6 JULY 1850, Page 14


[Thm continued inconvenience occasioned by the Sunday suspension of the Post-office, has kept up the discussion on the perverse con- duct of those who permitted Lord Ashley's minority to be for the moment a majority ; and Ministerialists have helped to fasten the blame on the absent Members who are understood to dissent from the measure. On their conduct therefore a special and more angry discussion has turned. We print the names below, not as necessarily holding them up to censure for many may be able to give fair reasons for their absence ; telt in order that it may be seen who they were. Some are accused of being actually present in the House, but as evading the vote from cowardly fear of eleo- tione consequences. Such men do deserve to be pilloried by

name. e we are about it, we give the names of those also who were not absent, but voted in the majority and minority.]

THE Pour-onion Voim—May SO.

, Lord /Wiley's motion, for an entire suspension of the collection and delivery of letters on Sunday throughout the kingdom, was carried by a majority of 2

For the motion (including Tellers) 95

Against it 70

The Speaker 1 Absent 490 656

• Names of Adana, WT. D. Bt.Deronshire, N. the Majority.

Anderson, Arthur Orkney Arbuthnott, Lt.-Gen. Kincardineshire ilishiey, Lord Bath

ateson, Capt.. T Londonderry Ch. rennet, Capt. Philip Suffilk, W. Beresfora, Major W. ,Eases, N.

Bltuidford, Marq. of., Woodstock Booth, Sir R. Gore.. .Sligo Co.

Bromley, Etasert Nottinghamsli. S. anithertmo4baliph –Salford

Bruce, Chas. L. C Elgin and ...Vain's/a.

Burghley, Lord Liacolushire,

Buxton, Sir E. N. Bt Essar, S.

Childers, John W. 1falton Cobbold, John C Colville, Chas. Robt Derbyshire, S.

Conolly, Thomas Donegal Cowan, Charles . . _Edinburgh Currie, Henry Guildford Davies, D. Arthur 13 Carmarthensh.

Denison, E. W.-Riding

Dickson, Samuel. .. limerick Co. Drummond, H. H... Perthshire Duff, Geo. Skene Elgin, he.

Duff, James Banffthire Duncan, George Dundee Duncuft, John Oldham Edwards, Henry Halifax Evans, William Derbyshire, .N. Fairer, James Durham, S.

Fergus, John Fifewhire Floyer, John Dorsetalnre Foley, J. H. Hodgetts Worcastersh. E.

Forbes, William Stirlingshire Galway, Viscount. _East Retford, &c. Gaskell, James H. lrenlock Gladstone, Hon. W. E. Oxford rnirersity Gooch, Edward S... _ SuPlk, E.

Greenall, Gilbert Warrington Grosvenor, Lord Robt 3fiddlearaz Halsey, Thomas P.. _Flirts

Hamilton, G. A. Dublin Unirer.

Hastie, Alexander Glasgow Hastie, Archibald... Paisley Headlam, Thomas E Neweastle-on-Tyne Heald, James Stockport Ffildyard, T. B. T . Nottinglianish. S. Hodges, Thos. Law. Kent, W.

Horsman, Edward Cockerniouth Hotham, Lord York, E. Riding Jermyn, Rt. Hn. Earl Bury St. Edmund's Jolia, Sir W. G. H .Petersfield Keating, Robert Waterford Co. Lacy, Henry Charles. Bodmin Lewisham, Viscount Staffordshire, S. Lockhart, Allan E Selkirkshire Lockhart, William Lanarkshire Long, Walter Wiltshire, N. Mama/Osten, Sir A.

M`Gregor, John . „ Glasgow 11•Taggart, Sir J. Bt Wigton, Sm. Meagher, Thomas.. _ Waterford Milner, Wm. M. Ed York Moody, Chas. A Somerset, W.

Morris, David Carmarthen Mostyn, Hn. E. H. L Flintshire Mundy, William Derbyshire, S. Muntz, George F. Birmingham

Ncwdegate, Chas. N Warwickshire, B.. O'Brien, Sir L. Bart, Clare Co.

O'Connor, Feargus. Nottingham Oswald, Ilexander A.yrshtre Palmer, Frbbert Berkshire Pearson, Charles Lambeth Perfect, Robert Leaves Plumptre, John .P.' Kenti Pugh, David ..... Montgomery Pusey, Philip Berkshire Richards, Richard . Merionethshire Robartes, T. Jas. A Cornwall, E.

