6 JULY 1974, Page 4

Getting out

Sir: I have noihing but admiration and support for your stand against the Common Market, as you will know from my letter published just before we entered that disastrous community. I wonder, however, whether you were not over optimistic in your recent opinion that the end of the European tunnel is in sight. The attitude of the Labour leaders is half-hearted; Mr Foot's splendid oratory is little heard now; but the voice of Mr Powell, from beyond the great gulf, has not faltered.

In October this year, I think that the Conservatives (let us hope under a new leader) will return to power with a small working majority over Labour. It is urgent, as Lord Wigg said earlier in June, that a referendum be held before the autumn.

My feeling is that our present enslavement in the EEC is likely to be ended only by the disintegration of the central body. Would that I could think otherwise.

Victory must come; but it may be upon reluctant feet.

Christopher D. Sansom Kennel Moor, Nr, Godalming, Surrey