6 JUNE 1835, Page 12

On Tuesday last, the Bishop of London held a confirmation

at Marylebone church, when upwards of 700 young persons were con- firmed. It may be remarked that, of the number, 6C0 at least consisted of fimales.—Standard.

A lady high in rank in the fashionable world is said to have addressed a letter to one of the ladies engaged in the late elopement, expressive of extreme disapprobation of her conduct in that affair, and of her de- termination to hold no further intercourse with the lady until her con- duct in this discreditable transaction should be fully cleared op.—Mere- /my Post. The Royal Court of Pau has decided that there are grounds for de- taining M. de la Graciniere, n correspondent of the Gazette de France, whose arrest at Bayonne has been announced. He is charged with having kept up a correspondence with the partisans of Don Carlos. The Indieateur of Bordeaux mentions a singular circumstance con nected with his arrest. When the police-officers went to the hotel where lie lodged, they were told that he had gone out, and taken with him the key of his room ; upon which they placed seals on the door. The next day, when they returned, broke the seals, and opened the door, they found him in the room. Hence he had time to destroy all papers that might compromise him, if he had any.