6 JANUARY 1906, Page 9

Though the Moscow revolt is over, it must not be

supposed that the revolution is in any sense crushed. From every quarter comes news of disorder and unrest. The St. Peters- burg correspondent of the Daily Mail, telegraphing to Friday's paper, estimates that "the revolution is active in twelve provinces." He calculates that during the last month the internal losses have been 2150,000,000. But tremendous as is this total, it must not be supposed that this, or even ten times this loss would actually ruin the Empire. Men thought similar losses had destroyed France in the last years of the eighteenth century, but they were mistaken. Wordsworth in a famous sonnet tells us how he had imagined that "natural miseries had blasted France," but how to his astonishment be found little apparent change ; men still ploughed the land and bought and sold almost as if nothing had happened.