5 JUNE 1941, Page 13


SIR,—My attention has been drawn to a letter in your issue for May 23rd headed " Exploiting the Service Men." The anonymous writer of this letter protests against " the ever-increasing profiteering ramp organised by civilian firms who specialise in selling Service- clothing, equipment, &c."; and he states that articles of clothing essential to the service-man and woman are found being offered for sale at as much as four times the price at which they would be sold in the " Unit Stores " or N.A.A.F.I.

As you will be aware, clothing of all kinds is subject to the pro- visions of the Prices of Goods Act, for the administration of which our Committee is responsible. I should, therefore, wish to deal, if I can, with the type of case of which your correspondent complains. In order, however, that I may do so I should wish to have some particulars, including names of firms alleged to be over- charging.

As you may have in mind, it is often difficult for my Committee and the Local Committees established throughout the country to obtain materials upon which they can act in their attempts to check overcharging. We are, therefore, grateful for any assistance which we may obtain from the Press and members of the public to this end.

— Yours faithfully, RAYMOND EVERSHED, Chairman. Central Price Regulation Committee, 6 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W. r.