6 JANUARY 1877, Page 22



you or some of your readers kindly inform me whether Mr. Rawson, whose Evening Hymn you quote in last week's Spectator, is the author of the well-known hymn :—

" Thou whose almighty word, Chaos and darkness heard,

And took their flight," &c.?

The third verse of that hymn runs thus :— "Spirit of truth and love,

Life-giving, holy Dove, Speed forth thy flight.

Move on the waters' face, Bearing the lamp of grace,

And in earth's darkest place,—

Let there be light."

The third verse of Mr. Rawson's Evening Hymn is not unlike this :—

"Spirit of truth and love, Life-giving, holy Dove, Shed forth thy light.

Heal every inward smart, Still every throbbing heart,

And thine own peace impart,—

Bless us to-night."

If Mr. Rawson is the author of the justly-appreciated hymn, "Let there be light," most modern collections of hymns owe him a debt of gratitude which ought to be acknowledged, but which we have for many years thought was due to Mr. Marriott