anon," 439, Younger Son, the, 675; The Portion of the, 810.


General Evans, 6; Cholera in the Black Sea 7; Friends on the war, 7; Lord Dun- - kellia and the.Caur; 39; Mr. Gibson and the tipsetsdor, 86; Weather' 127; French feeling, on our military mismanagement, 132 ; Successful African exploration, 182; Obituary, .582, 589, 701, 725, 851, 874, 899, 997, 1026, 1108 ; Mr. Hume, 205.; Mr. Berries, 453; Sir R. Inglis, 485 ; Lord Rag- lan, 7111 ; Mr. J. Black, 701; General Tor- rens, 899; F. O'Cenuor, 900,918, 912 ; Lord Truro, 1180; Mr Rogers, 1354; Count Kra- souski, 1351; Dr. Granville and Nicholas, 261 ; French " Memuir," 261; Napier's case, 189; Lord Dundonald3 plan, 265,333 ; Money value of regimental commissions, 336; Gra- tuities te wuuuded officers, 3'6 ; Exports, 357; Transport commission, 336; Military disasters in former wars, 475; Indian offi- cers, 1331 Lord Forth, 013; Drawingroom horrors, 635; Cambridge University bill, 563; Russiou sufferings from the war, 831, 832; Frost'sletter,851; Napier and Graham, 876,921; Royal Artillery examirations,e29 ; Dr. Barth's African exploration, 970; Fail- ure at the Medan, 998; Officers at borne, 1027; Lord J. Itumell, 100.0; Dinner to Mr. Thackcray, 1197, Ticket-of leave system, 10771 Diminution of Parliament, 1098; Dr. Kane's expedition, 1107; Thompson on the ballot, 1151; Labour supply In South Australia, 1143; Sir C. Campbell, 1180; Let- ter from California, 1182 • Political Glean- ings, 11881 Aseistant.Sugeons in the Cr - ma, 1201; Sir J. Brooke, 1291; Civil sec- Tice exammationa, 1323; Mr. Adams's per- manent way, 1334; Lucan correspondence, 13231 Lord Leigh on liettray, 1354,

er•TSITICS or 1854, 10.


Abont's Greece and the Greeks. 1311 Alison's Europe from 1815 to 1851,619.

Allen's Dead Sea and Gleanings In the East, 836, Arago's Meteorological F.smys, 981.

Arnott on Healthful Warmth and Ventilation, 862.

A rrivabeue's Selections of Italian Poetry,1366. Bailey's Mystic, 116 Bain on the Senses and the Intellect, 1162. linker's Wanderings in Ceylon, 1115. Bard's Adventures on the Mosquito Shore, 958. Beechers Star Papers, 687, Belcher's Last of the Arctic Voyages, 1278, Bellot's Memoirs and Arctic Journal, 9 8. Bell Smith Abroad, 621.

Blakey's 111.tory of Political literature, 167, Blenham, 1037. Blessington (Lady), Madden's Life and Corre- spondence 01,221.

13.mer's-Cain 78,

Brewster'', Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton, 107. Brougham's (Lord) Statesmen of the Time of George the Think, 1243.

Browning'. 3Ien and Women, 1316, Buckingham's Autobiography, 413.

Bugle of the Black Sea, 78.

Burton's Pilgrintame to El Medinah, 766. Butler's (Major) Assam, 630, CaldereiPs Gold lent of Victoria, 792. Cambridge Essays, 1218.

Chambers on Digestion and its Derangements, 1312.

Chemin'. My Travels, 791, Chasseaud's Muses of the Lebanon, 224. Clarinda ffinglehan, 365.

Colenso's (Ifithopi Ten Weeks in Natal, 561. Congreves Roman Empire slate West, 692, Connolly's History of the Royal Sappers and Miners, 460.

Costello's (Miss) Anne of Brittany, Ill, Court Album, 1246.

Cunnipgbrines (Major) Bhilsa Topes, 76. Cluaninghanes (P.) Edition ofJohnson's Lives, lee Davy's (Dv.) Angler and Friend, 317.

De Lavergne's Rural Economy of England, 26. Dennistoun's Memoirs of Robert Strange and Andrew Luta:deice, 213.

De Rang (Lord) Tuur in the Crimea, 621. Domo's (Dr. Queens of England of the House of Hanover, 837. Duberly1.(Mrs.) Journal, 1319.

Dunean's Campaign with tbe Turks le Axle, 812.

Eastern King, Private Lie: pf an, 694,684. Eaton's (Sir AMIE-) Tracts for the Present Crisis, 1344.

Encyclopaedia Britannic*, 734, 1117. Etty, Lifeuf, 132. Everest's Journey through the United States „ and part of Camila. 318.

Fell s Life of Alderman Kelly ,12711.

