6 JANUARY 1906, Page 37

Collectanea. Fourth Series. (Clarendon Press. 31s. 6d.) —This is one

of the publications of the Oxford Historical Society (it is the forty-eighth volume). It contains a "Description of Oxford" from the Hundred Rolls of the county, bearing date 1279 A.D.; "Church Notes, 16434"; the memoranda of a Royalist officer in Oxford ; an account of painted glass, &c., in the Oxford Churches, made in 1643-4 (these are most carefully edited by Miss Rose Graham) ; the Forms of Consecration for three College Chapels, Lincoln, 1631 (the building erected by Williams, Bishop of Lincoln), B.N.C., 1666, and Queen's College, 1717; Thomas Baskerville's account of Oxford in 1683-6—Thomas Baskerville was a Hereford- shire squire—the bill of costs sent to the Mayor of Oxford re the Coronation of George IV. by his London agent ; and "Coaching in and out of Oxford," 1820-40. The first, among other points of interest, has some notable details of the property belonging to Religions Houses. More than two-thirds out of a total of .e27 (to be multiplied many times to reach present-day value) was so held. Some of the details in the Consecrations are curious. The soil of the Antechapel and Chapel of Lincoln College is blessed for interments (happily never made); in the former there was a font and a place for the celebration of marriages. The font has disap- peared, and it is long since marriages have been celebrated, though the inhabitants of Combo Longa (in the gift of the College) used at one time to come for that purpose. A pulpit is mentioned as existing in the Chapel. It now stands in the Antechapel, and is spoken of as "John Wesley's Pulpit." Doubtless he, among others, occupied it. It is of cedar wood, and still, as Mr. Andrew Clarke, the editor, reminds us, retains the scent which suggested the Bishop's remark that if this were not truly consecrated, "this cedar shall not keep the savour now it bath, but shall smell of superstition."