6 JUNE 1857, Page 12



The business of the week in English Securities has been considerable. Large arrivals of gold from Australia and America, coupled with the announcement early on Tuesday morning that the Bank Directors intended to make their customary advances on Stock during the apptoaching shutting, at the rate of 6 per cent, gave a very firm tone to the markets in' general at the beginning ofthe week.77ffeifey has been daily in good demand, .hut the supplies have been equal ; -there being' no signs of pressure: Indeed, Initffietliii large "Bull" Meminta which-hid to be closed for yeaterday, and prrtial'aynipathy With :the decline on the 'Paris Bourse, it is probable quotathins _Would now have been much higherConsols opined-On /Monday as at thrrchise'..on 'Saturday,931 5 and 945 (9341 ex div.) for July ; and contifted:within*5 of that. Price up to Wednesday, when the preparations for the settling began to toll upon the market, prices closing f per cent lower. lesterday, the last day, there was a still further decline of 5 per cent, the lowest price marking 935. _ A decided improvement took place immediately after the settling, , which has been folrovied nit:inlay:1; There is now quite a different tone existing' all round. Thelowestnrice in Consols yesterday for I uly was 945; the-elosing"prie6 this afternoon is 9C946, buyers,. (931-16 ex div.) ;Reducedleaves off at 921 f.New Three per Cents, 921 1. Bank Stick, 212 214 ;India, 220 222. .. There has been a heavy market for Foreign Storks; quotations are a shade flatter than these of -last Week:Business has been inietive. Tartish Six per Cents have varied between 94 945; the final pricebeing 945 55. In other things the' following are the last nominal prices : Turkish Four per Cents Guarantied.-01015 1011; Mexican 241 5; Peru Four-and-a-half per Cent, 76 7; Torttiguese Three per Cents, 53 4; Buenos Ayi,u, 85 87 ex div. ; Russian-Pour-and-a-half per Cent, 97 8 ; Spanish Tee per Cent, 42 43; Ditto Deferred, 251 4. -.An average :business has been doing in Railway Shares at a final improvement of about .10s. to 153. per share.. Great Western have fluctuated considerably; being at one time 65166, and then-625 5, leaving off today at 641 t. The market closes with a firm appearance.. The following are the last in the leading stocks-Midland, 831 5; 'London and North-Western, 1045 ; London and South-Western, 995 100; Great :Western, -64 4; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1004 101,; Caledonian ,.365_1 ;...Brighton, 4105 115; Dover, 225 ; Blackwell, 6 5; Easterh Counties, 111 5. Caledonian fell about 1 per cent yesterday, but have partially recovered..., . A very general business has preirailed in the Foreign Railway Market. The continued depression on the Paris Bourse has equally affected prices here. A much better feeling is shown today, owing to a geed return of the Bank of France : the market closes good, and with an upward tendency. Central of France sq 1; Northern of -France; 38 I; Paris and Lyona, 58 ; Luxembourg, 65 ; Namur and Liege, 8 ; Sambre and Meuse, 851; Great Western of Canada, 231 ; Grand Trunk, 14 16. • An increase of 227,5751. is shown ih this week's return of the Bank bullion. There is at present little business doing, but the Markets have all opened very firm. After regular hours yesterday afternoon_, Consols gave way 5, and there were sellers at 945; this morning there have been several purchasers at 941. Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares are firm, but without material change.


The Market closes as it opened.-Consols 945 5._ There has been a good deal of Stock bought during the day at 944, and the quotation was for a moment 941 5; , the last figure is 941. Foreign and Railway Stocks have been 'neglected ; operations have been very few. The following are all that are marked on the official list-Caledonian, 72j; Eastern Counties, 115; 'Edinburgh, Perth, and 'Dundee, 334; Ditto B Stock, 1211 ; Great Southern andWestern, (Ireland.)+1114; :Great Western, 645; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1005; London; Brighton and SouthCoast, 1111; London and North-Western, 1o41; Manchester, 'Sheffield, • and Lincolnshire 424; Midland, 835; North-E-astern--Berwick, 90; Ditto York, 684 dxford, 'Worcester, and Wolverhampton; 31; East Indian, 1081; Great 'Western of Canada, 23f ; Southern of France, 294. Joint Stock Banks-Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, 85; London and County, 291; Oriental Bank Corporation, 394; Union of Australia, 66. MiscellaneousAustralian Agricultural, 174; Crystal Palace, 25; Peninsular and Ori ,* Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks,Cotamissioners of National Debt, & Dividend-Accts. . • . At a meeting of the -proprietors of the Bank of British North America, on Tuesday, a diVidend.'at the 'rite of 6_per cent per aniinin'and it bonus of 1/. 10a: per 50/. share Were ilea/a:ed. There was a smalrfalling:off in the profits last year ; but this'reduction it is believed, will be only temporary, as an increase of prapirrityis expected in Canada. The Hibernian Bank has declared a dividend at the rate of 6 per cent

per annum. •

The Bombay shareholders of the Eastern Banking Corrationy' at a meeting on the 301h-April,' resolved to follow the prudent/rim-Adopted in London : they signed promissory notes of 601. for each-Share held by them payable to the Oriental Bank Corporation, which will wind-up the affairs of the company on the strength of this guarantee.

A meeting of Preference shareholders in the Great Northern Railway was held on Wednesday.te,oppose the bill now before Parliament for applying the profits of-the' last halfyear to making good the defate,itions of Redpath, and thus interoeptiarthe 'dividend, on the Preference shares., It was resolVed to petition'Parlianient 'against the passing of the bill, and to adopt other means for opposing the scheme of the Directors. ,