6 JULY 1844, Page 19


Tuesday, July 2.


Parker and Wilson, Darfield, Yorkshire, dyers-Maitland and Co. London, mer- chants- Swaiuson and Co. Dolphinhohne, Lancashire. worsted.spiuners-Seyler, Carr, and Co. St. Mary at-Hill, merchants; also as Carr, Lamb, and Co. same place, coal. factors ; as for as regards P. E. Sayler-Galt and Anderson, Manchester, booksellers- Cook mid Ansell, Hadleigh, Suffolk, grocers-Bright and Cu. Doncaster. watch- makers; as far as regards M. Bright-Wood and Owen, St. Mary Axe, druggists-Pries and Co. Liverpool, rope-makers-Wilkinsou and Co. Princes Street, Spitallields. colour. manufacturers-Lean and Evans. Liverpool, coachmakers-Hiron and New. E‘esham, chemists-T. and W. Malts, Charles Street, Drury Lane, coach-spring-makers- Midd letou and Whetuall, Nottingham, wine-merchants-Hill and Wackerbarth, Leaden. ball Street, ship-brokers-Presland and Co. Castle Court, Lawrence Lane, warehouse- men-Pearce and Son, Sheffield. booksellers-Marshall and Son, Birmingham. jewel- lers-Tabor and Clarke, Nottingham, bobbin-net-lace manufacturers-Allgood and Lamprey, Banbury, corn-dealers-Oddy and Brookman, Pearl Street. Spitalfields, pork-butchers-Fairbotham and Dyson, Manchester. tailors-E. and W. Curial. Bar- tou-upon-Trent, linendmpers -Cripps and Scurfield, Liverpool, shawl merchants- Strong and Gillingham, Clink Street, Southwark, coal-merchants-J. and E. Matthews, Berwick Street, engravers-Lewis and Co. Cbeapside, merchants-Brooks and Wight. wick, High Street, Southwark, linendrapers-Phillips and Evans, Liverpool, chemists- Akers and Richardson. Great St. Andrew Street, Bloomsbury. plumbers-Ellis and Co. Arthur Street West, chemists-Grave and Hatfield, Cheapside, warehousemen-Payne and Co. West Bromwich, iron-masters-A. and R. Cooke, Birmingham. milliuers--. Owst and Cotton, Mill Stairs, Bermondsey Wall, hoop.merchants - Ingham and Aspinall. Liverpool, lirrendrapers-Pierce and Co. Liverpool, auchorsmiths -Robin- son and M'Bryde, Liverpool, tallow.chaudlers-Wilkinson and Clewlev, Ilttoxeter, innkeepers-Boland Co. Bromley, Kent, surgeons; as far as regards W. ilott.


Jenuer, Brixtou, bootmaker-Jacobs. Princes Street. Ratcliffe Ilighway,jeweller- Brodie, otherwise Wild. Craven Buildings, Drury Lane, comedian-Harwood, Poplar, mariner-Ellard, Charlotte Street, Blackfriars Road. furrier-Owen, Llau Aber. Meri- onethshire-Macpherson, Albany Road, Camberwell, accountant-Thomas. Andover. innkeeper-Morris. Carey Street, law-writer-Watson. Weston Street. Somers Town, undertaker - Chapman, Merriugton, Durham, schoolmaster - Whittier. Landport, Hampshire, baker-Fletcher, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, schoolmaster-Jefferys. Arnold, Nottinghamshire, out of business-Bennett, Nottiugliam. out of business-Wheatley, Marlene, Derbyshire, farmer-Hollier, Birmingham, stouemason-Downiug, Thorne. Yorkshire, butcher-Adams, Great Yarmouth, fish-curer-Falshaw, Bradlurd, out of business-Stevens. Stanbridge, Bedfordshire. bulkier- Howgate. Pudsey, Yorkshire, tauner-Livesey, Chorley, Lancashire, beer-retailer-Welch, Great Yarmouth, rope- maker-Claringbold, Lower Edmonton, victualler's assistant-Anbury.Warfield, Berk- shire, bootmaker-Raymond, Bishop's Road. Paddington, builder-Hump, Vioddesdon, Buckiughamshire, farmer-Nicholson. Bedlington, Durham, mercer-Wood. Tibberton Square, Islington, philosophical-instrument-maker - Magee, Ely, cabinetmaker- Longhand. Northampton, butcher-Randall, Cambridge Road, appraiser-Smith. Wil- mington Street, Clerkenwell, auctioneer-Cornish, Woolwich, butcher-Clifford, Nor- man Street, St. Luke's, plumber-Haigh, Almondbury, beer-retailer.


