6 JANUARY 1939, Page 27


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR]

Sizt,—I disagree with Mr. Tangye, not so much on his conten- tion that we should concentrate on the production of bombers ; but on his assumption that an increase in the production of fighters means a reversal of our belief that " attack is the best method of defence."

Mr. Tangye, as ati authority on aviation, should have a rough idea of our rate of production of bombing aeroplanes during the past two years. And although no- figures are allowed to be

published he must agree that we have large numbers of them. In order to save space I only quoted three of the fastest types of bomber, although there are three other types which have been produced in quantities and which have a radius of action at least equal to any of their Continental rivals.—Yours sincerely, E. N. B. BENTLEY. Luccombe House, Berkeley Street, Cheltenham, Glos.