6 JUNE 1829, Page 5

A report is in circulation at Paris, that the Duke de Chartres is to wed the young Queen of Portugal.

At the l'aris Royal Academy of Medicine, a remarkable instance of sharp practice was mentioned at a meeting on the 16th instant by M. Lisfranc. A patient who was suffering from tetanus, after having been bled from the arm very copiously eight times, had seven hundred and ninety-two leeches applied to the vertebral column and on the epigastric region (on the latter, however, only fifty of the entire number) within a period of only nineteen days, during which time he had no other food than very light broths. On the twenty-third day he was sufficiently -. well to leave his apartment.—Literary Gazette. . A girl, sixteen years of age applied recently at the Hotel Dieu, in Paris, for advice respecting a tumor in the neck. On examination it appeared clearly to have been caused by wearing tight stays. Mr. J. B. Mollerat, of Pouilly-sur-Saflne, the proprietor of a manufacture of chemical products, has lately shown to strangers and merchants who have visited his establishment potato sugar in crystals, decidedly formed, and perfectly resembling very white sugarcandy.—Bull. Univ. The Paris journals mention the complete failure of a new tragedy by the celebrated Arnault the elder, whose Gennanicus created so great an excitement

on the second restoration. The subject was the death of Commodus, and the

piece was entitled Pm-liana., or The Pretormins. M. Cassimir de la Vi,gne, so well known for his Messeniens. and for several successful dramatic works, has brought out a melodrame at the theatre of Porte St. Martin, entitled Marino Fahero, which has been eminently successful. The French critics express surprise that a work from such an author should have been rejected at the Theatre Francais, and be obliged to seek refuge on the Boulevards.

Some time ago, frequent complaints were made in the Paris journals of the opening of letters, and the subtraction of money from them at the Paris General Post-aice. One of the persons chiefly concerned in this violation of private correspondence, and this plunder of unsuspecting parties, was detected in the act of pocketing sume letters supposed to contain money on the 601 of October last. His name is de Mailarme, to which he prefixes the tdle of Count. He was tried before the Palis Court of Assize on Saturday, found guilty, and sentenced to the pillory and seven years' impri,unment.

A convict at the galas of Brest elmt himself up a few days ago in a closet, with a chafing-dish of lighted charcoal. by which he was in a short time sutrocated. The hody swelled to such a degree, that notwithstandirm he had tied the doors together with a strong cord, they were burst open with a repult as loud as that of a mit:thee—GI:be.

The followiug extraordinary instance of revetigeful passion appears in a French paper M. B., a farmer near Meaux, having discovered that one of his shepherds had an illicit connexion with a girl who lived servant in his family, threatened to dismiss bite if it continued. Last %veek, whilst riding over his fields, he passed near the shepherd, who inunediatt ly seized the bridle of his horse, and was about to stab M. B. with a knife, %Olen the latter dismounted and disarmed him. M. B. ordered him to quit his :service immediately, and having mounted his horse, was riding off', when the assailant, who had now armed himself with a sickle, again attacked him. and he would certainly have perished, but for the arrival of two labourers, who having witnessed the scene, hastened to his assistanee. The wreteh finding himself defeated in his attempt, mounted the horse and rode off at full speed, saying, ' VelI, since I cannot revenge myself on you. your wife shall perish.' Fortunately a man on horseback came up at the moment, and eae of the labourers mounting his horse, took a cross-road and reached the house before the assassin. When lie arrived, a party surrounded him in the garden, for the purpose of taking him into custody. All hope id entering the house being at an end, he rushed into the stable, and ripped open the bellies of three horses. He was soon driven out of the stahle and seized by a waggoner, to whom lie gave a mortal blow, and then effected his eecape. Officers were sent in Lift directions in pursuit of the murderer, who, after a long search, was found concealed in a shepherd's house."

The heart of the lite Queen of Spain is to be sent to Dresden, her native city, her body will be buried in the Eseurial.

There has been established for some time past, at a village near Dordrecht, a sect of fanatics knowa by the name of "New Lights," and founded a few years ago at Rotterdam, by a watertnan named Christopher Moller. They wear a peculiar dress, assume a quaker-like depertment, and address each other hy the term Leaser or sister. They evince a spirit of toleration, and seem to despise all worldly possessions. Their meetings are held by night ; and in order to gain proselytes, they distribute money and prayer books in the Flemish tongue.— Brussels Telegraph. A singular legacy has been left to the Benevolent Society of the norhern provinces of the Netherlands, by a M. Fhillipe Bosquet, who died at Aluserdani on the tith of January last. He bequeaths .2000 fiorios to the Society, on the condition that " two fruit-trees of full growth shall be planted mer his grave, the fruit to be publicly sold by auction every year, in order to prove that the receptacles of the deal may be rendered useful and beneficial to the living." The directions of the testator have been complied with.

It appears that in the Duchy of Oldenburg a proclamation has been issued prohibitine all travelling for commercial houses, under severe penalties. The motive assigned for this singular act of legislatiott is, that travelling of tredespeople tends to the destruction of trade, and the promotion of luxury ; accustoming the travellers at the same time to an unquiet and disorderly life.

The coronation of the Emperor of Russia Kitr8 of Poland took place at Warsaw on the eh4th May, " with the greatest pomp and amid the joyful acchunations of the people."

The Russian scientific expedition, which has been engaged in exploring Siberia, is said to have discovered the magnetic pole.

At Hamburgh recently Mademoiselle Elise Garnerin's balloon and parachute were exhibited for a trifling rentuneratien, previous to au ascent which she intended to make in that city. Some of tete natamal guards having made an etliut to enter the exhibition-rcom wdhoui p tying, they were opposed by Mademoiselle Garnerin; who, epee their.attempting to enter by force. --ized a sabre and gave one ef them a blew ou tile heed, but without wounding him. The guard, ti am attacked her with 611Ch violence that she is seriously iudisposed from their ill tin:a

nient.—Galignant's Messenger.

The New York Legislature lave passed a bill impo,ing a tine of one thousand dollars on the proprielor of any establishment who may permit a masquerade to be held therein. Widdn a few nutths after the first masquerade was got up at New York, tin mania for these exhibition., become so prevalent, that five of them were known to hate been held in the city in one night. The Yankees reprobate their immorality. Papers from Montret,t of tlia 1301 April, contain a report of a Committee of the House of Assembly in relation to the conduct of NIL Justice Fletcher, a shrewd provincial duage, of the inferior district of St. Francis. who. conceivieg himself aggrieved by ,1;,. c,:itor of a newsp:, per published at N.:instead, in the fere-mentioned district, :::Ised an action against the editor. and in his capacity of Judge (of his own exist!) sentenced him to fourteen days imprisonment. to pay a fine of 101. and to i.e Illrieoned until payment of the ',ante. For this, the Committee recommt nd that hir. Fletcher slenild be deprived of his office.

The Brazil 'Milting Company is stated to have taken up above 360 pounds weight of gold in seventeen days. Part of' it has been brought home.

'1'lle heat at the Cape of Hope wae so excessive in March last, that the vineyards had sielered severely.