6 JULY 1850, Page 9

The Herman steam-ship arrived oft' Cowes yesterday, with regular accounts

from New York to the 21st of June. They state that Mr. Clay's Compromise Bill was certain to pass the Senate, and very likely to pass the House of Re- presentatives.

The Wurtemberg Ministry has resigned, and the King has nominated a new Cabinet, with M. de Liiidau in the Home Department.

Sir Moses Montcfiore has received news from Damascus, that Osman Bey, President of the City Council, has received an Imperial tirman culling on the Christian and Israelite communities each of them to elect sonic man of talent and integrity to represent them in the Council, hitherto exclusively Moslem. The Jews had chosen the venerable and respected Mr. Meir Salaman Farhi, a sufferer in the persecutions of 1840.