6 JANUARY 1956, Page 18

SIR,—Some time ago you allowed me to air in your

paper a grievance which I shared with many others who have taken to bed-making in their riper years, that blankets were not marked with a line down the middle which would help one to centre them without trotting round the bed to measure the hang-down on either side.

Within a few days (tan turn Spectator valuit) I received presents from two great textile firms, one Scotch, the other English. Each sent me a blanket with a broad stripe down the middle. These are a joy that is new every day. There remains, however, the problem of sheets; not at the beginning of the week, but by Wednes-

day or Thursday, when the creases have been slept out of them. Is there any remedy?

I should add that I write this letter without any 'sense of favours to come:—Yours faith- fully,


/0 St. German's Place, Blackheath, SE3