COLLINSON, HENRY WIER, Stamford Street, hatmaker, to surrender July 12, Aug. 16: solicitors, Messrs. Hodgson and Burton, Salisbury Street, Strand ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager. Birchin Lane. HARDING, WILLIAM, Southampton Street, Cambervvell. grocer, July 9, Aug. 9: soli- citor, Mr. Jordeson. St. Mary-at-Hill; official assignee. Mr. Green, Aldermaubury.

ROBERTS, FREDERICK, Handley, Cheshire, butcher. July 10, Aug. 7: solicitors, Messrs. Nicholls and Co. Bedford Row ; Mr. Cunuah, Chester; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.

Scow, THoMAs, Colchester, baker, July 16, Aug. 13: solicitor, Mr. Marriott, Col- chester; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.


July 5, Fowler and Green, Lime Street, merchants-July 26, Watson, York. silk. mercer-July 24, Elliot. Sheffield, merchant-July 24, Mennen, Leeds. cloth-merchant -July 24, Bentley, Bowdon, Yorkshire, cloth-manufacturer-July 25. White and Leith, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. machine-makers-July 26, Phillat, Blagdou, So- mersetdrire, scrivener-July 25, Grifliths, Chelford, Cheshire, innkeeper- July 31, Hewitt, Manchester. victualler-July 26, Howarth, Lee Mill, Recap, Lancashire, cot- ton-spinier-Aug. 1, Johnson and Chapman, Manchester, chemists-July dl. Warren, Wilmslow. Cheshire, blacksmith-Aug. 1, Parker, Manchester, hop-merchaot-July23, Shaw. Bishopwearmouth, mercer-July23, Wood, Ingram, Northumberland, banker- July 22, Bird, Maryport, Cumberland, druggist-July 25, Dickerson, Plymouth. merchant-July 30, Newsome, Dewsbury, blanket-manufacturer-July 30. Wright, Guiseley, Yorkshire, corn-miller-July 30, Parker and Co. Leeds, dyers - July ,s0. Bulls mau, Leeds, cabinetmaker- July 24, Fletcher, Loscoe, Derbyshire. grocer-July 25,, Chapman, Liverpool, hosier-July 23, Harris, Wolverhampton, wrne-merehaut-July 28, Hudson, Leominster. linendraper-July 27, Wood and Port. Burton-upon-Trent, screw-manufacturers-July 22, Graves, Holm° Cultram, Cumberlaud, innkeeper. CERTIFICATES. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. July 25, Robertson, Fleet Street, auctioneer-July 23. Penton, Paddington Street, ironmonger-July 23, Muller, Addle Street, Wood Street, furrier-July 26, Roe and Blachford. Newport. Isle of Wight, bankers-July 25. Clark, Mincing Lane, colonial. broker-July 25, Newton and Worssom, Kingsland Basin. engineers-July 25. Mac- lean. Somerset Street, Whitechapel. carpemer-Cux, Porchester Street, Connaught Terrace. fruiterer-July 23. Taylor. Carlisle. miller-July 24, Rogers, Newport. Mon- mouthshire, draper-July 24. Sadler, Cheltenham. linendraper-July 26, Martian. Sheffield. brewer-July 24, Marsden. Halifax, woollenellth-manufacturer-July 23, Harris. Liverpool, hotel-keeper-July 23. Harris, Wolverhampton, wiummerchant- July 24. Meredith, Liverpool. linendraper -July 25, Parker, Manchester, hopmerchaut

- July 24. Johnson and Chapman. Manchester. chemists.

7o be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before July 23. Channell. Southampton. coal-merchant-Clark, Liverpool, draper-Smith, Worces- ter, attorney-Wood, Ingram, Northumberland, nd, banker.


Farrell. West Derby, Lancashire, rattle dealer; first div. of ls. 6d. July 3. or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan. Liverpool- Moncas, Liverpool, watch-manufac- turer; first die. of 3s. 10d. July 3, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Morgan. Liver- pool-N. N. and R. Sully, Tividale, Staffordshire, iron-masters; first div. or 7d. July 4, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Biteestott. Birminghant-T. and W. Reeves, Worcester, coachbuilders; first and final div. of Is. 41d. July 4, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham-Booth. PrincesStreet, Lambeth, lime-burner ; first div. of 71d. July 3. and two following Wednesdays; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry- Hawkins, Bristol. mason; first div. of 15s. July 3, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. sleraman, Bristul-M•Connal. Liverpool, tea-dealer ; first div. of Is. 41d. July 3, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool-Howie. Manchester, merchant ; first dlr. of 5-8tlis of a Id. July 9, or any subsequent Tuesd la ; Mr. Stanway, Man- chester-Bridgman and Drylanti, Upper Chapman Street, St. George's-in-the-East, tallow melters; second div. or lid. any Wednesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street