Ferrier's (Professor) Institutes of Metaphysic, 53, Fishbournes Impressions of China, 140, Fitspatrick's Life aud Timm of Lord Cion- curry, 493.

Iletcher's Battle of the Alma, 78, Gallenges History of Piedmont, 1140, Gahon's Art of Travel, 76.

Gem's Mrs.) Maumee, 168.

Grenville and Buckingham Correspondence, Ole.

Grey and Shertland on New Zealand My- tholegy and Traditions, 1014.

Gruppe on the Prospects of German Philoso- phy, 734.

Gunning's Reminiscences of Cambridge, 119. Haniley's (Colonel) Campaign of Sebastopol, 1220: Hardy's Sporting Adventures, 1036. Harrison's Notes of Nine Years lu Russia, 577. Haohausen's Tribes of the Caucasus, 1091. Heathman's Switzerland, 884.

Ilegel's Philosophy, 1031.

Helps's Spanish Conquest in America, 769. Herbert Lake, 133.

Herring on Paper and Papermak Mg, 886, Howard, Field's Correspendence of, 793. Hewitt'. Two Years iti Victoria, 686. Hue's Chinese Empire, 51.

Hunt's (Leigh) Memorials of Kennington, 710. Imperial Paris, 612. Inglis's Briar of Threave and Lily of Barholso, 133, Irvine's (Washingtou) Chronicles of Wolfert's Roost, 114.

Sallied Empire, the, 56.

Jot-sea's Art-Blots, 553.

Jones's (Ernest) Poems, 836.

Eavanagies (Julia) Grace Lee, 215.

Xeene's Ex Ererno, 77.

Keepsake, the, 1245. Ecightleyea Life, Opinions, and Writings of Milton, 636.

Kemp's-1'1=1Mo( Matter, 1060,

Kingsley's Westward ile: 290; Heroes, 1365. Kingeton's Pleasure Tour in the Godes, 1364. Kenrick's Phcenicia, 907.

Klapka's (Getters)) War In the East, 932. Knight's (Charles) Knowledge is Power, 187. Koch's (Dr.) Crimea and (Meson, 244. Lawrence's Life of Fielding, 1199.

Lectures to Ladles on Practical Subjects, 1141. Lewes's Life of Goethe, 1138.

Lewitt (Cornewall) on Fairly Roman Illiatury, 431.

Liddell's History of Rome, 1277. Liebig's Principles of Agricultural Chemistry, 473.

Linwood on Greek Tragic Metres, 68. Londoner's Walk to the Land's End, 614. Longfellow's Song of Hiawatha, 1200, I,ouvre, the, 622. Macaulay's lelstory of England, 1361. Macleodi Theory and Practice Of Banking, 930. M'Culagh's Memoirs of Shell, 387.

M'Culloch's Life of Adam Smith, 364. Marryat's (Frank) Mountains and Molehills, 165.

Marx's Music of the Nineteenth Cen tury, 1281. Massey's War Waits, 76. elasscy's (W.) History of England, 223. Mayor's Nicholas Femr, 339. Meredith's (Owen) Poems, 2911.

Milman's History of Latin Christlaulty, 1363. Milner's Crimea, 881.

Montgomery (James), Memoirs of, 166: Moredun, 562.

Mitffiing's Missions to Constantinople MOM

l'etersburg, in 1.29 and 1830, 269. • Muiritead's Memoir and Correspondent* 414'. James Watt, III.

M urray's Cuba, United States, and Canadk,701117 Musgraveet Ramble through Normandy, IN.' Napier (Lord) on Molern Painting at !finite, 1038.

National Review, 731,

New Novato-The Step- Son, 50; Neat of Rin -Sybil's Little Daughter-liellonde, 37; Fablola-House of Roby, 1 e8 ; The Wire. hawk, 1891 My Life-Married Women- Gwen-Quicksands of Fashion, 275, Thor. ney Hall-North and South, 341; Vining Millionaire, 342; A Long Look Ahead, 4144 Willy Reilly-The Dwarf-Edith Versate- Story of a Nun, 413; Eustace Conyers, 572; Cleve Hall-Career of a Rising Man, 113; Love versus Lew, 574; I.e Clare Mange., 686 ; Aspen Court-Constantlite, 687; A 1,04t Love, 793; The Next-floor Neighbours- Evelyn Lascelles, 791; Paul Ferrell, set ; Lose versus Money-The Rival Roger-Mar- tha, 887; They are Ouly Cousins, 833; Wo- man's Devotion, 933; Zealous Wife-Lin- den Manor, 834; Dr. Antonio, 1091 ; Battle on the Bosphorus-My First Season, 1095; Simplicity and Fascination, 1163; Gilbert Massenger-Cross Purposes, 1166;

leaf, 1220; My 9155.-Family Interest.- Aristobuius, 1221. Nicholls (Sir George) on the 11. aglish Poore law, 268.