Scott, Hon. Francis, Berwickshire Smith, John Abel Chichester Smyth, John Geo Tor* Stanley, Edward Cumberland, It'. . Stanton, W. H Stroud Strickland, Sir G. Bt Preston Sullivan, Michael Kilkenny Tenison. Edward K. Leitrim Tollemache, John: Cheshire, Turner, George James Verney, Sir H. Bt 274-7 Villiers, Hon. F. W. C.Weymouth Welby, Glynne Earl Grantham Williams, John Macelasfield Names of the Minority.

Armstrong, Sir A. Bt. King's Co. Howard, Hu. E. G. G. Morpeth

Bellew, Richard 31... Louth Co. Jervis, Sir .7 Chester

Carter, John B Winchester Maule, Rt. Hon. Fox . Perth Cavendish, Hon. C. C Bucks Melg,und, Visa Greenock Craig, Sir Wm. Cl Edinburgh Nugent, Lord Aylesbury Dundas, Admiral J... Greenwich O'Connell, Morgan J Kerry Elliot, Hon. J. E Roxburghshire Palmerston, Viscount Tiverton Fagan, William Cork Parker, John Sheffield Ferguson, Sir R. A. Bt.Londonderry Rich, Henry Richmond Fordyce, Capt. A. D.. Aberdeen Russell, Lord John London Fortescue, Chichester Louth Salwey, Col. Henry. LuNom Fortescue, Hon. J. W. Barnstaple Scully, Francis Apperarg Grace, Oliver D. Jno Roscomnion Somerville, Sir W. M. ..Drogheda Granger, Thomas C.. Durham Tancred, H. W Banbury Grey, Rt, Hon. Sir G .Northunib. N. Thompson, Lt.-Co1.1 • Bradiorat Hawes, Benjamin.. _Kinsale Tuffnell, Henry Devonport Hayter, Hon. W. G... Wells Wahnsley, Sir JoshuaDolton Heywood, James Lancashire, N. Willyams, Humphry . Truro Heyworth, Lawrence_Derby Wilson, James Westbury Hill Lord A. M. C. ..Boeshain Wilson, Matthew Clitheroe Hobhouse, Thos. B.. Lincoln Wood, Rt. Hn. Sir C Halifax Howard, Hon. C. W.. Cumberland, E. Wyvill, llarmaduke Richmond Names of the Absent.

Abdy, Sir T. N Adair, Hugh E Adair, R. A. S Adam, Visct Glamorganshire Adderley, Chas. B.. Staffordsh. N. Aglionby, Henry A. Cockermouth Aleock, Thomas Surrey, E.

Alexander, Nath Antrim Co.

Alford, Visct Bedfordshire Anson, Lt.-Col. Hn. G Staffordsh. S.

Anson, Viscount Lichfield Anstey, Thos. C Youghal Archdall, Capt. AI_ _Fermanagh Co. Arkwright, George Leominster Armstrong, R. B Lancaster Arundel, Earl of Arundel Begge, William Norfolk, W. Begot, Hon. William Denbighshire Bagshaw, John Harwich Bailey, Joseph Brecknockshire Bailey jun. Joseph Herefordshire Baillie, Henry James Inreniess-shire Baldock, E. Fr Shrewsbury , Baldwin, Charles B Thttles Bankes, George Dorsetshire Baring, Major Hen. B.Mariborough , Bering, Sir T. F. Bt. Portsmouth Baring, Thomas Huntingdon Baring, Hon. Francis The4ford Barnard, Edw. G Greenwich Barrington, Viscount Berkshire Barron, Sir H. Bart Waterford Bass, M. Thos Derby Beckett, William . . Leeds Bell, Matthew Northumb. S.

Bell, John " Minsk Benbow, John Dudley Benett, John Wiltshire, S.

Bentinck, Lord H. W.Nottinghams. N. Berkeley, Elm F.H. F.Bristid Berkeley, Hon. G. C Gloueestersh.

Berkeley, C. L. G Cheltenham Bernal, Ralph Rochester Bernard, Viscount . Bandon Bridge Best, J. Kidderminster Birch, Sir T. B. Be Liverpool Blacken, Maj. S. W Longford Blackstone, 'IVA. S._ Wallingford Blair, Stephen..... Belton Blake, Martin Galway Blakemore, R • Wells

inewitt. B. James. Momnouth, &c.

