6 JULY 1833, Page 7

The trial of George Eurzey, for stabbing John _Brook, a

l'olice coostable, during the affray in t 'ffltliorpe Street on the .18th May, came on at the Old liailey; Si ssions on Thursday, before Justice 4 ;,:selee, Justice .Parlos the Lord Nlayor, and the it order. The Solicitor- General, Sir John Campbell, on behalf of the Crown, said that he would not inalie any statement or commeht on the ease : the

etonisel had es: powcr to toldoos the Jury, mid as be dio not thin

one side oueld to Laveit privile:re not possessed by the other, he should tin-rile E•Vilii;1;■• f(Jr tinproseetaioo, and Irate the dcci- ii Ii jury. idence ivititt both ',ides was alitiost entirely .1 repetitiiin ii that adduced it the iiiiplest. and related principally to the Is hsivieur of the popular.; and the l'oliee force.

John Brook, the eisoaahle who o stelsbcd, swore positively Iii the p..!-son 11... %vas earl ying the :Inlet lean banner, : he could lee ressdlect %%lett the property was

d with stealiee. imues Compton, aho belong- j;e10,•,1to eonvev 1:nrzey to littrbritigtos stables. did nor know why this was not if iliS fro:1111 blow on his head.

1111:H111i7 ;;;;■ 1)11Fi...: C. ' 0:I in the i,

the as:- Ii 01 tttt,oi ho

Inal been indo (Iiit -per Strci t limit...Jed i; which xvii• ing Ti the l' Ihoteemen attempted to wrest trom him. raised his right arm, :Ind stabbed hint t side. "Ile deeger ‘vith ii lih:h he was

lene. Ile retired }sod:. two or three :it ti:c prisoner. and SiiNV ail instrument lised. I lenry Charles liedwoed. another prism:et. had %vonntied him also with a dagger,

t sane: setiffle: lot then collared him. and %vitlz ihdicemen took him into custody. This wit- . e.hsithei, first denied. tad then admitted, that Ile i; Albans for an assault. Ile had also been iii • .ffitpter. on a lids, charge of felony, but was est: in a cold:used ond hesitating, in:loner.

nrisomi, to which Furzey was convvvi d it the Sallie tint-; that l'ilrzi•v. ;11111 eeether prisoner named I iillies;remained there :shout est ;tel that atter they were poi,e, a dagger. pistol, and powder-lhisit. ivt IV found in the (1:::,ger %%as produced;

there were no malks of blood upon it. Furzey ‘vas dressed in a tight

jael:et, whicit did :sot iohnit of ismer:ding the weapolis hiriltn1th. Air.

Stallwood, Courtenay, tttti ethers, it ere valled ott lelislf of the

prisoner; they :ladle ehictly to the brutal conduct of the l'olice. Six- teen respectable tradesmen eave Futzey an excellent chalacter for honesty and mildness of disposition. The jury retired at about tea minutes past one on Friday morning; in about half an hour the Fore- 1111111 the Veilliet. in these terms— •

"31y Lorik, we hare. as year Lordships are aware, given not only long. but

close and anNions attention if this and have since we retired censidered, with ;ill the car:: which it tell■ pds.ible to bring to [war upon it, the evidence On bath sides; nail we cannot. ell such evidence, conscientiously plonounce any- other verdict than :Via' This announcement was received with irrrpressible shouts and clap- ping of bands w ithin the (7ourt, and by the crowd outside, which not- withstanding the lateness of the hour NVIIS Yet); great.

At the 3Iiddlesex Sessions, on Thursday, the Grand Jury returner/ a true bill against .3.1r. Llenty Hetherington, the printer and publishes:. of the Poor _Alan's Gtwolian. for sedition, ill exherting the working classes always to go armed when they attend public meetings.

Catherine Weeks was tried at the Old 13ailey Sessians yesterday, on

a charge of having in her It hint bastard child. The Jury ac- quitted her of the murder, but found her guilty of concealing the birth of the child ; and strongly recommended her to the mercy of the Court, on account of her previous good character.

Hawes. the member for Southwark, on Wednesday presented Thursday, with costs.

Henry Wise, the chief mate of the East India Company's ship Edinburgh, was tried on Tuesday, at the Admiralty Sessions, and acquitted, on a charge of unlawfully flogging a seaman on board his ship. He had. it appeared, ordered the prosecutor to receive twelve lashes for drunkenness:.

Mr. Earley, a retired stockbroker, obtained a verdict on Saturday, in the Court of Common Pleas, against Mr. Croekford, of St. James's Street, for 200/., the amount of a bank-note of which the plaintiff bad . A meeting was held on Wednesday, at the Hanover Square Rooms, the memorial of the Grand Jury who had been refused permission to to consider the best means of securing African Colonization and the inspect the prison to Newington, to the Alegistrates assembled at the abolition of the Slave-trade. The Duke of Sussex was in the chair ; Sorry Sessions. Considerable discussion arose respecting the right of the Grand Jury to inspect prisons : but the opinion of the Bench the colonization system, attended. The discussions were voy stormy, was so decidedly against the del», that Mr. Hawes finally withdrew and the Duke was quite unable to preserve decorum. The resolutions tile memorial.-

proposechby the gentlemen who had called the meeting were carried by An appeal against the eharge of 544/., made by the overseers of The members of the original Fox Club had their annual dimmer last ear. was allowed by the: Magistrates at the Middlesex Sessions on

Mr. Ilue!;:tigkon, the member for Sheffield, applied on Tuesday to the Lord Mayor, lit behalf of a native Indian woman, who had come over to this eountry from Calcutta as a servant to a family in the ship

Isabella. The parties who had hired her, and the Captain of the vessel, refused to provide her as usual with the means of returning to her own country, and she was in great distress. It is customary, when European titioilies take native Indians away, to leave a deposit in the Indian treastiry as a guarantee for their safe return ; but this had not been done in the present instance. Sir Peter Laurie, however, sent for a gentleman from the India House, and represented the poor woman's ease to hint ; and it was finally arranged that the Company should send her back.