6 JULY 1833, Page 8



Birmingham Polit ieal Council, on Tuesday the eopv of the Newhall Hill rtition to the by Earl Fitzwilliaro, hy whom it was to have tier of some um or twelve page,, stating why

It WaS 11(4'1111A to SPIld p.0114111 to the rd 'Melbourne refuse to present it if he dared.

—Manchester A(kerti,, At a fleeting of the week, it was stated that Lords hail been retlirned been presented, with a le he declined tiresenting Home ()Rive, aryl let Lo

The person who calls himself Sir William Courtenay, or Lord. Courtenay, was brought up for trial before the Magistrates at the - Canterbury City Sessions, on Monday, on a charge of obtaining 140/. on false pretences from a waiter at one of the inns in Canterbury. Much bustle and excitemtut was occasioned by the trial. The shops were closed, and business seemed suspended for the day. The pri- soner, on entering the hall, was greeted with loud cheers. A writ of certiorari wits granted to remove the trial into the Court of King's Bench. It was found impossible to keep order in the Court ; the hal- looing, whistling, and screaming being continual and irrepressible. Sir Wiliiccciu addressed the assembled crowd from the top of one of the 'over coaches, and declared his intention to abandon polities for ever. Ili! wii; no Democrat, but a Royalist, and %you'd spill his blood to save the Throne. Ile then got intuit carriage and drove off.

Sir. Robert Rubinson, a gentlemen of independent circumstances, residing at Thorp Arch, has been committed to York Castle for shoot- ing at and wounding John Pick, of Boston, stonemason, about elemn o'clock at night on the '24tli ult.

A liii was committed to hard labour for a fortnight, the other day, at Bristol, for " wilfully and maliciously breaking- a pitcher." Thomas Smith, the owner of a boat which plied between Boston and I Iormastic, on the river Witham, MILS drowned on Friday week, in an titian hit to sa his clii Iii, a boy of about live years of age, who had Wien overboard when playing upon the (leek of the boat.

Ben ii ill In lii dcc's, MI old man from Iiirminghain, wits robbed of about c7( 1, in gold, lay Samuel Careless, in whose house in London lie was lodging in June last. A reward of BM/. was offered for the reeo- NT: y of the property and the apprehension of the thief. The latter was at last traced to the house of it sweep in Birmingham, about a fortnight since : and 6551. was found cemeeided on the premises in a bag of soot. Careless and the sweep have been committed to gaol, to be tried for the robbery, by the Birmingham Magistrates.

Mrs. Pointer, the wife of a respectable farmer of Fyfield, near °agar, poisoned herself on Sunday week by taking a large dose of laudanum when under the influence of temporary derangement.

Mr. Cooper, a baker at Huntingdon, hanged himself, in a fit of in- sanity, on Thursday morning, just as his wily daughter was going to ehureh to be married.