Boldero, Capt. H. G Chippenhant Bouverie, Hon. E. P-Kilmarnock, Bowles, Rear-Ad. W „Launceston

Boyd, John Cokraisle

Brankley,,Visct • Staffordshire, 2i

Bramston, Thos. W Esser, S. Bawd, Themiss. „ .....Ifestferaishire Lyme Regis Bremridge, Richard. .Barnstaple Ipswich Bright, John... Manchester Cambridge Bnsco, Musgrave Hastings

Broadley, Henry York, .ff. Riding Broadwood, Henry.. „Bridgewater Brocklehurst, John.. .Macclesfield

Brockman, E. D Hythe Brooke, Lord Warwick, S.

Brooke, Sir A. Bart _Fermanagh Cb. Brown, Humphrey Tewkesbury

Browne, Robert 0... Mayo Co. Bruce, Lord Ernesi. Marihorough

/3ruen, Col. H Carlow Co.

Buck, Lewis William Devonshire, N.

Bulkeley, Sir Rich. B _Anglesey Buller, Sir J. B. Y.Bt.Deconshire, S. Bunbury, Capt. W. B. Carlow Co. Danbury, E. Herbert. Bury St. Edmund's Burrell, Sir C. H. Bt.New Shoreham , Burroughes, Hen. N Norfo/k, E. Busdeld, William .. Bradford

Butler, Pierce 6 Kilkenny CO.

Cabbell, Benj. Bond Boston Campbell, Hon. W. F Cambridge Cardwell, Edward _Liverpool Carew, Win. H. Pole Cornwall, E.

Castlereagh, Vise. Downshire Caulfield, Cal. J. Ai Armagh Co.

Cavendish, Hn. Cl. H Derbyshire, N.

Cavendish, W. G.. Peterborough Cayley, E. Stiningfieet. Fork, N. Riding Chandos, Marq. of Buckingham ' Chaplin, Wm. J Salisbury

Martens, lion. F Haddingtonshire _

Chatterton, Colonel Cork Chichester, Lord 3 BeNst Chohnely, Sir M. J. Bt.Lincolnshire, N. Christopher, Robt. A .Lineoltishire, N.

Christy, Samuel Newcas.-un.-Lynie.

Clay, James . Hull Clay, Sir W. Bart.. _ Tower Hamlets Clements, Hon. C. S Leitrim

Clerk, Sir G. Bart... Dover

Clifford, LL-CoL IL, Hereford Clive, Hon. R. 11 Shropshire, S.

Clive, Henry Bayley. Lirdlow Cochrane, A. D.R. W Bridport Cockburn, A. J. E Southampton Cocks, Thomas S.... Reigate Codrington, Sir C. Bt Glotieestersh. E. Coke, Hon. E. K... Norjolk, Cole, Hon. H. A Enniskillen Colebrooke, Sir T Tayulon

Colea,ilenry B Andorer Collins, William _ Warwick Compton, Henry C., . Hampshire, S. Copeland. Ala. W. T.Stolse-on-Trent Corballv, H. E.. _ _Heath Co. Corry,11.11nX. T.L. Trost Co. • Cotton, Hon. W Carrickfergus Cowper, Hon. W. F Hertford Craieford, W. S .Rochdale Crowder, R. B Liskeard Cubitt, William Andover Currie, Raikes Northampton Gurteis, Herbert M Rye Dalrymple, Capt. J W igtonshire Darner, Rt. Hon. Col Dorchester Dashwood, Sir G Wycombe Davie, Sir H. R. F. Bt Haddington Dawson, Hon. T. V 1forraghan Deedes, William tent, East Denison, John E Melton Devereux, John T Wexford D'Eyncourt, Chas. T _Lambeth Dick, Quintin Aylesbury Disraeli, Benjamin . Bucks Divett, Edward Exeter fled, John Whitehall .Shropshire, N.

Dodd, George Maidstone Douglas, Sir C. E Warwick Douro, Marquis of Norwich Drax, J. S. W. S. E Wareham Dramlanrig, Viset. „Dunkfriesshire Drummond, Henry.. Surrey, W. Dawkworth, Sir J. B-Breter Duke, Sir James London.

