6 JANUARY 1877, Page 10

Mr. Osborne Morgan, M.P. for Denbighshire, delivered his annual address

to his constituents last week, and told them that England had for some months back been exhibiting the strange spectacle of a nation positively dragging a most unwilling Govern- ment into the right foreign policy, by dint of sustained pressure. Still he feared that the conversion had been too late for a good req_ult. What might have been done in May, when the popular feeling of Russia was not yet fully roused, and when Turkey had not yet tried her strength against Servia and found it sufficient, could hardly be done now, when all Russia's preparations were made, and Turkey had it in her power to reply that we were asking from the conqueror terms which ought only to be imposed on the conquered. Passing to the English Burials question, he said that Turkey at least did not require a Christian to be buried with Mahommedan rites. Bat he forgot that Turkey does often require a Christian to be buried under a certificate abounding in expressions of Mahommedan scorn and hatred. Our Burials question would be a very different one, we take it, from what it is, and Mr. Osborne Morgan would hardly be the expositor of the Dissenting view, if the State gave to Dissenters licences for burial describing Dis- senters' corpses as the carrion refuse of damned souls, which happens in Turkey. Even on the Burials question Mr. Osborne Morgan will hardly find Turkish practice worthy of our imitation.