6 JULY 1839, Page 2

French politicians arc almost entirely occupied with " the Eastern

question." The Chamber of Deputies, by a majority of 287 to 26, have voted ten millions of francs, required by the Minister of Marine to defray the cost of increasing the navy. • The disposition to take advantage of the war between the Turks and Egyptians to aggrandize their country, seems to prevail in the breast of every Frenchman. It is manifest that they desire to maintain the independence of Egypt, with the design, at the death of MEHEMET Am, of extending their dominion into that coveted portion of Africa. The trial of the prisoners before the Court of Peers is proceed- ing. The accused receive hard measure from the judges and pro- secutors. At the Sunday's sitting of the Court, when a witness MS at a loss to identify BAnnEs, one of the leaders in the insur- rection, a gendarme assisted his memory or invention, by pointing to the person it was his object to recognize : the Procureur- General and the President of the Court wished to get the witness and the gendarme out of the difficulty ; but Count Mosama zT exclaimed—" Don't justify it." Very little interest seems to be ex- cited by the progress of the trial, or its probable results.