5 JUNE 1947, Page 28

• Book Notes

To provide a survey of the Church of England today and the problems with which it is faced is the purpose of The Claims of the Church of England, by the Archbishop of York, which Hodder and Stoughton are publishing on June r6th. The Lord Reigneth, also published by Hodder on the same day, contains five lectures on the Book of Revelation written for the layman by Adam W. Burnet.

Roger Vailland, a French novelist none of whose books has pre- viously been translated into English, won the Prix Interallie of 1945 with his novel Driile de leu. This has now been translated by Gerard Hopkins, and it will be published by Chatto and Windus under the title Playing With Fire. It is a study of the effect on character of the forced ideologies and unusual stresses of the Resistance, stresses which are daily becoming more evident on the surface of French life. But it is very far from belonging to the now almost traditional school of " Underground " stories. "Dieu merci," said Maurice Noel in Figaro, "nous avons ichappe a une Resistance stereotypie et statufthe."

Malcolm Elwin, whose study of Llewelyn Powys was published recently, has made a new biographical appreciation of Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey, showing their effect on each other's work, and, more broadly, on the course of English literature. Its title is The First Romantics (Macdonald). Meanwhile, he has been editing and compiling an anthology of verse, prose and short stories by con- temporary writers, among them being T. F. Powys, Henry William- son, Middleton Murry and Elizabeth Myers. And there is also included a hitherto unpublished essay by Llewelyn Powys. The title of this book is The Pleasure Ground. The publishers are Macdonald.

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Vision of Peru is by Violet Clifton, author of The Book of Talbot, which won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize when it was pub- lished some fifteen years ago. In her new book Mrs. Clifton, traveller and artist, fills in the gaps in Prescott and the history -books with descriptions of the kings, conquerors, saints and 'people of Peru, much of the detail being derived from her own personal experiences. The book will be published by' Duckworth on June irth.

Stevens are publishing a new study in jurisprudence by Professor Julius Stone entitled The Province and Function of Law: Law as Logic,7ustice and Social Control, which was originally published in Australia.

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In Nationalism and Internationalism, which Dobson are publish- ing on June r6th, Don Luigi Sturzo, an Italian Liberal who early earned the enmity of Mussolini's regime, discusses the place of the Catholic Church in relation to politics, with reference to Fascism,