Duncan, Viscount Bath Duncombe, Thos. S Finsbury Duncombe, Capt. A. E. Retfot d, &c. Buncombe, Hon. 0. York, N. Riding Dundee, George ...,. Linlithgowshire Dundee, Sir David . Sutherlandshire Dunne, Lt-Col. F. P Portarlington Du Pre, Caledon G Bucks East, Sir James B. Bt Winchester Egerton, Sir P. Bart Cheshire, S. Egerton, W. T Cheshire, N. Ellice, Rt.. Hon. E Coventry Ellice jun. Edward St. Andrews, Ste.

Ellis, John Leicester Emlyn, Visct Pembrokeshire Enfaeld, Viscount . . Chatham Estcourt, Lt.-Col. .1. Devizes Huston, Earl of Thetford - Evans, Sir De Lacy Westminster Evans, John .Haverfordwest Evelyn, W. J Surrey, W. Eitart, William Dumfries, &e.

Fagan, James Wexford Co. Farnham, Edward B Leicestershire, Fellows, Edward Huntingdonshire Ferguson, Lt.-Col, R Kirkaldy, Ste. Elmer, Sir E. Bart Kent, W.

Fitzpatrick, J. W Queen's Co.

Fitzroy, Hon. Henry Lewes Fitzwillistn, Hon. G Peterborough Forester, His. G. C.W. Wenlock Fox, R. Maxwell Longford Fox, Sackville W. L. Beverly Freestun, Col. W. L. Weymouth French, Fitzstephen Roscommon Proven, C. H Sussex, E.

Fuller, Augustus it.. Susse.e, E. Gibson, Rt. Ell. T. M Manchester Glyn, George Carr . Kendal Goddanl, Ambrose L Cricklade Cordon, Rear-Ad Aberdeenshire • Gore, W. Ormsby. . Shropshire, N. Gore, W. R. 0 Sligo co. Gonlburn, Rt. Hn. II Cambridge Unker.

Granby, Marquis of Stamford

Grattan, Henry .... _Meath 09.

Greene, Capt. John. ICilkenny Greene, Thomas Lancaster Grerifell, Charles P Preston Greiafell, Charles W Sandwich Grogan, Edward Dublin Grosvenor, Earl of attestor Guernsey, Lord Warwickshire, S. Guest, Sir J. Jno. Bt Merthyr Tydvil Gwyn, Rowel ..... Penryn and Edna. Hale, Robert B Gloucestersh. TV Haford, Sir H. Bart. Leicestershire, S.

Hall, Colonel John.. Buckingham Hallyburton, Lord .1 Forfarshire Hamilton, J. H Dublin Co.

Hamilton, Lord C Tyrone Cb. Hamner, Sir John, Bt Flint, &c.

Harcourt, G. G. V Oxfordshire Hardcastle, Jos. A Colchester Harris, Hon. E. A. J Christchurch Harris, Richard Leicester Hatchell, John Windsor Hayes, Sir E. S. Bt., Donegal Co. Heathcoat, John Tiverton Heatheote, G. J Rutland Reneage, Geo. H. W Devizes Heneage, Edward Great Grimsby Henley, Joseph W Osfordshire Herbert, II. A Kerry. Herbert, lit. Hon, S Wiltshire, S.

Homes, Rt. Ho. J. C Stamford Hervey, Lord Alfred Brighton Hildyard, Robert C Whitehaven Hill, Lord Edwin ... Downshire Hindley, Charles Ashton-uri .-Lyme. Robhouse, Sir J. C. B Harwich Hodges, Thomas T. _Rochester Hodgson, Willm. N. . Carlisle Hogg, Sir James W Honiton Holland, Robert Hastings Hoed, Sir A. Bart . . . Soniersetshire, TV. Rem Sir John, Bart Edinburghshire Hope, Henry Thos. Gloucester Hope, Alex. Jas. B. -Maidstone Hertilay, John Blackburn Houldsworth, T Nottinghamsh. Reward, Lord Edwd Horsham Howard, Hon. Jas. K dfalmesbury Howard, Philip H. Carlisle Howard, Sir Ralph, BtWicklow Co. Hudson, George Sunderland Hughes, William B . Carnarcon Humphery, Aid. X110 Southwark Hutt, William Gateshead Hutchins, E. J.. Lytnin gton Inglis, Sir It. Harry Oxford University Jackson, William Newcastle-mi.-Lore. Jbeelyn, Vistount King's Lynn Johnstone, Sir J.V. B Scarborough Jones, Capt. T Londonderry Cb. Keogh, William Athlone Ker, Richard DownRitirfa Kerrison, Sir E. Bt. . _Eye Kershaw, James Stockport Kildare, Marquisof. Kildare Cl,. King, Hon. P. J. L. Surrey, .E. Knight, F. Winn TVorcesterah.