- Sewell, Chat teris. Isle of Ely, money-scrivener; first dir. of Is. 7d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Otley, St. James's Street. milliner; second div. or 944. July 3. and three iollowingWetinesdays; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane-Austin and Co. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, bankers; final div. of Std. July 3, or any sub- sequoia Wednesday; Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street - Dons. Thatch= . Berke, miller; final div. of 74d. July 3, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street

- Mobbs. Northampton. plumber; first div. of 2s. 2d. (on new proofs.) and second div. of 9d. (on old proofs.) any Wednesday; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Parr, Norton-itethe-Mors, Staffordshire, shopkeeper; first die. of 5s. 6d. any Thursday; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham-Johnson. Liverpool. grocer; second div. of 5s. lid. July 4. or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool-Maguire, Liverpool, publican ; first div. of 2s. 2d. July 4, or any subsequent Thursday; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool- Shaw. London Wall, carpenter ; first div. of 5s. July 3, and two following, Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Lumley. Cornwall Road. victualler ; first div. of 94. July 3. and two following Wednesdays; Mr. Turquand. Old Jewry- Florence junior, Sub- deanery. Sussex. potato-dealer ; time div. of 9d. July 3, andtwo following Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry.


Baowst, S.. Ayr. saddler, July 5.26. M'KELV1E, J., Edinburgh. coal-dealer. July 10, Aug. 7.

Friday, July 5.


Mercer and Edwards. Ramsgate, attornies-Swift and Co. Huddersfield. cloth mer- ehanty-Rt.ssotlety and De Iternardy, Warwick Street, Charing Cross. accountants- Heald and Parsons, Malden. wholesale druggists-S. and R. Wells, Kenningliall, Nor- folk, grocers-J. and T. Clark. Trowbridge, clothiers-Cunliffe and Oct. Accrington, Lancashire. engravers to calico-printers; as far as regards W. Dixon-Mason and Adams, Cross Street. Bermondsey, carriers- Gardiuer and Matthews, SI unster Street, Regent's Pack, butchers-Welch and Gwynne, St. James's Street, printsellers-T. M. and J. J. Lee. Leeds, aitornies-Whirling and Cleasby, Edgeware Road, wine-merchants- Tempaoy and Waggett, Holies Street. tailors-Chambers and Sons, Portsmouth. grocers; as far as regards G. Chambers-Gall and Allen. Woodbridge, chemists- Moore and Williams, Lower Thames Street. Customhouse-agents-T. and J. Berry, Manchester, naukeeu-manufacturers-Ewart and Co. Manchester. commission-agents; as far as regards C. Lamport-Pitcairn and Co. Batavia; Syme and Co. Singapore; Tier and Co. Manilla: as far as regards G. Marshall. DECLARATIONS Or INSOLVENCY UNDER THE NEW ACT.

Blick, Islip, Ox-fordshire, surgeon-Nash. Great Yarmouth, out of business-Ha- milton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, agent-Harding. Wakefield Street, Gray's Inn Lane, schoolmaster-Robinson. Althorpe. Lincolnshire. bout-maker, -11•Gtegor, Manchester, coach-maker-Parsons, York Road, Lambeth, engineer-Dear, Bow Street, baker - Mash, Hoxton Old Town, coal dealer-Williams, Sclater Street. Bethnal Green, silk- dealer--Brown, Maldon, blacksmith-Drake, Halifax, bootmaker-Cottee. Mahlon, cabinet maker-Brown, Liverpool, hackney-driver-May, Fuller Street, Bethnal Green, trimming-manufacturer-Cosius, Water Street, furniture-broker-Neweitharn, Soho Square, artist-Rogers, New North Street. Red Lion Square, tailor-Rason, Li- verpool, blacksmith-Bristow senior, Little George Street, Bermondsey, carpenter- Oakes. Liverpool, traveller-Driukhall, Manchester, porter-Miller, Liverpool, estate- ageut-Roffey. Elm Laue, Bayswater, dancing-master-Allevek, Harrison Street, Gray's Inn Road, out of business-Redshaw, Frederick Street, Regent's Park, up- bolsterer -Pashley, Rayleigh, Essex, plumber-Faithful, Grove End, St. John's Wood, gardener-W. and G. S. Scoble, Topsham. Devonshire, bakers-Wellicombe, Church Street, Camberwell, butcher-Gale. Boston Street, Dorset Square. out of business- Heffill. Chenies Street, tailor-Childs, Bury St. Edmund's, grocer.