Oliphant'l Minnesota, 1196. Osborne', Scutari and its hospitals. 363. Our World, or the Democrat's Rule, 317 Oxen ford's Book of French Song., 410, Oxford Essays, 186,

Panama Railroad, 1085. Felon's Bulgarian, Turk, end German, 171. Peard's Narrative of a Campaign In the Cri. mat, 961.


Pet" Cruises with the Baltic Fleet, 1242. Philip Lancaster, 390.

Philosophy of the Beautiful, 632.

Nose's Art of Perfumery, 1117. Planche's Legion of Madame D'Aulnoy, 317a Portugal. Hurray's Handbook of, 1013. Powell's Philosophical Essays, 939.

I'rescotes Philip the Second, 1197, Prime's Travels in Europe and the East, 550. Rhine, the, 1244.

Richardson, Sir C.-A Tar of the Last ',far, 472.

Ritter on Scholastic Philloophy, 130. Robertson's (Rev. F.) Ponimmons Sermon, 1016. Robertson's (J.) Few Months in America, ell, Robertson's (Lord) Sonnets, 28, Roses Fur-Bunten, 1093.

Itoyle's (Dr.) Fibrous Plants of India, TO. Russia' a German Nobleman's Recollectiell6 of, 010.

Russian Life in the -Interior, 27.

bebastupol, a Non Combatant's Month belie%


Seymour's Russia on the Mack Sea and Sea of Asof, 653. Shell's Legal and Political Characters and Sketch., 137. - Siberia, My Exile in, led% Smith's Araumnians, 978. ' Sonnets on the War, 57. Spain, Will my Readers Go to ? 114. Spencer's Principles of Psychology, 1280. Stephen's (Sir G.) Anti-Slavery Recollections,

Strang's Glasgow and its Clubs, 1166. Sullivan's Beaten Paths, 1116.

Sydney Smith, Lady Holland's Memoir of, 595; Letters of, 620. Taylor's Visit to India,Chka, and Japan, 1059- Tengoborski'sProductive Forcesof Russia,435. Tennyson's Maud and other Poems, 813. Thackerey's Neweomes, 849.

Thierry's Formation and Progress of the Tiers Etat, 74.

Thombury's Monarchs of the Main, 757. Thorntonn Gazetteer of India, 113. Tit for Tat, 67. Tod on the Blood, 224.

Trench's English, Past and Present,225. Trip hi the Trenches, an Amateur's. 572. Topper's Lyrics of the Heart and Mind, 77. -Ternerelli's Knowledge of the F.mperor Nicho- las and Family, 412. -Wabash, the, 619.

'Warden, the, 27.

Wathen.s Victoria in 1851, 316. Weld's Tour In the Veiled States and Canada, 517.

'Wheeler's Geography of Ilerodotus, 553. Whitelock's Journal of his Embassy to Swe - den, 956. Wham, Shall We Hang? 733. WIlliamse Translation of Sakoontali, 979. Wilson'a (It. A.) Mexico, 1279. Wilson's Bootee Ambrosianm; 1219. Woman in the Nineteenth Century, 758. Woods's Campaign in the Crimea, 1309. Wrightson'. History of Modern Italy, 362. 'Young (Dr.), Peacock's Life of, 570.


Almanacks, 170, 531, 689, 1142, 1167, 1102, 1246, 1313, 1366. American Literature, 342, Angling Literature, 1245. Annals of Eng- land, 553, Annuals, Garden, 815. Aristotle's Politics, 1282. Arithmetic 29. Army List, 342. Arnold's Account-Book, 391. Astro- nomy, 1039. Astro-Theology, 319. Aus- tralia, 58, Baital Pathisi, 657. Ballingall's Military Sur- gery, 793, Balmoral, 3970 Barrow's Tours, 133. Baxter's America, 391. Bomber's Metters,960. Beggar-boy, 1118. Bell's Poets, 874, 815. Benefit of Christ's Death; 794. 33hagavad-Gittt, 622. Bird, Dr., 319. Birds, 2245, Booth's Essay, 759. Brambles and Bay-Leaves, 78. Brittany, 494. Brougham's Lives, 438, Burghley's Sonnets, 688. Bu- rial Acts, 982. Burke's Landed Gentry, 622. Butterflies, 228.

