6 JUNE 1931, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—A kind reference to Homecrofting in the Spectator of May 2nd by Mr. J. B. Pennington prompts me to give a cordial invitation to all who have seen his letter and who remember the start of the movement in Mr. Strachey's last years, to acquaint themselves with what we are now doing. Our Homeerofts are long since filled with working families, now quietly waging their battle of life under the natural conditions we hoped for ; and we are about to dedicate the cottages— with additions—as a Memorial to that great pioneer and most scientific of all HomecrofterS, Dr. George Vivian Poore (1843- 1904) of University College Hospital, London. The cottages are to be fitted with the exact garden sanitation which Poore advocated and experimentally demonstrated, but which Local Authorities have never adopted. A good representation of old students of Dr. Poore are on the Committee, and I hope to have at least two models complete by the end of this summer. At the Homeeroft Association's statutory Annual general meeting a report will be presented ; and I would take this opportunity of offering a welcome to this meeting to all who are in any way interested, should they care to spend an hour with us at our deliberations.-1 am, Sir, &c.,