6 JULY 1833, Page 9



The financial operations of the week have been more limited than usual, and the fluctuations have not consequently been great; the variation in the price of Consols not having exceeded per cent., 901 leaving been the highest. and ;117 the lowest price. India Stock has been steady at 247 to 248, and Bank Stuck is to-day at 21451r 206. Money has been rather in demand; but Exchequer Bills have maintained their price, and are to-day 53 54 prem. Commercial credit has received a shuck by the failure of the old and respect- able house of Messrs. Fairlie, hums, and Co. one of the most eminent in the East Indian trade. The amount of their liabilities has been variously stated ; -hut we believe that from 200,000/. to 800,0001. is the very lowest at which it can be calculated. This unfortunate occurrence will be severely felt by the -retired Anglo-Indians, many of whom have deposited considerable sums with

• the Calcutta branch of the firm in question, and whose principal names of sub- sistence is derived from the interest paid upon such deposits.

A greater disposition to business has existed in the Foreign Market, and Dutch Stock still continues in favour as an investment ; the ‘4 per Cents. have been to-day as high as48;1i, exdividend. The 5 per Cents. have also been iu great demand, and have improved nearly 1:12 per cent, on the prices in the early part of the week. Belgian Bonds have also been in request, and are to-day as • high its 9. Russian and Danish Bonds are steady at a trifling improvement - on our last week's prices. Intelligence has been received from Rio Janeiro to the 9th May, at which time the insurgents in Minas Geraes still held out : the Stock has improved in price, and has to-day been done at tiSi. By the same arrival, very favourable accounts have been received from the agents of the St. John Del Rey Mining Company. The old mine has been abandoned, and a new one opened, the produce of which is desel ibcd as rich : the shares, which welt, previmedy at about 4, drive since butt at 7!,, but have to-day betll at 6 ;tout ti".. Colombian Bonds have been as low as .21!. The account, from Dogma to 2,2d May state, that the Congress bad separated without leaving made any apportion- ment of the foreign debt anaav the three states into which the republic has !ue- come divided: commissioners have, however, been appointed for that purp,-t. ; . and front the anxiety manifested by the Ilcpchlican Government for the s 1is- factory arrangement of this question, it is not doubted that it will be settled before bug. The price of the Stuck has since been as high as -2:27;, and is now 2.2A

A meeting of the proprietors of London Doek Stock was held to-day ; and on inspection of the accounts, it was determined to redtwe the dividend from 3 to 21 per cent. per annum. The SW:tic, which was a few weeks ago at 58. has been refused to-day at 48; but we cannot learn that any bargain has been effected!.

The Spanish Market has been heavy ; and in cons,quenee Of a large sae. was depressed to le-m/ ; the closing ',lieu. to-day is ht.:. .lit attempt is tour making to raise a loan in Holland ; limit tn. ts /adore is adieli tact!. the holders tut I • ur tvs Bonds hope that the necessities of the Spolish Government will at last Iii e it to do justice to their claims. sv-eamovv. TevEt.vi: da-cimra.

As is usually the case on Saturday, the morning lies beet: passed in inartwitv.

Consols for ;Wiley are 90.10 and for Al-count, 9iO4 Bank Stock 207 209, and India Stock -247:1. Exchequer Bills are 51 54. Altbough to-day is the first transfer of the various Stocks on which the Ifividends have become dm+, the money transaction: are quite unimportant. The business of the Foreign Niar-d- ket is even less than in the English rands, and the prices are nearly the siemens c•rel it-n' Feat. Consols .. 9t1 Belgian ft per Cer4-s.92; 3 111e i.;:tn 6 per Cents- .37 I

I ■itto tiir Account —904 4 Br wilian Sp. Cts, it s Port p, cis. ret 60 New 34 p. Cent. Ann. 95: .1 Datosh 3 per Ccitis..13; 4 110, lie.a.,•■ se.51i.rt. 2.144

Bank Stock .• 21,17:21.19j Dutch i4f per Cents. 4SI 9 Dr:i,,iant 1'1,15 p.(3. —

India Stock 2471 French 3 par Cents. — Ito-.. I'- I p.t 1. 1041 ; Exchequer Bills 5'2 54! Greck(11425)51c.Cts. — Spanislr,1S•21 l,f