6 JULY 1833, Page 14

SPECTATOR'S LIBRARY • thai iii: e. ist ire in Goethe.

From the German of lilk, Von Milner, Le. Wit it Nute.., orightl and tlauslated, illustrative of Contemn Liter:dna.. Ily S.zrah Anstia. 3 vols. E. lii lain. Vt:tvnor,t.

Narrative of a Vo:vagr. to Patagonia ;ttal l'erea del Fuego, through the Straits of Ma- gellan, in 11. NI. :',..kdvont trim ,nil it, 1S26 and IS27. It% John NlatIonall, It N .Rtligham arid Ruth.

The Chronology it i•tory vont:kitting Calenlal ions, :mil S:ze.entents, in-

dIsielt•able tOr a,certaining the Dates iii' I list,rical Events an 1 of Pahlie and Pu iii' Doett,e.:is, front t lie earliest perio.is to the present time. fly Sir liana:. M ;. (('abita•t Ene,)eloptedia, No. XLIV.) . L ,n:intan and Cu. ParrrIc S I. ii HOMY, The 1..eilt :11id I he Lugger. Park. I. and II. By Ilarrict Martineau. (Illustraiio or lolitwalEconomy, NOS. Xu1 I. and XVIII.) C Fey.