6 JULY 1907, Page 9

The Moorish brigand Raisuli has taken Sir Harry Maclean prisoner

while the latter was negotiating on behalf of the Sultan for Raisuli's submission on certain terms. Sir Harry Maclean is being guarded in a village of the Khamas tribe, and says that he is being well treated. About two weeks ago Sir H. Maclean met Raisuli, and on the occasion of his capture he had just returned from Fez to Alcazar to see him again after consulting the Sultan. At the spot near Alcazar which had ,been chosen for the interview precautions bad been taken for Sir H. Maclean's security, but he was induced by Raisuli to go several miles further into the mountains with a very small guard. The Times correspondent says that Raisuli's treacherous coup has caused something like consternation at Tangier. Of course everything possible must be done to obtain Sir H. Maclean's release. Raisuli is said to demand preposterous terms. The Makhzan is evidently unable to deal with him, yet there are limits beyond which Raisuli cannot be allowed by others to practise his brilliant brigandage.