SPENCE. S. H., Leeds, maltster.


CABANAS. MICHAEL. Fenchurch Street,wine-merchant, to surrender July 19, Aug. 16 : solicitors. Messrs. Sole, AIdermanbury; official assignee, Mr. Belcher. King's Arms Yard.

HINDI/AMISH, THOMAS, Hartlepool, grocer. July 11, Aug. 26: solicitors. Wilson and Turnbull, Hartlepool official assignee, Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

LODGE. RICHARD. Thornhill, Yorkshire, innkeeper, July 19, Aug.?: solicitors. Wig- glesworth and Co. Gray's Inn Square ; and Mr. Cronhelm, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds. PLANK. FREDERICK. Plymouth, performer. July 24, Aug. 15: solicitors, Mr. Suns Lombard Street ; Mr. Moore. Exeter ; and Messrs. Lockyer and Bulteel, Plymouth ; official assignee, Mr. Hensel. Exeter.

RAMSEY. JOHN, Chapel Street. Somers Town. cheesemonger, July 13, Aug. 10; so- licitors. Messrs. Dods and Liuklaters, Leadenhall Street; official assignee, Mr. Tur- quand, Old Jewry.

SHELTt.N. Tiroues HENRY. Southampton. stationer. July 13, Aug. 9 : solicitor, Mr. Cox. Pinners Hall; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street.

Stamm, Fitexcis, London Wall, importer, July 16, Aug. 16: solicitors, Messrs. Law- rence and Plews. Bucklersbury; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.

SWAINS. Tnnues JAMES, Newland Street. Eaton Square. innkeeper, July 12, Aug. 19: solicitors, Wade and Pennington, Old Jewry ; and Mr. Wade, Baldock; official assignee, Mr. Groom. Ahchurch Lane.

TANsLEY, PETER. St. John Street. straw.plait-dealer, July 16. Aug. 16: Mr. Hurst, Milk Street; official assignee. Mr. l', hitmore. Basinghall Street. VERNON. JOHN, Monks' Coppenhall. Cheshire. sictualler, July 17, Aug. 14: solidi- citors. Mr. Froggart, Clifford's Inn; and Mr. Latham, Saudbach; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.


July 26, Champion, Friday Street, furrier-July 20. Whitmore and Co. Lombard Street. bankers - July 26. Brand, Sranhope Street. Mayfair, cook-July 26, Goertz, New Windsor. upholsterer-July 31, Smithson. Thirsk, Yorkshire. draper-July 31, Dixon. Sheffield, linendraper-July 9. Broadhead, York, woollen-cloth-manufacturer- July 29, Hembrough, Wakefield. worsted manufacturer-July 29, Johnson, Austou, Yorkshire, miller-July 31. Lonsdale, Sheffield, grocer-July 27. Harker, Sunder- landwick, Yorkshire, farmer-July 27, Dawson, Wakefield, money-scrivener-July 26, Brittan, Bath, victualler.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

July 26, Squires, Emmett Street, Poplar, plumber-July 29, P. and J. Cattaneo, Reigate, jewellers- July 29. Agst,m, Davies Street. Berkeley Square, watchmaker- July 26, Thorpe, Kensington. lineudraper-July 26. Foakes, Mitcham, market-gar- dener-4111Y 37. J. and J. B. Monteflore, Nicholas Lane, merchants-July 26, Brown, Rickmanswonh. auctioneers-July 26. Lynn. Liverpool, hotel-keeper- July 26, Ri- chardson. Manchester, gambroou-manufacturer., To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or beltre July 26. Leicester, Manchester, printer-Johnson, Rochdale, lime dealer-Jones, Cheapside,

jeweller-Parslow, Blackman Street, tailor-Turner, Almondbury, faucy cloth-mann- faeturer.


Bower, Manchester, banker; second div. of is. 9d. July 9, or any subsequent Tues- day; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-A. C. and W. Marsh, Great Scotland Yard. navy- agents ; sixth div. of 5}d.; Mr. Penuell, Basinghall Street-Brown and Sons, Prescot, balance-makers; first div. of Is. 6d. ou the separate estate of Brown junior ; and first div. of 6s. 5d. on the separate estate of Brown senior, July 6, or any subsequent Satur-

day; Mr. Bird. Liverpool. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION. -Dosmor, J . Tarbolton. Ayrshire. farmer, July 9.30.