6 JUNE 1857, Page 4


Sir John Trelavrny and Sir John Pakington drew a promise of a measure on Church-rates from Lord Palmerston; in this wise.

Sir Jonn TRELAWNY—" I wish to ask the noble Lord at the head of the ,Government, whether it is his intention to introduce a bill this session on

the subject of rates"

Lord Pausansrott—" The Government have a measure upon the subject in course of preparation' and we hope to be able before long to submit it to the consideration of the House."

Sir Jour/ TRELAWNY—" The answer of the noble Lord does not appear lo me to be satisfactory, and I fear I shall therefore be under the necessity of bringing forward this evening the motiOn with regard to Church-rates which stands on the paper in my name." , Sir JOHN PAKINGTON—" The noble Lord says it is his intention to in troduce a before _kopg,' I wiskto know whether he means by those words, during the prw9/aeraion ? They might very well mean next-session." ("Hear, hew aid a laugh.) Lord Paracratsrou—"Nbtt„, seamed is a very long time to look forward -to. (A laugh.) I mearit;' df donne, that Government intend to introduce the bill during the present session."


Sir JOHN TRELAWNY said that, after this last answer, he should withraw his motion.