6 JULY 1934, Page 36


Sir Hugo Hirst, to be known in future as Lord Hirst, Chairman and Managing Director of the General Electric Company, has a high reputation as a forceful and practical speaker on the occasions of the Annual Meeting of his Com- pany. Nor is the reason far to seek, for Sir Hugo-to give him for the time the more familiar title—has been heart and soul in the affairs of his Company since it was established some thirty-four years ago: He always conveys the impression at the meetings of one who has every detail of the business at his finger-ends, while in addition—though of course it is really one of the neceisary qualifications for his position— he also has a thorough .grasp of all matters connected with finance and commerce m any way affecting. his Company. A feature of his speech at the Annual Meeting last week was the hopeful views which he expressed with regard to the general outlook. Indeed he had no hesitation in expressing his conviction, " that the country has reached the turning (Continued on page 34.)

Financial Notes

(Continued from page 32.) point, and we. can look forward to more normal conditions than those which have prevailed during the last four years." This improvement was reflected in the affairs of the General Electric Company during the past year, and a point Sir Hugo emphasized was that the improvement was specially marked in the final quarter of the Company's financial year.