6 JUNE 1835, Page 14

YOUr Polling booth is at (Lie/yield The Committee for that

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This, as they say in the City, " looks like business." And this system, or something very like it, is in operation in numerous counties and towns. We are acquainted with one of the latter, in which there is a Tory agent for every two or three streets. His duty is to keep a register of each inhabitant, with particulars of his cir- cumstances, occupation, politics, the name of his landlord, and his principal customers or employers. When a canvass is com- menced, these men bring their books to the principal agent ; who is thus put into possession of a mass of information, which he well knows how to turn to account. When parties approach towards an equality, this timely preparation insures success at a comparatively slight cost.

Now, without the use of so thorough a system of espionage, much might be done by the Liberals to counteract the Tory acti- vity. Our canvass-books might be as accurately and fully com- piled as those of the adversary, and our actual strength or weak- ness as certainly known. Th.e Liberals, by the aid of' the dis- tricting system and small subscriptions, might openly counter- work the covert agency anal plotting of the Tories. They have the vast advantage of possessing the sympathy of the masses. It is not to the base and sordid feelings and interests that they are forced invariably to aeopeal. Assuredly the tine for exertion has arrived. The period for closing the session of Parliament is not far distant. We are not safe from a Tory isIinistry for an hour after the Prorogation-speech has been delivered from the Throne,—unless we have convinced the Tories, by our energy in preparing for the next election, that it is out of their power to obtain a majority in a new House of Commons.