6 JANUARY 1855, Page 6

'At Court.

New Yeas's DAY opened at Windsor Castle with music by the band of the Horse Guards on the East Terrace. Later in the day, the Queen, Prince Albert, and the children proceeded to the Siding-School, and wit- nessed the distribution of joints of meat, coals, and clothing, the gifts of her Majesty to the poor. In the evening, the Queen entertained a bril- liant circle ; and the whole of her Majesty's party _attended a concert in St. George's Hall.

The Queen has walked abroad as usual, and Prince Albert has taken hunting exercise.

The guests at the Castle have included the Duchess of Kent, the Duchess and Princess Mary of Cambridge, Lord and Lady Cowley, Mr. Sidney Herbert, the Earl and Countess Granville, Major-General Harry Jones, Lord Hardinge, and Lieutenant-General Sir George Bowles.

On Monday, Mr. Patrick Park submitted to the Queen and Prince Albert a bust of the Emperor of the French, which the ingenious sculptor has executed for the Duke of Hamilton.

The Court quitted Windsor Castle early yesterday morning, for a short stay at Osborne.