6 JUNE 1925, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Will you permit me to call the attention of your readers to the work of the Crusaders of St. George ? This Society (registered under the War Charities Act, 1916) was founded in 1920 to assist the ex-Service sufferers of the Great War to recover their pre-War positions and receive the reward, so richly deserved from their country, of grateful remembrance.

The acuteness of the Housing Problem in 1923 turned this Society's attention to a scheme for providing four-roomed Memorial bungalows through the country, in which the totally disabled married ex-Service officers and men may find a home rent free for life. In the first year of the scheme six sites with free conveyance were given ; two homes were built and inmates were installed to the great satisfaction of all concerned. These two homes have become centres of happi- ness and good fellowship. So far the homes have been allotted to local applicants. Each house when completed is dependent for its maintenance on its local centre. All money subscribed locally goes to the local homes. Four more homes are now building, and ten sites have already been given.

There must, however, be expenses connected with the central administration, and the Committee earnestly invite anyone who can spare one guinea annually to become a Knight or Lady of the Grand Chapter. The members of this Chapter provide the central organization expenses, which include secretary's salary and office rent ; so that every penny subscribed by the general public goes to the homes building at the moment. I, as foundress, will gratefully acknowledge all contributions, and give any further particulars. Accounts are annually audited and submitted to the L.C.C.—I am, Sir, &c.,