6 JUNE 1857, Page 4


11r. Arsiarcrow obtained leave, in a Committee of the whole House, to io.troduee a bill intended to declare thi state of the law With 'respect to We licensing of houses for the sale of beer and spirituous liquors. Them

are seventy-seven boroughs in England .haying Borough Justices but without a Court of Quarter-Sessions.' ,In seventy-one of those bormigris; it has been assumed that he law enables the Borough Justices to grant licences. ,But a doubt ha's arisen .whether' the' County Justices are net the proper licensers in these boroughs. The bill proposes to put an end to the doubt, by declaring that in these boroughs their own Justices are the proper parties to grantlicenbes, •

The bill was read a first time.'