6 JUNE 1925, Page 1


ROGRESS has been, made in the negotiations between Great Britain and France over the - Guarantee- -Pact which was proposed' by Germany.

'Although is said that a Franco: British agreement is inuch nearer than it was?thereare curious -contradictions. As usual Paris is much more fertile than London in -.dealing out information, or what professes to be informa- • titan. Two curious • currents are distinguishable in ,French opinion. According to one line of argument the .French -Government frankly recognize that the last ;remnants of the Poincare policy must be abandoned :and that the time has come to accept the British point :,of view. According to the other, no concession to British 4!riiiciples is really required, as the British Foreign Office -Alas given Paris such assurances about the harmlessness ,A)f the Pact that the French people in accepting it would ;hand very much where they did. In other words, the Abligations of France to Poland and Czecho-Slovakia Anider the Poineaxe policy can be fulfilled quite easily "within the four corners of the Pact. What do these 'co'nfraifietions mean ?'