Calendar of Victory, 518, Californian Crusoe,

30. Campbell's Pleasures of Hope, 795, Canada, 911. Carlyle, 1098. Catherine, 911. Catholic Mbstdons, 474. Cavalry in War, 759. Cayley's Dante, 688. Chambers's -Educational Course, 960, 982, China, Who is God in ? 1017. Chinese Rebel Chief, 58. Christian Life, 78, Christmas Dawn, 115. Christ of History, 365. Chronology, 711, 931. Chronometers, Mi. Cicero, 1062. Cleon, 793. Coins of Lycia, 711. Colosseum Flora, 1322. Colouring in Painting, 227. Constitutional Text-Book, 888. Cony beare's Essays, 519. Cornwall, 115. Cough and Bronchitis. 658. Crimea, 312, 551. Curl- ing'a Mesa-Table, 391. Curse of theVillage, 739. Cyclopedia of Universal History, 438. Dickens's Little Don-it, 1246. Difficulties of Belief, 1312, Dlogenea, 391. Donaldson's Life of a Soldier. 1039, Dorothy, 1366. Douglass's Bondage, 1017, Drunkenness, 78. Dryden, 189, 343. Daganne's Poems, 1222.

Edinburgh High School French Reader, 1098, 1187. Electric Telegraph, 169. Embassies and Foreign Courts, 888. Emigrant's Home, 1313. End of the World, 839, English Rivers, 982, Entomologists' Annual, 366. Eucharist, 294. Fables Nouvelles, 1017. Faith and Practice, 1245. Family Feud, 170. Ferns, 366. Fin- ger-Rings, 135. Flowers, 1283. Forbes's Papers, 38, Forster's Goldsmith, 1201, French Literature, 169, Frescoes, 246, Geology, 391, German Protestantism, 1313. Gerstnecker's Wildman's Adventures, 319. Gift books, 1313, 1347, 1366. Gilderdale's Essay, 759. Glass Painting, 391, Glaucus, 698. Glen on Blind, 735. God Revealed in the Process of Creation, 1312. Goose's Ma- rine Zoblogy, 911; Marine Aquarium, 1167. Greek Anthology, 1062. Guide-books, 474, 074, 598, 624, 735, 815, 863, 982. Guizot'a Meditations, eat ; Lady Russell, 839.

- Hallam's Works, 571. Harmony, 1167, Ma- roon Alraschid, 1245. Heroines of Charity, 78. Horses and Hounds, 29. House that -Jack Built, 17e. Human Longevity, 518. .1Eumo, Joseph, 294. Hungarian Generals, 1218. Hydraulics, 1222. India, Records of Gosernment of, 228. Indian Judicial Forms. 318; Army, 416. Infanti- cide in India, 622. Iphigenia at Delphi, 637. Ireland, Ballads of,1096. Jennings's Politi- cal Economy, 534. Jurisprudence, 169. Ju- venile books. 78 Gift-books, 1221. Ka- lisch's Old Testament, 735. Kavanagh's (Miss) Rachael Gray, 1347. Kesteven'. Do- mestic Medicine, 1283. King, Sir John, 1166. Bing of °tidies Library, 270. - Lancashire Life, 189. Lances of Lynwood, 1061. Landmarks of History of England, 226, Lardner's Works, 1283. Lateral Cur- vature of Spine, 271. Law books, 1017, 1142,1283. Leaves from a Faintly Journal, 119, Levi's Law of Nature, 863. Liber Cantabrigiensia, 438. Light and Shade, 391. Liturgical Class-Book, 416. Live and Learn, 759. London, Curiosities of, 135. Long's Imptiry, 1166. Lord's Modern Eu- rope, 226. Loudon's (Mrs.) Garden, 343. ' Louis XIV., -711. Lyell's Geology, 388, Myra Germanka, 888.

Mips, 70, 227, 271, 622, 638, 982, 1118, 1142, 1167, 1202, 1313. Massacre of the Carmel', 438. Massy's Analytical Ethnology, 1096. May Flowers, 618. Medieval Popes, 319. Mendes's Sermons, 169. Metcalfe's (Lord) Papers, 491. Meteorolgy, 416. Military Forces of Britain, 271 • Obituary, 416 ; inetionary, 598; Law, 688. Militia, 246. lingled Yarn; 1366. Monarchy of France, 653. Monastic Institutions, 674. Mont-

gomery's Sanctuary, 598. Moore, 619,1817. Morgan's (Linty) Salvator Rosa', 226. Mor - morasm, 888. Mother anallon, 30. Mur- ray s British Classics, 622, 1062. My Cousin Smooth, 1118. Naughty Boys, 1366. Newton's Prineipia, 1282. New Zealand, 58, 1366, O'Byrne's Naval Annual, 226. Ogilvy's Poems, 1245. Oil Painting. 391. Olga, 1039, Oirmpus, 474. Only Sacrifice, 1142. Ornament, 1062. Owlet of Owistone Edge, 1347.

Passing Thoughts, 494. Post Meridian, 170. Paterfamilias's Tour, 1366. Peerage. 342,

Peninsular Battles, 354. Periodicals, 30, 133, 255, 391, 839, 1118. Perry's India,1313, Phillippsohn's Lectures, 271. Pictures from Battle-dicks, 518. Place-book, 1062, P1a- netarirL6tr7087 Platonis Pirtle's% 1202, Poems, 29,118, 170, Dia; 127, nia, 4.16,474, 495, 658, 711, 815, 839, 931, 1222,1366, --Pdhs try of Creation, 1246, Post-office Directory, 1201; Essex, Sc, 365 Lincolnshire, 698.

