6 JULY 1912, Page 25


[To TIIR EDITOR Or TED " SFICTATOR."1 SIR,—At the meeting of the Indian Church Aid Association held at the Church House on June 27th, the Bishop of Madras referred to the pressing need for generous help towards the education of the domiciled European ands Eurasian community in India. It is not so well known as is desirable that an organized effort is being made to raise £250,000 for this purpose in England. A large and influentiaL committee has been at work for some months, and a sum of £101,000 has been raised, and farther efforts are being made to obtain the balance. The collection of money was hindered at its start by the fact that the Coronation festivities.- occupied, and naturally so, people's minds, and various other causes have acted as deterrents. The Committee will be glad. to furnish full information of the scheme, and applications for literature on the subject will be welcomed at the office of the European and Eurasian Education Fuud, 157 St. Stephen's House; Westminster.—I am, Sir, &c.,

LEONARD KEUGH, Organizing Secretary..