6 JULY 1833, Page 8

Elizabeth Wratter, win) Cal le d herself the 11011011rabil! P011-

and Lady Anne Page, was folly committed on Wednesday, from the ALinsionloalse, on a charge of forging checks on Masteritien

awl Co. for and o:2/. h.s. She affia.teil to be Moine, but the trick was soon discovered. It seems probable that the woman is a tool ill the hands of more knowing knaves.

Mr. J. El. Silve,ter, an attorney, was fully committed from the Hatton Garden ( Mire on Saturday, on a charge of forging the iweept- anei s of Mr. John Burgess, an iatoriwy if Nantwith, to four bills of exchimge, amounting together to .2.:I•10/. The prisoner had been pre- viously committed to the new prison a lerkelavell, on a charge of CIII- 1/CZZICIIIellt preferred by the same prosecutor, for want of recogniz:inees to appear and take his trial for the alleged offence.

Two gentleinen, named Sehradef and Johnson were held to bail at the Bow Street Offire on Weduesday, on' a charge of breaking the peace by sending a challenge to Colonel Girardot, who resides at the Priory at New.

Bayley, the %varehouseman to INIr. Morley of Gutter Lane, NV110 IVaS charged last week at the :Marlborough Street Office, with rubbing his master to a great extent, was reexamined, with his wife, on Wed- nesday, obeli both were fully committed for trill.

Three boys, who were brought before the Magistrates at the Union

.1 lull Otli,•e on Saturday, charged with robbing gardens, were released in consequence of the min-appearance of the Polieentan who had itp-• prehended them, to give evidence on the case. The Polieetuan it ap- peared, had been arrested for debt, arid was consequently dismissed from his situation.

At the Thames Police Office, on Wednesday, Mrs. Sarah Thipen,

an elderly female of very respectable exterior, WaS (7(MIlliittl:11 to New_ gate, on a charge of stealing, boots and sluices from the shop or Mr. W.

Thomas of Shadivell. l'he prisoner, NO111,C husband had latidy died in Whitecross Street prist el, had been repeatedly assisted bv Thomas with money anti clothing ; but took every opportunity of' call- nag upon him for relief, and of stealing all she could.

alr. George Keeton, the son of an opulent market gardener of

Bermondsey, a line yomig man of twenty-two, was drowiwd in the Thames WI Tuesday. fie was sailing io a skiff with one of his father's servants, when, in an attempt to push the skiff clear of a barge, he overreached himseil and fell into the river.

About three o'clock on Sunday morniug, a young woman went with

two men, whom she met accidentally, in a boat on the River for a sail. The boat was upset, about half-way between Blackfriars and South- wark Bridges, by I.otnittg in contact with a eliain belonging to a barge; and the woman was drowned; the men reached the shore with difficulty. A Coroner's Jury sat oil the body of the deceased, and levied a deo- dand of 51. on the boat, to mark their sense of the impropriety of letting out wherries at such an hour in the morning.

Charlcs Bey:adds, a footman, lately in the service of Dr. Wetherell

at Hampstead, attempted, on Friday week, to kill Sarah Parry, a fel- low servant, with %rhino he had carried on an illicit intercourse, and whose child he is said to have killed with her roneurrcnee. They lia.d both been previously discharged by Dr. Wetherell ; and the female event to live with her sister, Sirs. Di-tvis, who resides at Hammersmith. Reynolds, lin the day almve-tnentioned, armed himself with three pis- tols, intending to kill hinisclf and the two s:sters ; but did not succeed.

For Airs. I mcde her escape ; Sarah l'ao.y, though wounded in tlie throat, is likely to recover ; and the man himself. after discharging his pistol at his forehead, tan tip stairs. threw himself out of a window on the third floor, and then was still able to climb upon the roof of an out- house, where he was secured, and sent to St. George's Hospital. It is probable that he will soon recover sufficiently. to take his trial for the attempted murder.

The body of a voting man, whose name and connexions are not

known, was fouod bangin' on Sunday afternoon upon a tree in the grounds or the Eali or Mansfield at Caen Wood. On the previous Thuroky, a genth•man passed by the tree, dud picked up a pair of' boots which lay at the foot or it, but (lid nut observe the body, in con-

sequence of the ii. lit from which it hung.

Oct Monday, an inquest was held on the body of Mr. George Lang-, ton, a medical student, who killed himself by takiog poison, at his • lodgings in Walworth, on the Friday previous. Ile left a written pa- per on the table in his room, on which he had said "that the evening of

bis Sapllud dry," and that " God in his exquisite goodness could not require him to live merely to eat, drink, and sleep." The verdict

of the Jury was " Insanity."

A woman was sold ho her husband, in Portman Market, on Tues- day, for five shillings. She went off with her Intrehaser (a dust man), amidst the hissinos ;mil hooting of the crowd, who threw stones and dirt at the part it., concerned in the transaction.