Prescott's Philip II., 1142, Primitive Piety, 711. Prints—Seat of War, 115. 227 ; Alma, 227; Sevastopol, 217. Profit Tables, 1202, Rational Creation, 1201. Reed's Lectures, 416.

Relations of Science, 1142. Religious Thoughts, 689. Itomaic and Modern Greek, 438. Romanism in Ceylon, 366, Itomish Claims, 1039, Itoyal Gallery of Art, 135, 217. Russia, 170, 271, 980, 1417,1096. Sabbath, 169. St. Louis and Henry IV., 115. litayah, 1366. Schnorr's Bible Pictures, 1062. School-books, 59, 113, 133, 170, 189, 226, 366, 416, 495, 518, 637,711, 735, 794, 815, 663, e38, 1096, 1202,1222, 1283,1347, Scoffenen Che- mistry, 1167. Scottish Minstrel, 688 ; News- paper Directory, 216. Scripture Geography, 68, Selfishness, 794. Sermons, 58, 78, 343, 495, 518, 657, 1039; Robertson's, 438 Cot- ton's, 627; Craig's, 1061. Shaving of Shag- pat. 1366. Shooting and Fishing,59. Sieges, 1142: Sisters of Charity, 366, 416, Slave Life in Georgia. 189, Smith's Latin Dic- tionary, 574. Something to Laugh at, 189. Spinoza, 246. Spitsbergen, 911, Steno- grapher, 438 Stray Leaves from Book of Nature, 1282. Street's Brick and Marble, 839, Tales, 30, 78, 135, 189, 246, 574, 711, 794, 1118, 1142, 1313. Thackeray's Miscellanies, 1142, 1347. Thought and Language, 960. Tolls, 1347, Tour Round my Garden, 58, Town Garden, 366. Traveler's Library, 294, 474, 674, 934, 1142, Trust Funds, 493, Turkish Language, 1246.

Unconscious Influence, 1061. lJnIversal Res- titution, 1017.

Vandenhoff's Elocution, 598, Velasquez, 291, Victoria Statistical Register, 271. Villa Gardening, 391, Virgil, Singleton's, 319. Voices of Seven Thunders, 366.

War Lyrics, 135. Warren's Blackstone, 657. Water-Colour, 391. Westeott's New Testa- ment, 888. WmtatinsterPalace,863, Wheel- er's Harmony of the Bible, 169. Wicken- den's Poor Curate, 839. Wine, 494; Duties, 1142. Within and Without, 554. Woman's Educational Mission 271. Wonders Of Science, 1283. Worlds. Workshop, 4.38. Yarwood Papers, 735. Tester Deep Land Culture,474, Yonge'sLatin Dictionary, 911. Zoology, 598, Lirmstaz Gist/mica, 59, 795, 1203, 1314.


A Vote of Thanks, by A. S., 11. Czar, to the, by L. S., 264.

Flowers in the Crimea, by L. S., 311. Invocation, an, by F., 488.

Paimerston's Vision, by P. Scott, 638. Sir Winter, 1328.

Song of the Rain, by Dwehno, 615. Works and Men, by W. B. P., 569.


Adopm—Mysterious Stranger, 41; Janet Pride,153 ; The Bayadere,181 ;Betty Martin, 284; Wright, 488; Helping Hands, 641; Victorine, 901 ; Tartuffe, 1327.

Amateur Performances, 356, 488.

Astley's—Timour, 311; Field of the Cloth of Gold, 564; Sebastopol, 1061; B.00kwood, 1263.

Campden House Theatricals—The Lighthouse, 726.

Christmas Pieces, 1356, Drury Lane—Eugenic, 10; The Regent, 41; French company, 430; Nitocris—Slarried for Money, 1023, Twenty Minutes with a Tiger, 1132. • Easter Pieces, 382.

Farren's Farewell, 752, Haymarket—Miss Cushman, 127, Spanish ballet, 235; Secret Agent, 261; Angelo, 488; Only a Halfpenny, 364; Berta, 291; Love's Martyrdom, 615 672 The Busybody, 703 Wife or Nu Wife, 775; Man with Many Friends, 923; Little Treasure, 1033; The Beginning and the End, 1132. Kemble's (Mrs. F.) Reading of Midsummer Night's Dream, 153. Lyceum—Too Much of a Gocd Thing, 208; Take that Girl away, 263; closing, 311, 335; Wizard of the North, 925.

