6 JULY 1839, Page 11



The usual weekly meeting of the Bank Directors, held yesterday, was re-

garded in the City with considerable anxiety, as it was generally believed that the rate of discount would be again increased to 6 per cent. ; but no such mea- sure was resolved upon. The Money Market during the previous part of the week had been very firm, but had given way slightly yesterday, in anticipation of the presumed augmentation of the rate of discount : it, however, rallied again in the afternoon ; • and the prices of to-day are as high as any of the quotations of the week, and generally about per cent. above those of Saturday. The advices from Holland and Hamburg, received in the early part of the week, were such as to encourage a hope that the rates of exchange here would im- prove; but that expectation has not been realized, and they may be quoted from to per cent. lower than those of last week. The usual quarterly statement of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of Englund, (accidentally omitted by the printer of the Gazette on Friday. bust,) was published on Monday. As compared with the last account, the circula- tion exhibits a diminution of 113,000!., the deposits have decreased 247,0001., and the amount of bullion in store is diminished by 747,0001.; the only item of increase is under the head of securities, which have been augmented to the amount of 391,000/. The value of the system of joint-stock banking has been rendered triumphantly evident by the results of the last few days. Upon all former occasions, when the Bank Directors have evinced a design to limit their operations, or, as it technically termed, to 4, aiply the screw,' the effect pro- duced upon the country circulation has been always embarrassing and fre- quently disastrous ; a run has generally confluence(' upon the country bankers, who have been forced to pour all their available securities into the market, and thus to add to the pressure and distrust already. (Tented by the operations of the Bask : but on the present occasion, thanks to the credit enjoyed by the Provincial Joint Stock Banks, the panic has been entirely confined to London, and the only forced sales of securities made to any extent were effected by the broker who has the credit of acting for the Bank itself. We do not mean to say that the Bank Directors were anxious to get up a panic, but arc quite sure that if any body of men possessed of similar power had been anxious to do so, thee could not have adopted a better course than that followed by the Bank during the few days for which the pressure prevailed.

In the Foreign Market, business has been very unimportant. The chief

object of attraction has been Columbian Stock, which has been in demand, and has risen as high as 336: the market is at present well supported within per cent. of that price; and the opinion prevailing among the speculators scouts to be that the long-talked arrangement of the debt will be speedily carried into effect. Spanish Stock, which was on Saturday as high as 19h, has receded to 19, but has to-day slightly improved. Portuguese Securities have also been flat, but are to-day rather higher. The fluctuations of the other Foreign Bonds have been unimportant, as has the businesss transacted. The Railway Shares are generally heavy at current quotations, and there does not appear to be any disposition to speculate in them. The pressure for money, which it was anticipated would produce a decline in the value of these commodities, having passed away, and the operators for the fall having been disappointed in replacing the shares sold on speculation at lower prices, a slight rise has occurred in the value of some of the Shares-, but the improved paces are only traceable to the forced closing of these speculations.

SATURDAY, TWELVE o'CLocir. The financial statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer has not pro- duced any effect upon the Money Market. Consols for Account have been sellers 93i, but are now buyers. Exchequer Bills arc rather firmer, and have

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been done at 28 prem. The hooks of those Stocks t' ,. dividends uran which are now due, are all open for private transfer ; mi,1 Lusiness for money hiu been transacted in all of them. There does not app.- - . to be any disposition in the public to sell stock, the prices for money beim.- imw ,t, per cent. higher then they were at the opening of the market. Very Sit''., is doing in the Foreign Funds. which may be quoted generally as vest .rdaz- - "Amribian is, Ito -^r, heavier, and has been done at 33.

Brazilian 5 r Cents..... •

Danish 31. ''ruts 74} Dutch 21 .i. " .nts 541 1. Portogne, ".•.,!-y 5 per Cts 341 5 Ditto 3 po• ' •ds 21* Russian (., . 5 ;or Cont 112 113 Spanisl, i,. .... 5 per Cent 191

Dererr••■1 • -1 8} Pa ...iv.. i ''.• , 4}

3 per Cent. Consuls

911 2 Ditto for Aceount 931 I

3 per Cent. It iduced..

921- New 31 per Cent. Anus. 991 il.

Bank Stuck

191 India Stock

Dino Bonds

30 pm.

Exchequer Bills

,5 27 rin

Belgian 5 per Cents. 1021