6 JULY 1929, Page 24


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] - Sra,—May a young man who has had fifty years' experience of life say how much he appreciates the splendid faith of your young contributor, Miss Lutyens, and with all due respect to your correspondent, Mr. Carr, I am very glad she did not, as he suggests, keep her ideas of death to herself. The idea of death as an awakening rather than a sleep is as inspiring as the idea of God as the ever young rather than the old gentleman of our forefathers. I had just read the learned article on "The Substance of Faith," by the Professor of Moral Philosophy of Edinburgh University in the same number of the Spectator, and felt depressed, when Miss Lutyens' article came as the breath of life in a stuffy atmosphere.—I am, Sir, &c., HAROLD SPEED. 23 Campden Hill Square, W.8.