Marylebone—Leon of the Iron Mask, 163. Olympic—Tit for Tat, 97; Welsh Girl, 406; Still Waters run Deep, 610; School for Scandal, 6721 Five Pounds Reward, 1263, Parisian Theatricals, 10, 41, 153, 264, 407,430, 456, 488, 664, 592, 615, 672, 775, 972, 1132, 1183, 1237, 1263,1327; La Czarine, 91; Opera libretti, 239, 261,335; Lc Demi-Monde, 311 ; Rachel, 333; Mademoiselle Dupont, 356; Jaguarita, 811; Les Vepres Siciliennes, 612; Madame de Girardin, 703; The Stranger, 807; Santa Chiara. 1028; La Joconde, 1214; Le Temps Perdu, 129i; Pantagruel, 1357. Princess's Theatre—Louis XI., 68; Game of Romps, 286; Henry VIII., 910; How stout you're getting, 732. Revival of Old Pieces, 1156, 1183, 1214, 1237. Sadler's Wells—Hunchback, 950; Tempest, 072; Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh, 1109, St. James's—Alcestis, 05; Northern Star, 264; M. Levassor, 692; Rachel, 991,631.

Standard—Antony and Cleopatra, 264. Stanley's (Miss) Entertainment, 1294. Surrey—Henry IV.,972.

Westminster Play, 1294,


Bartholomew's (Mrs.) Oratorio, 69. Birmingham Festival, 901, Bishop's Concerts, 261,335.

Bishop, Death of, 456.

Christmas Oratorios, 1327. Concerts, 336, 407, 664; Jellien's, 10, 97, 1136, 2227,1262; Harmonic Union, 264, 564, 672 ; Mullah's, 842, 1110; Musical Union, 672, 727; airs. Anderson's, 7271 Amateur Musi- cal Society, 1263. Drury Lane—Etolle du Nord, 238; " ROyal Opera," 407, 511, 775. Her Majesty's Theatre, 1237. Lind, 1237; in Sacred Music, 1294. London Sacred Harmonic Society, 356. Mendelsaohn's Oratorios, 239.

Musical Festivals, 878.

Musical Publications, 80,170,1114.

New Philharmonic Society, 97, 181, 335, 430, 727.

Philharmonic Society, 97, 287, 355, 407, 456, 011,261.615,672.

Royal Italian Opera—Programme, 356; Open- ing—Conte Ory, 381; Imperial visit, 406; Ernani, 430; ballet, 430; Fidelio, 456; II Trovatore, 487; Mario, 151I ; GAM, 538, 592, 807; Don Giovanni, 564; Don Pasquale, 672 Voile du Nord, 731, 775 ; close, 833. Sacred Harmonic Society, 1237.



Adam and Eve, 320.

Alma Views, 462.

A New Game, 592.

Architectural Exhibition, 1327.

Art-Union, 32e, 439, 839.

Arundel Society, 659.

Barnard on Landscape-Painting in Water- Colours, 171, Bayeux Tapestry, 1283, Belcher's Arctic Voyage—the Illustrations, 1313.

Bernal Collection, 271, 295.

Birch's Collection, 190.

Bookbinding, 367, British Institution, 110; Pictures at, 190; Old Masters, 623.

Burford's Panorama: Sebastopol, 555, Campbell Statue Controversy, 1203, Chal•m, John and Alfred, 599.

Clarke's (Mr. C.) Lectures, 1357.

Colnaghi's Authentic Series, 555.

Combo on Phrenology in Fine Art, 795.

Crimean Photographs, 1314, 1357, Crimean Views by Carlo Beason, 727.

Crystal Palace, 271, 399, 1167,1314, Cumming's (Mr. Gordon) Illustrated Lecture, 901.

Department of Science and Art, 171.

Diorama of the Events of the War, 624, 1118,


Enstlake's Edition of Kugler's Italian Schools, 366.

Evans (General), Bast of, 555.

Fenton's Crimean Photographs, 982, 1132.

French and German Art-Exhibitions, 519,807, Glasgow Art Union, 27t.

Hay on Architectural Design, 227.

Holbein, an Undiscovered, 190.

Illustrated Poems, 1283.

.7. Bea Crows, 1222.

Johnston and Hind's Atlas of Astronomy, 690. Kahn's alinneum, 272.

Konign Luther, 1223, Labarte's Art Handbook, 1246, Landseer's Waterloo, 659.

Leslie's Handbook for Young Painters, 31.

Lithographic Process, 227, Longfellow's Poems, 1222.

Martin's Pictures, 462.

Mont Blanc, 314, Montl's Lectures, 375, 623, 639.

National Gallery, 30, 366, 1987,1116.

National Institution, 295, 319.

New Society of Painters in Water-Colours, 439.

Nicholas, 295.

Norwegian Scenery, 171.

Old Water-Colour Society, 462, Paris Exhibition, 320, 703, 935, 1203 ; Fine Arts Section, 983, 1017, 1062,1097, Patriotic Fund Exhibition, 343.

