6 JANUARY 1894, Page 10

The unbroken success of the Chartered Company in Mata- beleland

has been chequered by a painful disaster. There is. little room to doubt that Major Wilson and his forty troopers have been defeated by the Matabele, and most of them slain. Mr. Selous, who knows more of them than any one alive, and is of a perfectly cool judgment, heard himself from the King's brother that the entire party had been wiped out. It would seem probable that Major Wilson pursued Lobengula a little too confidently, that the flying chief had a larger force with him than was supposed, and the white men were ex- posed to a series of attacks, during which their ammunition was expended. They died, however, fighting; and it is rumoured,. also on Mr. Selous' authority, that seven got away, and tried the long march to Fort Salisbury—an almost hopeless attempt. The loss is to be deeply regretted; but it is less than the early English settlers sustained in many a skirmish with the Red Indians.