6 JUNE 1829, Page 8


THAT diverting monthly hoax, the account of Fashions in the Gentle mates Magazine, conclades with these remarkable facts :— " So.ne tilburies have been seen with two h irses harnessed across. There are other fashionable men who we know are possessed both of coinages and horses, who prefer walking on foot, in a blue or brown •great-coat, with a velvet collar, turned down, a silk cravat, spread• over the breast, a brown silk waistcoat, and glazed leather gloves, the colour of the buttercup. "There are some exclusives who wear gingham shirts, with very pale blue stripes, or lilac; these are fastened over the breast by ten buttons of motherof-pearl.

"It is a custom among some of our exquisites to put into a side-pocket the money they win at the card-table, in time same manner they would a pocket handkerchief or a pair of gloves."