Photographic Exhibition, 59, Institution, 499.

Polytechnic Institution, 392.

Primaeval World, Lectures on, 10.

Royal Academy, 481, Eshibition, 495 ; General

Subjects, 554 ; Domestic Pictures, 575; Por-

traits., 698 Landscapes, 668 Animals, Sculpture &c. 689.

Seddon's Oriental 1-Senires, 392, Simpson's Crimean Campaign, 1246. Society of British Artists, 343.

Smith's (Mr. C. Roach) Museum, 227.

Stanford's Seat of War, 153.

Thackeray's Lecture, 311.

TiP/SES Crimean Correspondent, 1118.

Twining's (Miss) Types and Figures of the Bible, 639. Werner's (Carl) Water-Colours, 462.

Winter Exhibition, 1202,


Almonera for the Poor, by a Layman, 290, 330; Antagonistic Influences to Pauperism, by a London Clergyman, 315. America (North), Important Territorial Questions in, by .7. J. M., 1085, Army Abuse, General. Colonels, by J. B.,430. Army, Training of, by W. B. Adams, 46, American Union, Morality of the, by W. B.

Adams, 1133. Austria, Position and Policy of, by F. Marx, 46.

Bank of England, What would the late Sir Robert Peel hale Done with the ? by G. Crawshay, 1333.

Beer Act, by R. D. &Jill.

Bible-Burning, by a Protestant, 1299. Board of Health and the Adelphi Poison- Works, by a Victim, 646. Brunel (Mr.) and the "New Machine—not a Ship," by Miles Investigator, 1034. Buccaneering Etymology, by W. B Adams, 779.

Burying in Lime, by J. Davy, 290. Charcoal, the Poisonous Vapour of, by John Davy, 156. Charcoal Powder as a Disinfectant, by W..7. Birch, 383.

Coalition, the New, by an Old Leaguer, 1034. Cobden, Cotton, and War, by W. B. Adams, 100; The Cotton Manufacture, by Hugh Mason-13. Macgregor, 157 ; Cobden, Cotton, and Men, by W. B. Adams, 185, Common Things, Parsons, and Pedagogues, by a Cheshire Parson, 1363.

" Conjointement et Solidairement," by a Sworn Translator, 808.

Crime -Prevention, by W. Si., $42.

Cruel Case, a, by Louisa Elliott, 1299.

Crystal Palace, Music and the, by a Season- Ticket-Holder, 212.

Decimal Coinage, by H., 618, 730, 882, 1018, 1085 by G., 808, 906 byTheodore W. Rath- bone, 926 ; Accounts, Coinage and Weights, by A. D. M., 1003; by C. P. Br:ricks, 1086 ; A Word in behalf of the Penny, by J. Symons, 1086 Coinage and Accounts, by W. Shir- refs—A. D. Si., 1111, Decimal System in France, by J. E. Gray, 1263.

Drill of Recruits, by W. Bryan Cooke, 16. Dundonald (the Earl of), Mr. Brunel, and the War Office, by Miles Investigator, 460; by an Old Subscriler, 770.

Education and Ignorance, by B. T., 953, 1001 ; by J. Symons, 976.

Exchequer Bills of Low Denomination, by IV. Bryan Ceeke, DM. Fever in Transport Ships, by Macgregor Liird, MO. Fine Writing, by Presbyter Hibernicua, AO. Food, What is ? by W. B. Adams, 032. , Gavin's (Dr.) Death, by Hector Gavin, 514. Gentlemen Cadets, Brigade of, by W. Bryan Cooke, 460, German Opinion of the English, 1158.

Gibson (Mr. Milner) at Sea, by a Blanchester Man, 156, Goderich, Lord, by Goderich, 73.

Government, the Obstacle to a Strong, Ir an. Old Leaguer, 883, 905, 925 ; Mr. Bri ht's Russian Brigade, by a Free-traffing 928, 1001 ; The Want of a Strong, by an Old Leaguer, 954.

Guyon, General, by Anti-Russian, 691. Hamburg of theEuxine, by W, Bridges Adams, 614.

Highlands—Reinforcement of the Army, by a North Briton, 15; Depopulation of, by Gael ,101, 214.

India, the Public Works of, by a Yellow In- dian, 690.

Indian Service Examination, by One who has Been the Papers. 933.

International Copyright, by J. 11 N., 1157. Irelasd, Law-Appointments in, by J. J. M., 1299.

Jamaica, the Fibres of, by a Friend to the West India Colonies, 881, 907 ; Climate and Resources of, 935; by Sir A. Rumbold, 1001. Jersey Letter, by W. J. Linton, 1114.

Large Ships, Liking for, by H. S. Bentham, 780.

League against" the System," by J. H. W., 383.