Knightley, Sir C. Bt. Northamptonshire Knox, Lt.-Col. B Great .Marlow Labouchere, Henry.. Tairettoti Langston, James H Orford Lascelles, Hon. E. . /tipon Lascelles, William S_Knaresborough Law, Hon. C. E Cambridge Univ.

Lawless, Hon. C. J MAMAS Legh, Geo. Cornwall Cheshire, N.

Lemon, Sir Chas. Bt Cornwall, W.

Lennard, Thomas B. ifaldon Lennox, Lord A. G. New Shoreham Lennox, IA. G.C. H.G Chichester Leslie, Charles P Monaghan Co.

Lewis, Sir T. F. Bt. . Radnor Lincoln, Earl of Falkirk, &e.

Lindsay, Lieut.-Col. J _Wigan Littleton, Hon. Ed Wa/sall Loch, James Wick, &v.

Locke, Joseph Honiton Lopes, Sir R. Bart.. Devonshire, S.

Lowther, Hon. H. C Westmoreland Lowther, Henry Cumberland, W.

Lygon, Hon. H. B Worcestershire, W. Mackenzie, W. F Peebles:/lire Macnamara, W. N.. Clare Co.

M`Cullagh, W. Dundalk M'Neill Duncan A 11 h. • Megan, Wm, H. Westmeath

Maher, Nicholas Tipperary

Mahon, O'Gorman .. Ennis Mahon, Viscount .. Her(ford Mandeville, Viseount Bewdley Mangles, R. Donnelly Guildford Manners, Lord C. S.. .Leicestershire, N. Manners, Lord G. J. . Cambridgeshire Manners, Lord John Colchester March, Earl of Sussex, TV.

Marshall, J. Garth . Leeds Marshall, William Cumberland, .E.

Martin, John Teiokesbury Martin, C. Wykeham Newport, I. W.

Martin, Samuel Pontefract Masterman, John London Matheson, Alex Inverness Matheson, James Ross cf Cromarty Matheson, Lt.-Col. T Ashburton.

Maunsell, Col. T. P Northarnptonsh. N.

Maxwell, Hon. J. P Cavan Co.

Meux, Sir H. Bart.. .Hertfordshire Miles, Philip W. S Bristol

Miles, William Somersetsh ire, E.

Milnes, Richard H. ,Pontefract Milton, Viscount Wicklow Mitchell, Thomas A-Bridport.

Molesworth, Sir W Southwark Monsell, William .. _Limerick Moore, Geo. H Mayo Co. Morgan, H. Knox G IVexford Co.

Morgan, Ch. Oct. S Monmouthshire Morison, Major-Gen Clackmannan, Sze.

Mowatt, Francis Penrmi and Palm.

Mulm.ve, Earl of . Scarrough Mulgs, J. B.. Cirencester More, Col. W Renfreicehlre Naas, Lord Kildare Co.

Napier, Joseph Dublin Univer.

Neeld, John Cricklade Sze.

Neeld Joseph Chippenhatn Newport, Viscount, . Shropshire, S.

Newry, Visct Newry Nicholl, Rt. Hon. J., .Carclig &c. Noel, Hon. G. James Rutland Norreys, Lord Oxfordshire Norreys, Sir D. J .Bt_Mallow Northland, Viset Dungannon Nugent, Sir P. Bt. Westmeath O'Brien, John LiMerick O'Brien, Sir Timothy Cashel O'Connell, John Limerick O'Connell, Maurice Tralee O'Flaherty, Anthony Galway Ogle, Sante C. H Northumb. S.

