6 JUNE 1914, Page 16


[To Ills EDITOR or rat ..SPPCPAP08.1 SIR,—In the notice of my book, Edmund Spenser and the Impersonations of Francis Bacon, in your issue of the 30th ult. your reviewer attributes to me a statement that Bacon was the author of Ralegh's Discovery of Guinea. The value of the notice may be judged by the fact that my statement is the exact contrary—namely, that it " seems evidently a narrative by Ralegh himself" (p. 463). My suggestions as to the part taken by Bacon were confined to the prefatory epistle, and this is quite clearly stated.—I am, Sir, &c., [We apologize for not having said "the introduction to the Discovery of Guiana," but we do not see that this inadvert- ence affects our argument. As Mr. Harman's misquotation of the title shows, it is human to be inadvertent —En. Spectator.]