6 JUNE 1835, Page 11


A correspondent of the Glasgow Argos states that time Tories in the counties of Stirling, Lanark, and Renfrew, are very active in preparing for the next election. The writer says- " In our three counties, the enemy are giving away landed qualifications, and retaining back-bonds upon which interest is allowed to accumulate as a security for the presentee's servility. They are demanding of every tenant who takes a lease a list of nominal en-lessees pledged to vote as the laird bids them.' They arc, in short, manufacturing to an immense extent votes as bad, and held by a yet more servile and unscrupulous class than the old papa votes. If the independent interest be not on the alert in these counties at the approaching registration to bring forward every good Reform vote, and to expose every ficti- tious Tory vote, they are sure to be swamped. "In Henfrewshire, the family compact will stand by Sir Mirla;:el, bad as be is; or will attempt to force a nominee of its own upon the electors. Sir Michael's creatures have been already b.!stirring themselves, and his recent conduct renders it not improbable that be looks for Tory support. In Lanarkshire, Sir John Maxwell has been visiting the Upper Ward. The Tories have expressed their willingness to support the Marquis of Douglas, who is understood to have de- serted his family politics. Mr. Hope Vere, who on a former occasion voted With the noughts interest, and coquetted to have himself made their nominee, has been privately circulating an address to the electors. In Stirlingshire, Mr. lollies's agents are iu the heat of a canvass; and a requisition to Mr. Murray of Pobnaise is said to be privately circulating for signatures."