6 JUNE 1840, Page 10


STOCK EXCHANGE, ArrEasooa. The books of the various Stocks, the dividends upon which will become due in July next, closed in •the course of the week ; and it was anticipated that the pressure for money would have operated unfavourably upon prices ; the majo- rity of capitalists, when money is scarce, being adverse to hold Stock for the period of five weeks that will elapse between the present time and the Gth July, when private trausfer will be permitted. The anticipations of a decline were not, however, realized ; but on the contrary, a considerable improvement took place. Consols for Money were on Wednesday, at the commencement of business, at 92a ; but from the demand for Stock, the price improved to 92i, before one o'clock, and in the course of the afternoon improved to 93, the price for Account at the same time rising from 93A to 93i. New Three-and-a-half per Cents. rose in the same proportion, and from 1000 (the opening price) closed at 101t. Bank Stock has been steady at 176b and 177. India Stock is to-day quoted at 2544; being an advance of nearly 1 per cent. Exchequer Bills maintained their quotation of 26s. to 25s. premium till this morning, when the price has fallen, and closed at 24s. to 26s.`premium. The prices of those Stocks, the books of which are closed, are now quoted in the official lists, without the dividend ; and the price of Consols for Account in to-day's lists, of 91A and 92,'is consequently equal to Wednesday's quotation of 93 4. • In the Foreign Market, the transactions have been few and unimportant ; and there is but trifling variation in the prices of the European Stocks : Dutch, Russian, Belgian, and Danish Bonds, may therefore be quoted nearly at our last prices. There seems to be a continued investment in most of these :descriptions of Stock ; and, with the exception of Dutch Bonds, it is much more easy to sell than to buy them, the market being almost cleared by the continued absorption of small purchasers. The amount of the Dutch Debt, and the continued traffic in the Bonds between this country and Holland, insures a continued supply of these Securities ; and there is therefore a greater Ripply of this Stock than any other.

Brazilian Bonds were in demand at 764 to 77 ; but in the course of the week intelligence of a late date having been received from Rio Janeiro, where, though the Local Stock had risen to 77, it had afterwards declined to 744, the market here is not quite so firm, although it has not given way materially, and the stock may now be quoted at 764. The South American Stocks have been without material alteration. Mexican .• also within a little of our last prices. The last Lisbon mail brought the speech of the Queen upon the opening of the Cortes ; but there has been no fluctuation in the price of the Bonds.

The determination of the Spanish Cortes to issue a large amount of Bonds to meet the expenses of the army, has operated very unthvournbly upon the price of the Active Stock; and though some slight improvement has taken place in the market upon the receipt of military successes, the impulse thus given was not sufficient to counteract the pressure occasioned by some exten- sive sales; the price has declined, and has to-day been as low as 263, being 2 per cent, below our last prices. As is usually the case after any considerable fall, there has been a trifling rise, and the price has since reached 27, closing at 264 27.

The business in Railway Shares has not been extensive : the more costly varieties are in demand, but the smaller ones arc rather lower.


We have very few transactions to report this morning, and prices are gene- rally the same as yesterday; Consols for Account are 914 4 ex. div., which quotation is equal to 934 4 with dividend. Exchequer Bills and Bank and India Stock are without variation. In the Foreign Market, there have been :a few transactions in Spanish Active Stock, and .a momentary activity has been given to the market, which from 264 has risen to 274, but has again de- clined, and there are now sellers at 27 fur Money and 274 for 30th June. The Other Foreign Funds and Railway Shares are without alteration.

aver Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Rethieed 31 per Colt. Ditto New 31 per Cents. Bank Stock Exchequer Bins ..• India Stuck Brazilian 5 per Cents .• ....... but 911

if a 991 1 shed 1761 7

24 26 Inn. 2531 41 76: 7 Belgian 5per Cents..

Columbian 6 per Ceuta Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts

Ditto 3 per Cents Itossiao 5 per Cents Spanish (Active)

1031 41 251 61 791 80/ 547 351 4-


1141 1151