OW, William Newcastle-on-Tyne Osborne, Ralph B . . _Middlesex Ossulston, Lord Northumberl. N. Owen, Sir John, Bt.. Pembroke Paget, Lord Alfred H. Lichfield Paget, Lord Clarence . Sandwich Paget, Lord George . .Beatimaris Pakington, Sir J. S Droitivich Palmer, Roundell Plymouth Patten, John Wilson Lancashire, N. Pechell, Capt. Sir G. Brighton Peel, Itt. Hon. Sir B.- Tamworth Peel, Frederick Leominster Peel, Col. Jonathan . Huntingdon Pelham, Hon. Dudley Boston Pendarves, E. W Cornwall, W.

Pennant, Col. E Carnarvonshire

Peto, Samuel Morton Norwich

Philips, Sir G. B.. Bt -Poole Pigot, Sir Robt. Bt Bridgnorth Pigott, Francis Reading Pilkington, James . , Blackburn Pinney, William Somerset, .E. Plowden, Wm. H. C. Newport, I. W. Portal, Melville Hants, N.

Powell, Col. W Cardiganshire Power, Maurice M. D Cork Co.

Power, Nich. M IVaterford Powlett, LordW. J. F St. Ives Price, Sir Robt. Bt Hereford Prime, Pichard Sussex, 'W.

Pryse, Loveden Cardigan, See. Raphael Alexander . St. Alban's Bowdon, Lt.-CoL J.D Armagh Reid, Col. G. A Windsor Rendlesham, Lord . 814ffiilk, E. Renton, J. Campbell Berwick Eepton, Geo. W. J. St. Alban's Reynolds, John Dublin Ricardo, John L Stoke-on-Trent Ricardo, Osman Worcester Rice, Edw. Royd Dover Robinson, George R. Poole Roche, E. Burke Cork Co.

Roebuck, John A Sheffield Hominy, Sir J Deconport Romilly, FivirT Cantc-rbury Stuart, Henry Bedford Stuart, John Newark Sturt, Henry G Dorchester Sutton, J. H 11 Newark Talbot, C. R. M Glamorgatishire Talbot, John H. Hew Lou.

Taylor, Lieut.-Col Dublin Co. Teunent, Robt. J.. Belfast Thesiger, Sir F Abingdon Thicknesse, R. A Wigan Rothschild, Baron London Rufford, Francis Worcester Riimbold, C. E Great Yarmouth Rushout, Capt. Geo Worcester, E.

Russell, Hon. Edw Tavistock Rutherford, Andrew Leith, &e.

Sadleir, John Carlow St. George, C Ga/way lb. Sanders, George Wakefield Sanders, Joseph Great Yarmouth Scholefield, Wm Birmingham Scrope, G. Poulett Stroud Seaham, Visct Durham, A: Seyrner, H. Ker Dorsetshire Seymour, Sir H. B Lisburn Seymour, Lord Times Shafto, Robert D Durham, N.

Shelburne, Earl of . Caine Sheridan, It. B. Shaftesbury Sibthorp, Colonel . .Lincoln

Sidney, Ald. Thos Stet/ford

Simeon, John Isle of Wight Slaney, Robert A Shrewsbury Smith, It. Vernon .. .Northampton Smith, Martin T. .. Wycombe Smith, John B Dunfermline Smythe, G. A. F. P. S.Canterbury Smollett, Alexander. .Dumbartonshire Somers, John P. Sligo Somerset, Capt. E. A Monmouthshire Somerton, Vise. Wilton Sotheron, T. II. S. . .Wiltshire, Spearman, HenryJ Durham Spooner, Rich Warwickshire, N. Stafford, Augustus Northampton, N.

Stanford, John F Reading Stanley, Hon. E. H. King's Lynn Staunton, Sir G. T Portsmouth Stephenson, Robt. Whitby Stuart, Lord Dudley Marykbone Stuart Lord J. C Ayr Irvine &e. Thompson, Aid. Wm. Westmoreland Thorn/all, George Huntingdonshire Tollemache, Ho. F..1 Grantham Townley, John Beverley Townley, It. Greaves Cambridgeshire Townshend, Capt. J Tamwortk Traill, George Caithness Trelawny, J. S. ?briskets Trevor, Hon. G Carmorthensh ire Trollope,SirJohn,IttLincohishire, 8. Tynte, Chas. J. K... _Bridgewater Tyren, Sir J. T. Bt. Esser, N.

Urquhart, David Stafford Vane, Lord Harry Durham, S. Verner, Sir W. Bt. Artsagh Co. Vcsey, Hon. P Queen's Cs.