London University, by a Graduate of London, 15.

Lucan, Lord, by Charles Forbes, Bart., 1362. Martin's (Baron) Saying, 1333.

Medical Officers, Treatment of, by John Davy, 618; in the Crimea, 1130,1188,1259.

Military Hospitals at Constantinople, by John Davy, 74, Military Organization, by R. E., 214, New Department of State, by J. J. al., 1133, 1157, 1268.

New Zealand, the Government Fiasco in, by John Robert Godley, le.

Nightingale, Miss, by a Protestant English- man, 14. North Staffordshire Railway, by a Director, 1001.

Ornamental Design, by John Zephaniah 157.

Oxford and the Fine Arts, by H. M., 1269. Peace (the) and the War Disputants, by A. Elton, 1156.

Peace or War, by E. A. F., 407,513; by G.,460. Peace Party and the War Party, by G. W. C., 1132.

Picture-Dealers and Artists, by S., 381. Popular Education, by a London Clergyman, 407.

Post-office Reform, by Walter Newell, 542. Prizes at the Paris Exposition, by J. W. Lea- ther, 1300.

Promotion by Purchase in the Army, by W. Bryan Cooke, 267.

Provisions for OUX Army In the Crimea, by John Davy, 1034; Coffee and other Comforts, 1033.

Publicity, Benefits of, by IL G., 16, Railway Inroad on the War Office, by Miles Investigator, 213.

" Railways Litigant," by a North Stafford. shire Shareholder--A Sufferer, 978.

Relieving the Poor, by a London Clergyman, 287.

Reformatory Schools, by Lyttelton, 1114. Reponsible Government in Theory and Prac- tice, by H. Fitzgerald, 45.

Roebuck (Mr.), the Times and, by A., 925. Roman Catholic Processions, by Anglicanus, 267.

Russia and her English Allies, by R. Temple, 1241.

Russia and Prussia, Political Relations of, 211. Russia in the North Pacific, by Author of "The Serf and the Cossack," 1138, 1241. Russian Agency, by F. Marx, 101. Sacredness of the Day of Rest, by F. Li. D., 1343.

St. Paul's Knightsbridge, by an Old Parish- ioner, 407. Salk Law in France, by Louis Bernard, 1114. Sanitary Reform, by W. H. Lyttelton, 780. Sanitary Regulations for the Seat of War, by W. J. Birch, 315.

Seymour's Russia on the Black Sea, 691. Smith's (Dr. A.) Evidence, by I. Davy, 341; " The Screw," by Fair Play. 383. Soldier's (a) Bill of Fare, by John Davy, 213. Some Unwelcome Observations, by a Lay Member of the Church of England, 648.

" Squaring the Circle," by R. D. S., 1053; by J. Eastwood, 1086. Staff and Regimental Medical Officers, by John Davy. 45.

States and Nations, by E. A. F., 883; War and Providence, by G. H., 906; Russia, Greece, and the Allies, by W. B. Adams, 908; E. A. F., G. H., Mr. Bridges Adams, and the Spec- tator, by E. A. F., 914; The Humbling of Despotism, by W. B. Adams, 977; Limita- tions of the Anti-Russian Question, by J. I. AL, 1034.

Sunday and the British Museum, by William Duthie, 779. Sunday Music for Kensington Gardens by a Constant Reader, 925; by Fair Play-4. B., 953, 978. Sunday Trading, by 3'. LI. D., 690. Thirlwall's (Bishop) Gift, by C. St. Devils. 78. Training (the) of Ministers and the Training of Generals, by Cosmos, 185.

Transfer of Land, by H. T., 1019. Transportable Army Railways, by W. Bridges Adams, 542.

Transport Service, by Mercator, 243. Use and Abuse of Constitutional Cheeks, by Stylites, 569.

War—Modern War Attack and Defence, by W. Bridges Adams, 16; The Woes of War, 315 ;The Triumph of Right, by W. B. Adams, 568 ; European Peace—Russian Revolution, 616; Object of the, by It. S., 691 ; State of Opinion on the by an Oxfordshire Clergy- man, 1084 Military Reasons against a Patched.up Peace, by G. IL, 1084 Why War/ by It. J., 1188; Why not Peace, by A. H. Elton, 1214 ; Oliver Goldsmith on Em- den Polley, by G. H., 1214; New Maritime Acquisitions of Russia and Prussia, by F. Marx, 1214; The War from an Unpopular Point of View, by H. G., 1241, 1267 ; A few more Words for Peace, by A. la. Elterk 1268; The Peace and War Question. by John Oates, 1300; Objects of the War, by W. B. Adams, 1300; The War with RUSSIS, by Arthur H. Elton, 1333. Warfare, Undue Severity in, by an Octoge- narian, 1241. Yankee Younger Sons, by an Enemy to False Pretences, 780.