Villiers, Viscount Cireracenor Villiers, Hu. Chas. P.Wolverhamplon Vivian, John E. Truro Vivian, John Henry. Swansea, Sic. Vyvyan, Sir R. R. Bt Hetston Fro, Hon. Capt Northcongtonsh. S. V. addington, D Maidon Waddington, II. 8 Suffolk, W. Wakley, Thomas Firutbmy Walker, Richard Bury, Lancash. Wall, Chas. B. Salisbury Walpole, Spencer H. .Midhurst Walsh, Sir J. B. Bt Radnorshire Watkins, CoL J. L. V .Breeknock W70111, John '17 South Shields Wegg-Prosser, F. II ,Herqfordshire Wellesley, Lord Chas . Hampshire, S. Westenra, Hon. J. C King's Co. West, Fred. R. Denbigh, lice. Westhead, J. P. B ..Knaresborough Whitmore, T. C Bridge-north Wilcox, B. M"Ghie Southampton Williams, T. P Marlow Williamson, Sir II. Bt.Sunderland Willoughby, Sir H. P.Bvesham Wodehouse, E. Norfolk, B. Wood, William Page. Oxford Worcester, Marq. of Gloucester, E.

Wortley, J. A. $ Buteshire Wrightson, Win. B Northallerton Wyld, James Bothnia Wynn, C. W. W Montgomeryshire Wynn, Sir W. Bart_ Denbighshire Young, Sir John, Bt Cavern (b.

Yorke, Hon, E. T Cambridgeshire The probability is that Lord Ashley feels u much surprise as anybody at the practical turn which Ministers have given to his motion, for he does not seem to have known his own mind ; and, amidst the complica- tions which have arisen out of the vote, it will be difficult for his rd- ship to show that he dealt fairly by the House or the country. This does not amount to anything like an excuse for the culpable indifference displayed by the Absentees, whose names will now become the object of attention ; but it adds largely to Lord Ashley's responsibility, and has 10. good deal to do with the question of reconsideration. Lord Ashley did not deviate from the usual course in so far as putting notices on the offi- cial "paper" was concerned ; but the notices were deceptive. The first notice which appeared before Easter was to this effect-

" An address to the Crown on the subject of employment in the Post- offices of the United Kingdom on the Sabbath-day."

On the Saturday morning of each week, an official list is published of the bills and motions to be discussed on the following week. On Satur- day the 25th of May, the list so published contained as the first business for Thursday evening the 30th, Lord Ashley's Post-office motion; but the terms were changed-

" To bring before the House the question of the total cessation of Sunday labour in the Post-offices of the United Kingdom."

This is a much less definite intimation than the first ; and in practise is understood to go no further than a mere statement of a case. But on the morning of the day fixed for the discussion, the following appeared on the Notice-paper-

" To move an address to the Crown, praying her Majesty to take such measures as shall stop, throughout the United Kingdom, the collection and delivery of letters, and also the transmission of mails, on the Lord's Day." But the vote was not taken upon this. Lord Ashley, whilst speaking, announced another change-

" That an humble address be presented to her Majesty, representing the great desire which exists in all parts of the kingdom for an extension of that rest on the Lord's Day which is afforded in the London Post-office to the Post-offices of the provincial towns ; and praying that her Majesty will be graciously pleased to direct that the collection and delivery of letters shall in future entirely cease on Sandal, in all parts of the kingdom : "And also, that her Majesty will cause an inquiry to be made as to how far, without injury to the public service, the transmission of the mails on the Lord's Day might be diminished, or entirely suspended."

Upon this the vote was taken, and the majority in its favour Was 25. Ministers do not say theT were taken by "surprise" themselves, bi,dthat the House was. Well, if they had all their wits about them, how came it that 17 Members were absent upon whose votes they have a right to calculate in virtue of official employment ? Had the whip been applied there, the majority would have been reduced to 8.

Excuses for absence, more or less valid, will no doubt be heard of on the part of gentlemen anxious to stand well with their constituents and to testify to their continued adherence to principle. For example, Mr. Hugh Edward Adair desires us to mention that he paired off "against" the motion with Colonel Reid. Other gentlemen no doubt occupied a similar position. In some instances accident interfered ; as in the ease of Sir William Molesworth, who attended the morning sitting, went hon3k to dinner, and returned to vote against the motion, but too late, the divi- sion having taken place at an unusually early hour.